Diverse Pornography
Reading the backs of the '93 scoresheets I get the impression of increasing harrassment (tap) by various Jews, Homosexuals, and blacks. The club got a new Tournament Director, a nice black fella who would later mis-pair me frequently. In one bizarre case my tournament results were attributed to el fisho himself when somebody substituted his USCF ID number in place of mine. The fish's rating jumped from 1600 to 1624 as a result, even though he was not playing in that tournament. We also got a new Treasurer, a CPA no less.
Several of my notes describe DMFF (Denver's Most Famous Fish) on various occasions as, 'looking old,' 'angry,' 'ugly,' 'in misery,' 'very angry.' Mostly he was absent. I think that my mere presence at the club upset (tap) him. If so, that was a by-product. My intention was to play my favorite game.
One strange night the club was visited by a couple of folks from Westworld, one of Denver's minor (tap) newspapers. It happened on that night that I was paired with the fish himself, who seemed to be very at ease with them as he conversed and posed for photographs. However he became quite flustered when we (tap) sat down to play the game, which began with, 1.Nf3 e5?
The fish had reversed the positions of his king and queen and failed to notice that as he made his first move. I insisted (boom) that he fix the position and replay his first move. His second first move was much better but his game went downhill from there:
1.Nf3 d6 2.e4 e5 3.Bc4 Bg4 4.Nc3 Nc6 5.h3 Bh5 6.d3 Be7 7.g4 Bg6 8.Be3 Na5 9.Bb3 Nb3 10.ab3 b6 11.d4 ed4 12.Nd4 Nf6 13.Nf5 O-O 14.Qd2 Nd7 15.O-O-O a5 16.Nd5 Re8 17.Nde7+ Re7 18.Ne7+ Qe7 19.f3 a4 20.b4 Ne5 21.Qd5 Ra7 22.f4 Nd7 23.f5 Nf6 24.Qc6 a3 25.ba3 Ra3 26.Bd4 Ne4 27.Rhe1 Qg5+ 28.Kb2 Rb3+ 29.Kb3 (1-0)
One of the players had his bare ass showing and I suggested to the photographer that since he already had a photograph of 'one big ass' (el fisho) in his camera he might as well take a photograph of the other. He complied (thump).