Friday, August 06, 2004

You Are Asleep But You Can Awaken

The last tournament game at (the Capitol Hill ) DCC was 8-5-87.

I came away from the DCC experience with a fair understanding of what I had been up against (tap) and what the future might hold. I decided not to bother trying to get a job because I would then be an easy (tap) 'target.' Instead, I 'retired.' I read a lot and watched a lot of tv. Technology had left Word Salad in the dust, of course, but I used it to write a journal of sorts, now and then.

The years '88-'91 were fun years. I learned exactly what Casteneda's Don Juan meant by being 'free from the encumbering thoughts of other people.' I was quite interested in 'alternative religion' at the time. Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (yes, THAT one) was my favorite, and I read a lot of his stuff on Zen, Tantra, Yoga, Buddhism, Tao, and even Jesus. P.D. Ouspenski was another favorite. I found his 'The Fourth Way' particularly fascinating. Alan Watts was yet another, and I read several of his more famous books. Other favorites were, The Master Game, Mystic Path to Cosmic Power (somewhat corny title there), The Doors of Perception (Huxley), and a unique book by William Braden titled, The Private Sea - LSD and the Search for God. These last two focusing on the 'mystical experiences' produced by various drugs.

These books broadened my education considerably and fit nicely with my previous knowlege of Science, Philosophy, Psychology, and Illegal Drugs. I was becoming a well-rounded person in those years.

Through all these books ran a single theme: you are asleep but you can awaken. (1:00)