Friday, January 28, 2005

More Bhagwanisms


If you are still with me then you will be pleased to know that what follows is not philosophy and not religion, but aphorism:
The moment you entered life you entered death. Now nothing can be done about it.

A tense man cannot love. Why? A tense man always lives with purposes. He can earn money but he cannot love because love is purposeless.

Can you die in the future? No one has ever died in the future. You can only die in the present.

There are many moments when heaven is just near you, but you are so attached and involved with the hell that you go on missing it. The sun rises, the flowers open, the birds sing and the breeze blows through the trees. It is happening! A small child looks at you with innocent eyes, and a subtle feeling of bliss enters you. Or someone smiles and you feel blissful.

My Interview With God


Which brings us to about 2230L. I have finished most of to(stomp just above me)night's whiskey. It is unlikely that I will attempt to write anything serious after this. The continuation of my interview with God will have to wait until next Friday Night. I know you love God, so I sincerely advise you to tune in next Friday night.

Essential Technique


After reading the above interview you might be wondering how I managed it. You have been angling for such an interview for many years. Right? In fact, your questions concerning the current subject amount to a clamor for information and I am beginning to feel overwhelmed. You wish to tap into my connection with God not realizing that to deal with God is somewhat like dealing with a King Cobra: you need to know the technique otherwise you will be fatally bitten.

And you don't know the technique! Idiots! I know, you don't know! I can tell you this: if you wish to relate to God at my level you will need to spend years in the study of God.

Roe vs God


I have adjusted the title of this subject after doing a quick look on Google which showed that my original idea (God vs Wade) was ludicrous. The new subject is Roe vs God.

As you know, Abortion is a very large sin in many quarters, and although this dubious practice continues to be legal in many countries including the U.S., Christian Fundamentalists in the U.S. have been mounting an impressive political attack against the idea, based on the notion that God infuses each and every conception with an 'immortal soul' which will never die. Catholics (based on my memories of my original religion), maintain that every fetus no matter how small or how young is imbued with an 'immortal soul,' and that therefore abortion is murder. (It is much more complex than this but you get the idea.)

I intend to solve the question herewith: Is Abortion murder? Furthermore, I intend to involke the words of God Hirself in the solution of this mystery. What follows an interview with God.
ME: Are you God?
ME: Do You know why I have summoned you?
GD: I know Everything.
ME: Do You promise to tell the truth during this interview?
GD: I promise.
ME: Is it true that you imbue every conception with an Immortal Soul?
GD: That is true.
ME: Is it also true that many of those 'fetuses' die before birth?
GD: True.
ME: Are fetuses, people?
GD: They are.
ME: Tell us what happens to the souls of people who die.
GD: I can see right now that you have been reading too much Aristotle.
ME: Please stay focused on our subject. What happens?
GD: It depends: the souls of good people go to Heaven; the souls of bad people go to Hell; the souls of average people go to Purgatory.
ME: What about the souls of fetuses? Where do they go?
GD: Limbo.
ME: They dance?
GD: Do not mock The Lord thy God!
ME: Sorry. Where? Where is Limbo?
GD: Limbo exists in the Supernatural World, not in the Natural World.
ME: Do Heaven and Hell also exist in the Supernatural World?
GD: Of course.
ME: Does anything else exist in the Supernatural World?
GD: Nothing else.
ME: Thank you very much! Will you agree to do one more interview?
GD: Against My better judgement I will agree.

We Wonder


It is an exciting time in Iraq nowadays, not to mention that Iraqi elections will take place, more or less, on Sunday. And we are all looking forward to those elections! We wonder. We wonder how a terrorized population which does not know the identity of most of the candidates nor the location of most of the polling places nor the nature of most of the political questions to be addressed by the said 'election' can reasonably 'vote!' We wonder.

And yet in spite of all the uncertainty - perhaps because of it - we understand that here is the Definitive Test of the 'Bush Policy of Preemption.' Will the Iraqis let Bush down? We wonder, and we are immensely interested in the answer (Being gassed here. I walked into the LR to see that the McLaughlin Group was on, being recorded by TIVO).

The last note refers to the juxtaposition between abortion and miscarriage. In both cases the fetus is destroyed. Yet our moral senses tell us that there is a fundamental difference which separates those two cases. I intend to 'investigate' (drunk as I am) the relationship.



