Friday, December 31, 2004

Long Live Canada!


This brings us up to the ten oclock news. Excuse me while I get another drink and watch tv for a while. I'll be back.

(1049) I'm back. There is some commotion above the living room, like many people dancing. It is the first time I have ever heard such a commotion up there, sort of muffled. I have left the LR and am now back here at the keyboard. I love this time of year. Beethoven has timed out and I will now restart BPC-1. I am only fairly drunk at this point and the music is interfering with the tv from the LR. I have poured myself another mixture of Diet Pepsi and Canadian Whiskey. And as I think about that it seems to me that this mixture is an American prescription in terms of American flesh and American soul. Canada is no doubt the Guru to America. What we need here in America is more Canadian Soul, not to mention more Canadian Whiskey. Canada has replaced America as the Land of Immigrants, and therefore as the primary land of World Opinion.

Canada has become the World Guru!

Long live Canada!

Techno-Evolutionary Disaster


In fact, I can imagine a series of commercials which are aired by a pharmaceutical firm which has developed an antagonist to the smell of human shit, causing that objectional smell to be modified such that it smells like fried chicken. Or fresh pizza. This is speculative of course because nobody knows what smells will be favored in the future. But it doesn't take much imagination to wonder about the eventual result of a genetic change in the human genome which would cause human poop to smell like fried chicken: A Disaster.

Can we get off this subject? Thank you.

Existential Odor


Recent science in this regard suggests that you lose the sense of smell first. If that is the case then both Kootch and I are not suspect. Kootch complains that my clothes smell bad, and that even I smell bad. She might be right. But I am unable to corroborate her findings: I have sniffed my underarms daily since her startling charge and I find their smells very interesting, in fact very pleasing: I love the smell of my underarms! I hate to admit this of course, but I am a journalist: I have to tell the truth.

Furthermore I have smelled my shirts and found them interesting, not objectionable. But I recently allowed Kootch to wash my shirts, and when she returned them to me I smelled them again and found them, 'antiseptic.' I told Kootch that 'this must have been the way Jenny reacted to the time you washed her 'nigh-nigh.' She laughed.

Poor Jenny! She dragged that dirty blanket around for years, sucking her thumb like the cartoon character in (?). Jenny must have inherited my genes. (I remember my girl friend in Charleston (Anne Bellinger) telling me that she liked my smell, and also that she thought I had 'beautiful hands.' She was correct in both cases, of course, but at the time I thought she was joshing me. Just in case she was giving me a hint I began to use an underarm deodorant.))

Kootch must have remembered Jenny's unreasonable attraction to a soiled blanket which she carried around for years, her 'security blanket.' Kootch eventually washed the fragrant thing and Jenny was outraged! Jenny immediately threw it into the dirty clothes hamper and would not retreive it for days. Even when she got it out of there and smelled it she was not pleased. Since our last discussion of smells Kootch has not bothered me in this regard.

I see Kootch's obsession with 'smelly correctness' as Japanese psychology gone awry. This 'psychology' is evident in Modern American Culture too, of course, and represents a cultural aberration driven by modern chemistry. I am waiting for the day - and I have not much doubt this day will come - when there will be a pill available which will make all our farts smell nice.

We Shall See


Which brings us to the subject,' If I had known I would live so long I would have taken better care of myself.' I see this perennial joke now as total truth! But as you can see I have not learned my lesson: Cheers!

I only recently put on BPC-I as I write this. In fact, my last and previous posts were done entirely without music. This brings me to wonder whether I am losing my musical brain first. Could be. I will now concentrate on BPC-I and let you know. Standby... we are at the end of m-2... Nope, I think I still have it all inside my skull. Sorry if I disappointed you. Still, I wonder: did I not also abandon European Music in C-III? Hmmm. Is this Senility or Familiarity? We shall see.

The Last Refuge of Scoundrels


The number 150,000 refers to the current tally. 'C-III - Patriotism' refers to the fact that I have finally got enough of the 'European Music' of C-III and have selected only male antagonists in my most recent world. As usual I am winning.

'Patriotism' refers to the fact that I have had to eliminate America from my list of opponents due to excessive stomping whenever I attack. I eliminated Germany for the same reason. It would seem that the ugly old Jewish Faggot has become patriotic and now identifies with America. No problem: I have lots of 'enemies in waiting!' But as I write this I am reminded of the old saw which says that, 'Patriotism is the last refuge of scoundrels.' Now I believe it!

This brings us to the end of my notes.

