Tuesday, August 03, 2004

A Pleasing Appointment

The first thing he noticed was my voice (tap - the twerpy tapper has returned). He asked me whether my voice had been affected by the sore throat. I replied that the voice was 'normal with me' (I have learned not to bother these folks with my stalker-gassing problems). He asked me if I had been coughing. I replied in the affirmative but that frequent coughing was not unusual for me. He seemed satisfied.

He asked me to open my mouth for inspection, then he reached for a tongue depressor. I was watching him like a hawk, but the source of the tongue depressor was out of my sight. As he was about to examine my throat he said pleasantly, 'I'm going to gag you.' I thought, 'Uh-oh.'

After a brief (tap) examination including the usual feel for swollen neck glands he announced the the diagnosis and suggested chicken soup. I was very pleased. It could have been worse. As I left the examining room I said to him, 'Now I know why my wife recommends you, Doc.' He was very pleased.

When I later asked Kootch who her doctor was she replied, 'The Chinese guy.'