Whew! Boy, that session went downhill rapidly after a promising start. Booze is obviously a friend of the emotional brain and an enemy of the logical brain. And I had such high aspirations when I began it all! Oh, well... I forgive me.

Tonight's notes: Auschwitz anniversary - Gassing - Elections?! - God vs Wade.

Yesterday was the 60th anniversary of the Russian liberation of the Auschwitz concentration camp. The anniversary was 'all over the news' (thump) as usual, but I noticed that there was 'minimal pornography' in regard to this remembrance: no endless sickening video of emaciated Jewish bodies being thrown into mass graves, etc. I see this as a plus. I see this as a recognition of the efficacy of Spock's Cure: 'Forget...'

The Jews can never forget, of course. The Jews have coined the phrase 'Never again to us!' in memory of the Nazi Holocaust, and they don't intend to forget. Nor do the Jews intend to let you and me forget. But I think that we are slowly, surely, forgetting. I am.

Which brings us to the next note: gassing. Gassing has been extremely heavy this week, peaking Wednesday, when my vocal cords were so swollen that I could barely communicate with Kootch. I was fine Wednesday morning, but after a few hours at the computer playing C-III, I tried to talk, and discovered the problem. Gassing continued well above the usual level until today, when it took yet another uptrend, peaking this afternoon just before the Evening News and my first drink. It has since dropped off to virtual zero, as usual.

Wednesday saw a change in gassing tactic: previous to Wednesday all daytime gassing was 'local.' That is to say that they would gas me wherever I happened to be. When I detected the gas I could leave the affected area and obtain immediate relief. But beginning Wednesday they gassed me through the VS at a low level (boom): they injected the gas into the space just outside my bedroom window and it was drawn in by the VS. My first indication was when I tried to speak (being gassed here at 1924). This is their nightime practice, and Wednesday is the first occasion where I have noticed the use this technique in the daytime.

Which brings me to wonder about whether the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz could be a factor in the Jewish decision (I am being gassed by Jews) to increase their gassing attack. Could be. Jews become extremely angry whenever they remember stuff like Auschwitz. This endemic racial-religious anger might cause them to become much more hostile to us Goyim at such times, and especially to me, arch-anti-Semite that I am (tap).

Friday, January 21, 2005

Synthetic Tears


Your intellectual excrement is background to my bright and glorious ideas! You are dark, brown, the color of shit!

On the other hand I am bright red and white, the colors of love and adventure.

You think that brown is the 'new black.' Idiots! Brown is the color of shit! Only a faggot could equate the color brown with that absolute non-color, black! You hire queers who would define for you - idiots that you really are - current trends. Idiots!

I weep for you synthetical beings. I shed synthetic tears.

Belief in Excrement


This brings us to the idea that you can enter paradise through violence. The Muslims believe that you can enter Paradise by blowing yourself (and others around you) up in the service of God. Is this true? Is it true that if you blow yourselves up in the company of other, dubious people, you will be rewarded by God with seventy virgins in the 'afterlife?' It seems to be a palatable idea to those poor Muslim fools who long for pussy!

Between the ages of 12 and 32 (the age of prime orgasmic reward) they, poor circumcates that they are, realize that their sexual lives are going downhill and that their only redemption is in the Next Life where God will reward their suicide with 72 virgins...

Those Muslim fools really believe that shit!

But is their foolish belief much difference from your foolish belief that you will survive your personal death? I think not. I think you believe crap! I think you all believe crap!

This understanding of your ignorance and stupidity bathes my Self Esteem in glory!

You Idiots!



Which brings us to Bhagwanisms I think might edify you - idiots! Forget about philosophy.
Forget about modern politic. I intend to irritate you with Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh. I quote from my notes:

The Western Mind is always interested in the end result and the East is always interested in the Beginning, not the end. To the Eastern Mind the end is useless; the importance is in the beginning.

Do you think that you are awake? Each morning you open your eyes, that is one thing, but to be awake is totally different.

Beauty is a creation of love.

I teach a sensuous religion. I teach a sensitive religion.

Why does a man fall in love with a woman? Because he carries a woman within him; otherwise he would not fall in love.

God does not exist unless your heart is full of love. (!)

History is meaningless bunk!

I am not for order at all. Disorder is perfectly beautiful. So let there be disorder - nothing wrong.

Real education will teach children the most fundamental truth: I am alone.

My whole approach is living moment to moment; enlightened or unenlightened, what does it matter? Living moment to moment joyously, ecstatically, living moment to moment totally, intensely, passionately...