A Glorious Experience


The names of the locations which were affected by the tragedy remained only names and points on an atlas until I fired up Flight Simulator 2004. I selected my favorite airplane, a Boeing (being gassed here, they rarely gas me when I'm boozing) 737 belonging to American Pacific, a fictional airline. I created a VFR flight beginning in Kuala Lumpur, then flew to Medan, Indonesia, and then to Topactuan on the west coast of Sumatra, thence up the coast to Banda Aceh. I used Real World Weather for that day (yesterday) which I downloaded from Jeppesen. There was lots of cumulus all along the route, just as you might expect.

I followed the coastline, looking for villages, then upon my arrival in the vicinity of Banda Aceh, I did a standard ILS approach to the airport there and landed uneventfully. I then created an IFR flight to Phuket, Thialand. I over-estimated the distance and hence the requested altitude and requested ATC for a lower altitude when the 'light dawned.' ATC was cooperative, but when they insisted on their usual indirect route into Phuket I cancelled IFR and did a standard ILS into Phuket, taking in the local scenery. I ended the flight there in Phuket, very thankful to FS2004 for the glorious experience.

CNN: the World's News Channel


Not only palm trees but animals must have been affected by tsunamis, as geologic time rolled on. this may explain why no animals seem to have been caught flat-footed (so to say) by the wave. Evolution would suggest that those animals were descended from their successful (tsunamiwise) parents, the unsuccessful animals having been unable to produce offspring. The tempting conclusion is that tsunamis were a factor in the Natural Selection of current species.

That is what I was thinking while I was watching CNN and crying inside. If I had been a believer in the supernatural I would have been cursing God. But as a believer in the natural I was saddened, but interested in the lesson Mother Nature had presented. In fact, I was saddened to the point of reaching for my check book. I actually wrote a check to the Red Cross! Not only that I mailed it (actually Kootch mailed it). This is unusual for stingy me. I see CNN as the single most important factor in the unprecedented worldwide response to this unprecedented tragedy.

Palm Trees


Happy New Year!

Let us hope that this blog session will be more successful - at least formatally - than the last. My few notes read: Tsunami - CNN - Animals - Palm Trees - FS 04 - 150,000 - C-III - Patriotism.

The first refers of course to the disaster in South Asia. I have been almost glued to the tv set the last several days watching the tragedy unfold. CNN had, by far, the most comprehensive coverage of the event. As usual, I was not only watching tv, but my own thoughts (tap) about what I was watching on tv (by the way, the madd tapper has been on vacation recently, as you may have noticed, but seems to have suddenly reappeared). My emotional brain was totally involved with the events just as you would expect, but I was a bit surprised by what my rational brain was doing: Palm Trees! I was thinking about how palm trees must have been enduring tsunamis for millions of years and that this fact must have been influential in their current physical structure. I was thinking that in terms of geologic time a tsunami comes along every few seconds and that this fact must have had an input on the ridiculous shape of palm trees: long trunk culminating in a spray of vegitation at the top. Now that I think about it, it seems to me you could calculate the size of the average tsunami over the last several million years by measuring the average height of palm trees. If that is true, there might also be a correlation in the difference in height between palm trees in various parts of the world and the associated 'local' seismic activity. You could pose the question: Are Pacific palm trees higher, on average, than Atlantic palm trees?'

An Embarassing Situation


The year 2004 slipped by me silently even though I was watching the path. I must have been distracted by something, some confusion of ordinary life. You know what I mean: ordinary life envades our pristine thoughts as we fail in our mental duties. Ordinary Life overwhelms us as we cogitate on 'more important things.' This happens while we are in the state of psychological relaxation we call Ordinary Life.

So here we are in 2005! Do you like it? You better like it because here you are!

Here we are in 2005, which has never been done before. We are the creators, the artists of this wonderful new year. The Gods will not only observe our heroic doings in 2005, they will write our history.

The priests of the Cathedral in Charleston South Carolina told me that the god watched what I did under the covers and was not impressed. Were they correct? I think not. I think that God is oblivious to our little pleasures. I think that God is, in fact, mortified that He is so obviously impotent. I think that the God is embarrassed.

I think that in view of the fact that hundreds of millions of human beings have prayed to the God and that He has been powerless to answer, embarrasses Him. God is extremely embarrassed by what happened last Sunday morning in South Asia. I think that The God has been set up and that now He is in a state of despair.

Otherwise I would blame The God. I would blame The God for this state of Earthly Affairs.

