Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Woodpecker Preferences?


Since Daily Scratchpad continues to hog the main action for now, I suppose I ought to continue in the 'naturalistic mode' of publishing this unique series of photographs of trees which have been struck by lightening.

Looks like both branches of this tree have been struck at one time of another. The HC Trail is in the foreground. The bright areas on the tree reflect 'barkless' regions. Notice the woodpecker hole on the top right. Woodpeckers seem to prefer 'circumcised' trees.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Hot Breezy Afternoons...


I ignored them.

I continued to pee in my pants in DeCovend Park for several years after that, enjoying it immensely. I knew by that time that my life as I had known it was over: something very strange was going on and I would never recover in the sense of being thought of as 'normal.' I was forever abnormal. But why?

I read a lot of quasi-religious books there in DeCovend Park while I laid there peeing in my pants on hot breezy summer afternoons: Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh; Carlos Casteneda... I was an Atheist in need of a new Mythology. Christianity was forever closed to me: too dumb. I could never believe it. It was crap.
Castena provided me with the concept of 'the Warrior.' That became my new mythology. Meanwhile BSR educated me concerning my fellow man: my fellow man was a snake. It was a revelation. I had never suspected that. I eventually formulated my current view of my fellow man (and woman): the genetic Bell Curve. Evil was genetic and it pretty much followed the classic Bell Curve. I still believe that. BSR also introduced me to the idea that certain people can become 'enlightened.' Those people resided, so to say, on the other side of the Bell Curve with me. With me!
I still believe that. I know that!

Meanwhile I learned about Ouspensky and others who were recommended by BSR. I made sense of my experiences with LSD in those contexts. I was on the right track!

I read many related works by modern psychological writers. They confirmed my impressions. Meanwhile I continued to enjoy the glorious sensual fellings associated with peeing in my pants on hot breezy afternoons in DeCovend Park.

My Attractive Little Perversion


Been neglecting Non Serviam for a while and, in fact, relegating it to a Nature Commentary. I predict that it will recover its former glory. But in the meantime I will favor you with photos of tree-struck lightening events along the Highline Canal. Enjoy:

The three trees depicted were all on the wet side of the Highline Canal Trail. They all obviously suffered the effects of being struck by lightening. Most people would pass them by (boom) not realizing their violent past. These three were among a group of seven that I noticed on a bike ride in the vicinity of the Southglenn Ice Arena at DeCovend Park.

By the way: DeCovend Park was (tap) my favorite spot (tap) pantspeeingwise: I would select what appeared to be (tap) a secluded area. I would lay out my blanket. I would lay down and read a book while I drank Diet Pepsi. Eventually I would have to pee. Instead of getting up and heading to the local public potty I would pee in my pants. What sensual fun! I loved it!

My pants would eventually dry out. They would dry much faster in hot temperatures of course, but a strong breeze was the best 'drying agent.' A hot windy day with low humidity was the perfect venue for covert pantspeeing in DeCovend Park.

I did my pantspeeing thing for a couple of summers (tap) before Gerash's agents began to inform me that they were fans of my private activity: they would enter my car parked in the Ice Arena parking lot (using their key). Then they would rotate the mirror clockwise to the stops. It was their way of informing me that they (boom) knew of my little perversion. They had obviously been watching me somehow and they wanted me to know it.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Notes to God


I already have some photos in draft versions of Daily Scratchpad. I'll go over there later. In the meantime I was totally charmed by this series of questions to God written by children on Postit notes. Did God ever answer those questions? probably not. So I figured that since I had the Brown Telephone and knew God's number I would call Him up and ask Him those questions.

I have to admit that God was hesitant at first. He knows me well. But when I explained that the questions were only children's questions He immediately agreed to answer them. Here are the answers. You will need to read the questions at the above site in order to make sense of the answers:

to Lucy: 'I am really invisible.'
to Norma: 'Giraffe?' (me: Giraffes are long-necked animals who live in Africa.)
to me: 'Africa?'
to Jane: 'Simple math, Jane: think Praise. Worship. Adulation.'
to Neil: 'I understand and look the other way.'
to Jennifer: 'Thy question is a good one. It is true. Language has gone downhill since then.'
to Robert: 'Jewish.'
to Joyce: 'Oops.'
to Ginny: 'Every day is a good day.'
to Denise 'Don't worry about that.'
to Raphael: 'No deal.'
to Peter: 'Request denied. Deal with it.'
to Larry: 'Thank you for your input.'
to Sam: 'We'll see...'
to Mark: 'I won't forget.'
to Dean: 'I never worry.'
to Ruth M: 'Careful. Those things can get you in trouble.'
to Elliott: 'Way to go!'
to Nan: 'And getting harder all the time.'
to Mickey D: 'I need the GPS coordinates.'
to Chris: 'Those were the good ole days.'
to Donna: 'Thank you Donna. I'll get him for that.'
to Jonathan: 'Extinct?'
to Charles: 'Thank you my good and faithful servant.'

Goto Daily Scratchpad