Paradise is not something geographical. Paradise is not somewhere else. Paradise is a way of living.

I Love You


It seems to me that I have been typing for an hour or so to no avail. I believe it. My subject has been, 'Bhagwanisms.' I love Bhagwan because he was so very instrumental in my education. I think of Bhagwan's books as the elixier of my higher life, and I want to pass that aspect of my lovely and glorious life on to you - idiots that you are.

And so I sit here drunk as a skunk remembering you and your glorious beauty and thinking that I must owe you some return, and I am right! I owe you, because you have given such beauty to my life. You are so beautiful! I love you so very much!

No Hope


This brings us to the end of a boring day. BPC-II has just begun to flood my mind with beauty. I am on the verge of admitting that my current existence will soon pass into Eternity. Yet here I sit, listening. I am still here! I am alive! Beauty! Love! No hope.

There is no hope for you and me. No hope. Forget hope. Forget faith. Love! Love works.

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Numbers in the VOOT


Seven is the magic number in the VOOT. You would think that the number five, or the number ten, would be the magic number in the VOOT, but you would be wrong. I see this as ancient realization: those idiots who wrote the VOOT understood that the number five or the number ten would be related by their ignorant readers to the number of fingers on their hands and toes. That is to say that the numbers five and ten were such common numbers that they could never become mystical.

And so, those ancient folks whose design it was to awe their ancient readers, invented seven. Seven is a numerical scam! Do you believe in seven? If so you are deluded.

Another possible reason for the emergence of the number seven in mystical ideas is related to geometry: a cube has six sides. Two cubes have twelve sides. Seven and Eleven are rare in a random bout where each side is numbered incrementally and added together to define a result.

But I digress due to abject drunkedness.



The previous ideas seem to bring us closer to the concept of, 'Intelligent Design.' Especially, I think, those ideas tend to clarify the inate obscurities surrounding those two concepts. If that is true, then I claim to have contributed to the dialog.

But I report: you decide. Toward this end I would like to propose a series of questions. In my opinion these questions are fundamentally important because they lead us to inquire about our most loved ideas. That is, these questions present a most fundamental personal choice: the choice between our logical neuron supply and our emotional neuron supply. On the surface of it it is a simple question of numbers. But is it!? I think not.

I laugh hereabouts as I suggest that Nature ordained that our collective logical neurons would usually overcome our collective emotional neurons... I think that is true. But let me get us to the point of this: MIRROR!

Go back! Re-read!



Our moderator for this debate will be the universally trusted Tedious Coppelus (TC). We will begin without further ado:

TC: I will launch this debate with the challenge, 'Duck-billed Platypus.' Any comments?
SI: Whaa...?
MS: An egg-laying mammal from Australia.
TC: N:1; I:0.

TC: Next question: Anthrax?
SI: Avoid at all costs?
MS: A deadly natural disease fatal to most animals.
TC: N2; I0.

SI: I know that sucker: God's revenge against faggotry!
MS: Human Immune Virus.
TC: N3; I0.

TC: Plague?
SI: Rats?
MS: Disease born by fleas which lived on rats decimated Europe in the Middle Ages.
TC: N4; I0.

TC: Mis-carriage?
SI: Abortion! I know that!
MS: Premature birth resulting in the death of the fetus.
TC: N5; I0.

TC: Limbo.
SI: Is that a Biblical Place?
MS: The Eternal Abode of the Innocent Unbaptised.
TC: N6; I0.

TC: Taxes.
SI: God's revenge on the middle class?
MS: Our national respect for each other.
TC: N7; I0.

TC: Death.
SI: Obsolete, because Jesus is just around the corner. Halleluja!
MS: Inevitable.
TC: N8; I0.

TC: Letters From The Earth.
SI: What you write to your ancient ancestors in Heaven?
MS: A fantasy by Mark Twain.
TC: N9; I0.



If I am not mistaken (not too drunk) we have reached a position where we might be able to compare definitions:



What follows from this is a small debate between Simplitico Idio (SI), and Moderna Sciente (MS). The former is a well known Bible Bombast, whereas the latter is a much less well known scientist of the female persuasion.