But I understand God now. I understand that He is actually powerless, but nevertheless is to blame for recent events. It is an embarrassing situation.

Friday, December 24, 2004

Here and Now


Which brings us back to here and now. The idea of the 'here and now' is not a Jewish idea. The Jews live in the past or they live in the future, but not now. Here and Now is a Buddhist Idea which infiltrated Western Religion slightly more than two thousand years ago, one of the products of Alexander's conquest of The East. This new idea of Here and Now is the source of Jesus' idea of The Kingdom of Heaven. In the words of BSR, commenting on the Gospel of Thomas, 'This is the Kingdon of God; here is the Kingdom of Heaven. If you are looking for it somewhere else, you are looking in vain.'

Sacred Language


Which brings us to the concept of 'sacred language.' In my opinion no concept can be more significant to my blog than the concept of a 'language spoken only by God.' I see the Sacred Language in the Bible as art, not science. I think that the beautiful art of the Bible - not any thing logical - causes us to believe in those old and obsolete ideas. I think that we have been fooled by art!

That is to say, YOU have been fooled by art. Not me.

Blogger is a Primitive Work in Progress


As you can see I appear to have very little control of this blog, which seems to like the idea of seven. I have tried to delete number seven several times to no avail. So my advice to you would be to disregard the crap of repetition, understanding that Blogger is a primitve work in progress.



I love the idea of Jesus. Jesus, in my mind, was a Jewish Buddhist who taught The Here and Now. I see Christianity as the melding of Judaism and Buddhism. I see Jesus as the single redemption of the Jewish Religion, a religion which would otherwise deserve obscurity.

You probably know the four Gospels left and right. But do you know the fifth Gospel? No? The fifth Gospel is the Gospel of Thomas. You won't find it in the NWT (New and Wondrous Testament). If you want to know the fifth Gospel you will need to do some research. I recommend 'The Mustard Seed' by Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, an Indian (from India) Sage. Do you like to read 'sacred language?' If so, you absolutely must read The Mustard Seed!

Here and Now


Which brings us back to here and now. The idea of the 'here and now' is not a Jewish idea. The Jews live in the past or they live in the future, but not now. Here and Now is a Buddhist Idea which infiltrated Western Religion slightly more than two thousand years ago, one of the products of Alexander's conquest of The East. This new idea of Here and Now is the source of Jesus' idea of The Kingdom of Heaven. In the words of BSR, commenting on the Gospel of Thomas, 'This is the Kingdon of God; here is the Kingdom of Heaven. If you are looking for it somewhere else, you are looking in vain.'

Here and Now


Which brings us back to here and now. The idea of the 'here and now' is not a Jewish idea. The Jews live in the past or they live in the future, but not now. Here and Now is a Buddhist Idea which infiltrated Western Religion slightly more than two thousand years ago, one of the products of Alexander's conquest of The East. This new idea of Here and Now is the source of Jesus' idea of The Kingdom of Heaven. In the words of BSR, commenting on the Gospel of Thomas, 'This is the Kingdon of God; here is the Kingdom of Heaven. If you are looking for it somewhere else, you are looking in vain.'

Good and Evil intertwined


Beware of 'Covenants,' folks! And do not forget to read 'Contracts' very carefully!

This brings us to the subject of how a 'non-believer' like me views the 'believing majority.'

I see Judeo-Muslim-Christianity (Western Religion) in the historical terms of 'an unfolding drama of Good and Evil, intertwined.' I am not swayed by 'threats of Hell and hopes of Paradise.' I am aloof from those sorts of religious scams. I am free from those 'Carrot and Stick religions' and their characteristic psychological attack on the Innocent Mind. I do not beleive in Heaven or Hell. I am free from that crap.

This fact induces me to write this blog. My freedom seems to demand that I present a point of view which is not very current - the point of view of a human being who will die soon, and who does not subscribe to the current Judeo-Muslim-Christian nonsense.

For some reason I just love to write this stuff when I am drunk!

Covenant vs Contract


Newt Gingrich was on The O'Reilly Factor tonight talking about the difference between a 'Covenant and a Contract.' I had to laugh. Gingrich suggested that a 'contract' was essentially protoplasmal in nature, whereas a 'covenant' was of a higher order, and that Canada was, at bottom, protoplasmal whereas America was, at bottom, covenential. The difference is extremely significant.

In fact, the difference between 'Covenant and Contract' is the difference between 'Natural and Supernatural.' That is the difference.

Do you believe in The Supernatural? If so you are Gingrichaen, otherwise you are Canadian.

