Friday, August 13, 2004

Surrogate Stalker Meets Ear Job

Stalkers have a fairly well-defined M.O. (bag of tricks). One of the stalker's 'tricks' is to let the 'mark' know that his (or her) activities are being closely followed by the stalker. The message, 'I know where you went' (or 'what you did' or 'what you said,' etc.) can be emotionally upsetting and Stalkers like doing that (tap) sort of thing. The 'mirror tweak' (which I have already described) is one example of the 'I know where you went' message.

Beginning in 1992 I began to observe another form of that basic message, perhaps a unique form (tap): I began 'meeting' unusual couples, usually at the maul, where I would go for exercise and people-watching. Their behavior was predictable and invariable:
1. We would always meet going in opposite directions.
2. The couple would always do something to attract my attention (loud talking, for example).
3. They were usually holding hands or otherwise demonstrating 'affection.'
4. The male was always black (usually very black).
5. The female was always white.
6. They were usually smiling.
7. At least one of them was always staring at me.
I could often spot a 'likely observer' walking some distance behind them (tap). I would see at least one such couple at the maul every day, often two or three couples. After several weeks of this it was clear that these meetings were not accidental. These 'meetings' went on for years, day in and day out (tap). Another characteristic of these meetings was that they were dependent on my 'routine.' That is, the couples would not show up when I went somewhere unexpected - unless I stayed around long enough at the unexpected location. Another characteristic was that after 30 minutes or so the couples would 'disappear.' No new couples would take their places.

A variation on this theme was the single black male. He would usually appear at places like the book store or the computer store (at the maul). This person would invariably stand quite close to me pretending to be interested in some book or some computer game near me. As the years went by there were other variations: obvious homosexuals, orientals, and one of the most interesting, a man (always a man) with an oxygen pack with a tube feeding oxygen into his nostrils. This is usually an indication the person has heart or lung (tap) disease. Whether these demonstrations were intended by el fisho to preview my eventual hoped-for condition or whether they had some connection to the eventual gassings is unknown.

In the case of the single black, or black couple, or queer who got too close for comfort, I devised the 'ear job,' and later, the 'nose job.' The ear job works like this: fix your fingers in the form of (what I call) the 'stinkfinger mudra,' then stuff the middle finger into one of your ears, pretending to be scratching the inside of your ear. A variation is to rotate your hand clockwise and then counter-clockwise several times. Be sure to get the correct ear. The message is unmistakable to a guilty party, but an innocent person will only think you're odd. Whenever I wanted to really get in their faces I would stare at them while I did this. The nose job is a variation of the ear job only more disgusting. I once had the pleasure of giving one of el fisho's sons an ear job while he was parked behind me on his motorcycle. I watched him in the rear view mirror as I screwed my finger one way, then the other. He shook his head slowly in the family manner, then sped around me. He is the only person who ever acknowleged seeing the maneuver.