The Current State


The new definition is problematical: it brings into the equation a new term: creator. The idea of 'Intelligent Design' has morphed into the idea of 'Intelligent Creator.' Should we allow this? I think so. I think we can allow that the designer of the Universe and the creator of the Universe could possibly be the same entity. But remember: we have departed significantly from the original concept of 'Intelligent Design.' Have we not? And remember: we are up against hundreds of years of scientific research which tends to confirm the opposite conclusion: OUR WORLD AND EVERYTHING IN IT IS THE RESULT OF FUNDAMENTAL NATURAL LAWS WHICH DEFINE THE BEHAVIOR OF EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE AND WHICH HAVE PRODUCED THE CURRENT STATE.

Intelligent Design


So far, the American Court System has rebuffed the proponents of this alternative theory. We have no doubt that European courts would take the same tack were the theory to surface there. But we have heard no arguments for or against, only reports of judicial decisions against the concept. Not even a definition of Intelligent Design has appeared in the media. So I will begin by offering a definition of 'Intelligent Design:' OUR WORLD AND EVERYTHING IN IT WAS DESIGNED BY AN INTELLIGENT BEING.

You laugh: 'There is many a slip between the cup and the lip; design is one thing; Creation is yet another. Suppose the designer intends one thing and the creator produces something else?'

Good point. I will therefore modify the definition: OUR WORLD AND EVERYTHING IN IT WAS DESIGNED AND CREATED BY AN INTELLIGENT BEING. Will this work? We shall see...

What Crap!


What crap! Let this be a lesson to you boys and girls out there: never write a blog drunk. Drink if you must; write if you must; but if you drink and write, remember: it is best not to read the results sober.

Tonights notes are summed up in the words, 'Intelligent design.' I intend to examine the idea. Does it make any sense? What could it mean? By way of prefacing tonight's theme I should probably sum up the current situation: Evolution is one of the concepts currently being taught in Biology classes all over the world. As I have already said, it is the unifying principle of Biology. None of biology would make any sense absent this fundamental principle. Recently, the concept of 'Intelligent Design' has emerged as a possible alternative. The proponents of this 'theory of intelligent design' are suggesting that it is equally as valid a 'theory' as the 'theory of evolution,' and as such should be taught in American public schools.

No description of the theory has emerged, however, and it is widely believed and reported in the press that this 'theory' is little more than an attempt by the Religious Right to pollute Science with Religion. Is it? Yes? No? It seems to me that what we have here is an information vacuum. This vacuum is inviting. I can never resist a vacuum.

Three Vitrues


Hope is psychologically necessary of course, but you need to learn to live with minimal hope. You need to learn to live with miniscule hope. All you need is a little hope. Very little hope. Not much.

I must admit that you also need a little faith. Not much: only a little faith will do. As you live out your glorious and beautiful lives you will only need a little faith. Not much! A little faith will do, and a little, small, hope. You will also need love.

Faith and Hope are the most miniscule terms in our equation. Love is the biggie. If you want to live successfully you will need love. Love beautifies. Life without faith or hope is doomed, but life without love is slavery.

So 'these three are necessary, but the greatest of these is love.'

Saturday, January 15, 2005



Do you believe that I am writing this about 1:30 AM? If so then you know that I am drunk as a skunk. You must be wondering about my ability to cogitate. You must be somewhat suspicious concerning my ability to reason from A to B. I love that about you! I have no doubt whatsoever that you love that about me too!

This 'evaluation' is an emotional idea which presents itself inevitably: We are a suspicious folk! We distrust each other. Why? That is the question. The answer resides in our emotional brain. The answer resides in the inevitable conclusion that your God is bogus, whereas our glorious God is really Real!

As I watch you IDIOTS wondering about current existential questions I giggle.

I know that your God is Myth.



Which brings us to our final post for tonight. As I sit here in my lovely knowlege of All and Everything I have to admit that although I weep for you I am powerless to help you. If I could reach out to you and give you fifty dollars, and if that money would make a significant result in your beautiful lives, I would do it! In fact I did it! I love you!

But I am as powerless as God. I am insignificant in that comparitive sense. As I watch your lovely lives gone awry I weep for you and me. You are so beautiful! I love you so much!

This Problem Will Never Be Solved


This brings us to the idea of beginnings. Bible Believers believe the Myth of Gesisis, which is related in the VOOT, the Very Old and Odius Testament. Those folks think that the world was created about six thousand years ago. They think that Adam and Eve sinned such that all their progeny were doomed to burn in Hell forever due to the 'Wrath of God' unless God could come up with an alternative idea: Salvation. Salvation was a Startling Idea! A Glorious Idea!

