Been Reading My Drog From '98
The spurious Tivo recordings continued after the phone line was disconnected, so if they are the result of hacking it ain't through the phone line. The problem is easy to work around; I simply delete the unwanted stuff without viewing it.
Back to the dirty work. These 'meetings in black and white' continued for years with occasional variations. One such variation involved a near-collision. The perpetrator would head straight for me as I was doing my daily walk in the maul. He would appear not to notice me, and the first time this happened I side-stepped out of the way, avoiding a collision. The next such incident a day or so later convinced me these were variations of the previous M.O. and I began to have some fun with them. When the person was quite near me I would say loudly, 'Watch out!' The person would literally jump out of the way. I later bought a loud 'personal alarm' from Radio Shack. I think I used it once, then the near collisions stopped. A variation on that theme was that the maul guards began making similar 'passes' at me and we brushed sholders on several occasions when I did not 'yield.' The behavior eventually disappeared entirely, as did the mirror tweak behavior, but not before I had made a formal complaint to the maul manager.
Been reading my log from '98 and so far there is no mention of 'maul meetings' so I presume that this form of harrassment disappeared around the time the gassings began. 1998 is the first mention of 'noxious fumes,' so I am assuming the gassing behavior was so satisfying that it replaced those other forms of harrassment. As I read further into '98 I may change my mind, (tap) however.
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