God came up with the idea of a 'scapegoat' which was an old Jewish Idea intended to please the Jewish God. The Old and Odius Jewish God created Jesus. Jesus was the Son of God, whose destiny was to become a scapegoat whose eventual destiny was pleasing to God.

We get the impression that God is an Emotional Being who revels in the concept of revenge. This idea is a kind of summation of the VOOT. We teach this dubious idea to our children. Our teachings become the fundamental emotional basis of their lives, such that they find it very difficult to contemplate ideas which fundamentally conflict with stupid old Jewish ideas.

This is an Existential Problem. This problem will never be solved.

Friday, January 14, 2005

Stupid You!


Life is 'multi-situational' in the sense that it invades all possible niches. JPII is right about life as 'a Sacred Idea.' Do you think that JP-II is an ignorant Fundamentalist Catholic? Yes?

If so you are wrong. JP-II is a very sophisticated Human Being who finds himself in a glorious situation: that of Chief Philosopher of an immense religion. JP-II may be an Atheist who is at odds with some of the tenets of modern Catholicism - maybe not. On the other hand JP-II may be a 'Scientist' who finds himself in the immense position of heading an immense religion. If He is correct it is His moral duty to chart a course which will benefit Mankind, the question is this: 'Would you, idiot that you are, recognize His essential idea?. Have you ever wondered about the problems faced by JPII? No?' Stupid You!

Rich Psychological Life!


Another warm night! I love these nights where I don't have to run the VS! Since the last posts I have been enjoying my life in the form of video games, exclusively in the form of C-III. There has been no 'Eu(I just realized that I am writing this with no music! This is not acceptable! So I put on Beethoven's Piano Concerto number one. Now, as I revel in my glorious drunken consciousness I am able to enjoy Beethoven too! I love it!) ropean input whatsoever. I have enjoyed dominating the male historical figures of the Ancient World, and I have defeated them.

This is my life.

I have no friends, except Kootch. I enjoy living in two worlds: the world of fantasy buttressed by technology, and the real world where I can see the glorious faces of my Japanese wife from time to time. It is a minimalist world. At first glance you would be tempted to conclude that this world is a world which could not support psychological life. You would be wrong about that.

In fact this world supports a very rich psychological life!

You are an Idiot


Rereading the previous posts I extend my personal impremature (pronounced: IM - PREE - MAH - TOUR, a Vatican idea which confers validity). I constantly reread my thoughts looking for lies, and where I find them I expose them. Do you do that? I think not. What is the reason for that? Why do I hate The Lie? More important, Why do you not hate the lie? This is the difference between you and me, the psychological difference. It seems to me that you do not know what is fundamentally valuable. I am right about that: I know, and you don't know. You are an idiot.

Poor Harry!


Poor Harry! He must be under tremendous pressure. At the age of twenty you don't know the truth you only know pussy; your entire being is directed toward producing offspring. Harry's situation is quite grotesque when you think about it: Harry is in the unenvious position of being constantly 'Politically Correct, Socially Correct, Religiously Correct, Brittianeously Correct!' It is an untennable situation. We don't envy Harry, the Prince of England. We love our obscurity!

At the same time we pity Harry who got it exactly right.

Harry Got it Right!



I don't dare read this stuff sober, of course, because it gets to be really silly sometimes. Today was one of those occasions when I approached this drog with trepadation even after being psychologically bolstered (tap - TMT is back) by a couple of drinks. But I forgive myself very easily and move on. I don't need God's forgiveness. God is irrelevant.

Which brings me to tonight's notes: Trip to Titan - Bush Unplugged - Blink, Malcolm Gladwell - Nightline and Intelligent Design (I think not!) - Piltdown man; skullduggery? - Mein Fury.

The first note refers to the Huygens probe to Titan. The returned photographs are at once impressive and unimpressive. The lack of color - even false color - is unimpressive; all the rest is impressive. Some say that this moon of Saturn is close in composition to the primitive Earth, but at a temperature of -280 degrees (C? F?) it is difficult for me to believe this, unless they mean a time before the Sun was fully 'turned on.'

Bush unplugged refers to the latest Bush interview wherein he admits occasional verbal faux pas like the infamous 'Bring it on' sound byte which is now being used by the Iraqi opposition in its propaganda videos. It is often painful for me to watch Bush tv because I see Bush as, 'The Idiot in the White House.' No doubt the 20/20 interview will need to be watched with some sort of medication...

Blink... refers to a book by Malcolm Caldwell which apparently examines the emotional (stomp)brain, and its universal tendency to 'judge' various situations and persons instantaneously. Not having read the book I can't say what it is all about, but let me guess: it is a book about how we are ruled by our emotional brain, not by our logical brain, and how that aspect of our brain can at times be antithetical to our greater good. Did I get that right? The main point of the book is that most of the time our emotional brain is right on the money, but that there are situations where it is wrong, wrong, wrong.

The Nightline note refers to last night's Nightline concerning 'Intelligent Design.' Seems that some Dover, Pennsylvania school board objected to the current science curriculum which teaches Evolution as the fundamental unifying principle of biology, and introduced the concept of 'Intelligent Design' as a plausible substitute, and that the result was a lawsuit by the ACLU. I love stuff like this! So I was very interested by this Nightline piece. An interesting fact emerged from the piece to the effect that America is roughly divided into thirds regarding the 'truth of Evolution:' one third believes in Evolution; one third denies Evolution, and one third 'doesn't have a clue.'
I see this 'Gallup Poll' as firm evidence that I live in a World Full of Idiots and that I am not one of them. Very pleasing. The Nightline piece invites us to wonder about the idea of 'Intelligent Design:' What can that mean? (being gassed here at 1937). I wonder. Is the Universe in some sense, 'intelligent?' Yes, I think so. Is that attribute of The Universe the result of an 'Intelligent Creator working on a Master Plan?' That is the question. I think that the question is hopelessly 'anthropomorphical in nature' and therefore does not deserve serious consideration. My current position - subject to change - is this: The Universe is intelligent in the sense that it is able to overcome Entropy in some astonishing ways.

The 'Piltdown Man - skullduggery' note refers to a recent tv account (on Nature?) to the effect that the Brits concocted Piltdown Man as answer to the European discovery of Neanderthal. I loved this glorious piece! One word, 'skullduggery,' struck me: was this usage an example of 'punnery?' Curious, I looked up the word, 'skullduggery.' The etymology of the word suggested that the origin of the word was, 'unknown.' Astonishing! I refuse to believe that the word, 'skullduggery,' was in use before the 'Piltdown Man' scenerio and was not derived from that very unfortunate British Experience. But I could be wrong. Set me right if you can.

Mein Fury refers of course to the the British Prince who wore a Nazi costume to a party which advertised itself as a 'bad taste party' which would award the title of 'chief bad taster' to the person who came dressed up in the baddest taste. Harry-boy apparently won the party prize for his Nazi costume. There resulted much International Anguish! I laughed!

Was not Harry correct? Did not Harry win the prize? 'They' say that Harry was obviously indiscreet for a 20 year old who had received a first class education. But I say that Harry got it right on!

Saturday, January 08, 2005

Immediate Stuff


Time for me to abandon this keyboard in favor of more immediate stuff. Keyboard is esoteric.

Immediate stuff is what I will eat for supper. Kootch may have made 'tendon' from yesterday's Tempura. She loves that stuff. I love it too. We are both going on a diet in the very near future.
I just checked: Kootch did not make Tendon. Instead she concocted a mixture of Refried Beans and green chilli and yellow cheese into a dip. We will scoop that magnificient stuff up with about two pounds of Frito's Corn Chips.

Apparently we will both go on our New Years Diet a few days from now. Naturally I will keep you informed...

We Will Never Meet


You - lovely stuff that you are - are hanging on, reading, knowing I am drunk. You know that in spite of inebriation I am still capable of presenting astonishing ideas to a comfortable clan. You know! I love you so much!

This keeps me writing. Do you feel guilty about me? Yez? Don't! We will never meet. Never, ever. Realize that our aloneness, our isolation is metaphorical as well as physical. You and I will never, ever, meet. Never! Ever!

You and me are united spiritually. We are one.

But we will never meet.




Time for me to end this. I fear that I may not have presented a valuable idea here, focusing as I have on my local interests. I feel that there is no justification whatsoever for what I write here every week unless I can offer up to you some sort of valuable idea.

Toward this end I am reaching for my stash of Bhagwanisms... standby... I quote from The Mustard Seed:
The God has died into this universe; he is in it, he is lost in it. That's why you cannot find God.

Intelligence is rebellious.

Deep down you are looking for sex everywhere.

Whatsoever mess you are in, just see it as it is.

Whereever there is beauty there is sex.

Truth cannot be invented, it has to be discovered.

Don't feel guilty, otherwise you will seek punishment.

Philosophy is for luxurious moments.

This thing desire has no bottom.

It is easy to approach a priest - he is as false as you.

Freedom and aloneness are two aspects of the same thing.

To be alone is very difficult, very unusual, extraordinary.

Death negates the businessman.

Friday, January 07, 2005

Modus Operandi


I was very pleased with the result of the Kootch interview even though she did not get it right. The cops left without charging me with a crime.

And yet, I was a bit disappointed. Half of me was looking forward to being charged with some sort of crime, say, 'Harrassment.' If the ACSD had charged me with a crime I would have been automatically granted unusual rights! I love that about America! 'Criminals' are automatically granted exceptional rights to investigate!

I also knew that I had nothing to fear from either the ACSD or the ACCJS: I knew that if I refused to cooperate with the ACP and insisted on a Trial by Jury I would win: the DA would be forced to drop the charges against me due to a 'lack of evidence!'

This (tap) has been the previous MO: harrass me to the point where I react such that I might be guilty of a crime; call the police. Have them charge me. Rely on me agreeing to a 'plea bargain.' If I refuse a plea bargain and insist on a trial by jury, then move the aggrieved inhabitants up above out of state or to otherwise unreachable locations, thus forcing the ACDA to drop the charges against me!

You can look it up: ever since I have refused to bargain with the ACPO they have been forced to drop the charges against me! I look forward to many happy returns. I am not afraid of the ACSD police or the ACSD prosecutors.

Wrong Answer


The two officers explained the problem to me from their perspective: they had answered a call from the folks upstairs who claimed that I had kicked their door for no apparent reason. They wanted to hear my side of the story.

I told them that I had indeed kicked their door, but that I had done the dastardly deed after much provocation in the form of stomps just above me.

There followed much discussion of details. The officers and I arrived at somewhat of a 'rule of behavior' such that if those folks upstairs continued to stomp (or drop heavy objects like bowling balls) above me I would call the ACSD. I pointed out to them that this behavior was almost a daily thing and that if I called the ACSD every time I had a problem with the folks upstairs it would 'get to be very old.'

As those two cops stood there listening to me and probing me with questions it became clear to me that they were both very cognizant of my voice recorder which was faithfully recording the situation, red light on.

The break in the situation came at the point where the senior officer asked me to bring my wife into the discussion.

I advised the officer that it was a bad idea to involve Kootch in view of the fact that she was watching her Broncos. He insisted on disturbing poor Kootch. I opened her door and advised her that there was somebody who wanted to speak to her. I introduced her to the cop. He asked her if she had heard any unusual noises recently. Kootch replied, looking from him to me, 'Running?'

Wrong answer.



Last Sunday afternoon saw the most recent incident in my personal war. After a series of very violent stomps just above me as I played C-III, I put my tennis shoes on and went upstairs and kicked their door. As I was retreating from the scene the male opened the door and confronted me. I told him that if he continued to stomp on my ceiling I would continue to kick their door.

They usually wait until Kootch is asleep. Kootch is usually asleep by 1900. Only then do they stomp, and they stomp just above me as I play video games in my computer. After a series of such stomps I allowed myself to become infuriated: I went into the LR and put on my tennis shoes; then I went upstairs and kicked their door. It was an unmistakable message.

I suspected that he would call the ACSD (tap). So I took a shower, shaved, combed my hair, and dressed in the usual attire. I also slipped a mint into my mouth and retreived my voice recorder: I was ready for the ACSD! Meanwhile Kootch was watching her Broncos. I did not even consider bothering Kootch with what I had done.

After a while I spotted an ACSD car opposite my LR window. Very indiscreet! They usually park at the other end of the building! I awaited a visit from the folks who are charged with the maintenance of public order in this Colorado county. After about fifteen minutes there was a knock on my door. My peek through the peephole revealed a figure to the extreme right. I opened the door.

There were two of them this time. They asked whether they might enter and discuss a problem with the neighbors. I consented, voice recorder in hand, and advised them that I was recording the conversation on my voice recorder. They did not object.

Warm Feelings


I just now caught another sample of SC and they are still on the subject of religion, one of my favorite subjects. Unfortunately I am drunk as a skunk and not qualified to participate in this session as a critical viewer, so I will let it pass.

I am enjoying a warm evening. The VS is off. The air (thump) is clean. I can inhale freely without fear that there will be a sudden violent burning sensation in my lungs. I can inhale without fear there will be a cutting sensation in my throat. They are not gassing me. I see this as, 'circumspective behavior.' (Oops: I just got a little shot of it there... first shot in three hours... now more gas.)

I conclude that the gassers like Friday nights. Another reasonable conclusion is that they don't wish to be included in an ugly chronology. Yes, that must be it: they would prefer to avoid becoming the subject of an angry exposition. Right? So they lay low when I am writing this, as well they should. In any case I am enjoying a warm evening.

Recent evenings have been filled with frigidity. Whereas now I am wearing a short-sleeved shirt and shorts, my usual attire, all this week I have been forced to wear at least a long-sleeved sweater and long sweat pants and socks, protective gear against the cold air blown into our apartment by the VS. I have a choice: breathe their gas or endure cold. I prefer cold.



I just now caught the end of a segment of Scarborough Country which featured a True Believer and an Atheist giving us their respective thoughts on the religious meanings of the Tidal Wave. The Atheist (Michael Newdow) expressed what is essentially my own personal view, whereas the woman (whose name I did not remember) seemed to express one of the various religious views: God is punishing Humanity for various sins.

I am not an Atheist like Michael Newdow. My position is slightly less emphatic. Neither I am an Agnostic. Agnostics say, in reference to the question, 'Does God exist?', 'I don't know.'

There is no name for my position on the issue of whether or not God exists. So far as I know, my position is quite common but lacks even the most primitive philosophical name, or title. My position on the question of the existence of God is this: God is Irrelevant. God might exist; might not exist. But in either case God is irrelevant. Powerless.

Some folks understand this intuitivly and go about their lives with this basic understanding. To them it is a natural philosophical position. Not so with me.

I arrived at this position after many years of study. With me it was not a natural conclusion but the end of an enquiry, a long investigation. It was a personal achievment.

This is the reason why I see the current disaster in a purely natural context. God may or may not exist but is in any case powerless.

Tonight's Notes


TGIF+HBKC! My notes don't look too promising: vote- Iraqi father, Frontline, Nature, Nova - 'Democracies equal peace' - Mozart TTLS - Politics vs Religion (circ) - Now (Bill Moyers).

The first note refers to the rules defining an eligible voter in Iraq. One of those rules states that the prospective voter must be descended from an Iraqi father. I thought this rule interesting, especially when it is compared with the rule used by the Jews to define an eligible Jewish being. The Jews define the mother as the necessary parent, whereas the Iraqis define the father. My interest was piqued because both cultures are 'ancient.' How is it that the one defines fatherhood as essential, whereas the other defines motherhood as essential? And what does that say about those cultures?

I can understand the Jewish view(tap): whereas motherhood is indubitable, fatherhood is problematic (I am quoting myself here). The Iraqi view makes the less sense.

The 'Frontline, Nature, Nova' stuff was written down as I was thinking how much I owe to PBS. I must be in a self-reproachful mood, guilty about not contributing to that most deserving organization in many years.

The President recently suggested that one of the main reasons for his pre-emptive strike on Iraq was that 'Democracies equal peace and we aim to make Iraq a peaceful democracy' (or words to that effect). I had to laugh.

TTLS refers to the high point of my day so far. I was just parking the car in the King Soopers parking lot when KVOD began playing Mozart's 12 variations (tap) on 'Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.' I don't have it in my collection, so I sat there with the motor running, listening. The music is played on the piano. It begins with the pure melody (by Offenbach?), then, variation by variation, repeats itself with each succeeding variation illustrating a different Mozartean technique.

'Politics vs Religion' must refer to the differences between the Iraqi War and the Vietnamese War. As I was watching the piece on tv which inspired this thought, I was thinking, actually wondering, whether religious feelings were more ferocious than nationalistic feelings, and also wondering about the aspect of Penis Envy in this most recent war. I know that Jewish Penis Envy is a very ugly thing and I can't imagine that Muslim Penis Envy is any less ugly.

The last item refers to Bill Moyers leaving NOW. Bill Moyers is one of my heroes and I hope he finds satisfaction in his next endeavor. I found his series of interviews with Joseph Campbell unforgettable and equal in all respects to the science series done by Carl Sagan, another of my heroes.