I do not believe in the Supernatural. I believe in the Natural. Therefore I am a Canadian living in America. But, 'What is there to laugh about?' Good question. Here is why I laughed: I laughed because the most recent People to enter into a 'Covenant' were deprived of a lot of protoplasm protecting the most sensitive end of their collective penis. I speak of The Jews, of course: those poor unfortunate bastards!

Therefore I say that the Idiot Gingrich got it exactly backwards, protoplasmwise!

Am I Missing something?


I've been enjoying PBS, as usual, along with the other main networks. CH-6 recently reran 'The Elegant Universe' and 'Einstein's Wife,' both of which were even more fascinating the second time around. Did you know that Einstein's Wife contributed significantly to the Theory of Relativity?

In 'The Elegant Universe' we discovered the beginnings of a scientific metaphysic called, String Theory. There appear to be at least five versions of this 'speculata mathematica.' The theory claims to reconcile the two disparate versions of Modern Science: Relativity and Quantum Mechanics. For some strange reason Scientists since Einstein have been searching for some sort of 'scientific holy grail' which would unify the notions of Very Large and Very Small. Rotsaruck.

I see this as an essentially Jewish idea. The Jewish God WHTZSNM - the concept itself - consolidated all the old gods into One God. This idea was a masterpiece of simplification and it worked economically. But I wonder how a mathematical Theory of Everything will advance our beloved Science. Am I missing something?

Hangover Day


Merry Christmas!

I love Christmas Eve for several reasons, not the least of which is that I always get drunk on Christmas Eve. Back in the Old Days before Philosophy and Drugs I attended Midnight Mass. It was an 'OK experience' which I looked forward to every year. I liked all the music and pageantry of that night, especially the songs. Booze has increased my yearly enjoyment of Christmas Eve and at the same time decreased my enjoyment of the next day, Christmas Day. Aware of this trade-off I continue to observe my year-end ritual of getting drunk. The Eve of Christmas has come to represent to me the really valuable gem of the season, while Christmas Day itself is only hangover day. I think you can relate to that.

Next drunk night is one week away. I can hardly wait! I don't remember ever doing Acid on Christmas Eve or New Year's Eve. For me, Acid was mostly a Summer Drug. Summer and Acid go together.

Friday, December 17, 2004

You Will Never Understand Me


Which brings you and me - idiots that we are - to this existential point:

We slowly live out our little lives as if there was no big idea affecting us. And so here we are... at nearly 0200 AM in Denver Colorado. I am clearly drunk as a skunk, whereas your status is obscure.

Not that I give a shit about you and your 'status:' not at all: I know that you are insane.

I know you will never understand me.

Psy-cho-logy Ordinaire


I'm back with Bhagwanisms you might like. Do you remember Baghwan Shree Rajneesh? Back in the '70-80s? Yes you do: I know you.

If you have ever done Acid and you were mystified by your experience - you are a fake! I tell you that! Nobody who ever did Acid was ever mystified in the ordinary way. Think back: was Acid REALITY? YEZ? Congratulations: you have done Acid and now you know The Truth. We can agree, I think, that nobody ever did Acid without knowing he (she) was about to meet God.

I think we can agree on that.

We met God and we were unimpressed. That is the problem. We came back from our Acid Trips in 'Psy-cho-logy Ordinaire.' That is the problem.

Live Well!


What I am saying here is that you have no hope. You will die. This blog is not inerested in your non-existence - not at all. This blog cares not a fig about you - idiot that you are! This blog knows that you will die, soon: one sunny day as you draw sustenance into your mouth you will be struck dead (boom).

The point of this blog is that you need to live well before you die. It's the best you can do.

Thursday, December 16, 2004



That about covers my list for tonight. But I am unwilling to let you go without a parting shot. Here it is, by BSR:

'Whatsoever you do halfheartedly will bring you misery.'



As I write this I feel a bit 'high': I feel alive in a glorious and artificial sense. I know that my current euphoria is chemical in nature and that tomorrow I will repent.

On the other hand I know that I have presented some astonishing ideas to you, which ideas you will deal with at your individual pace. I know that some of you will find my ideas valuable.

Existential Privacy


This brings us to the question of Existential Privacy. To my knowlege this question has never been proposed. I claim that if God can 'read our thoughts' it is a sin: an invasion of personal privacy. I claim furthermore that such an invasion is in no way essential to the 'maintenance of order in the Universe.'

Therefore if God can - and does - read our little minds: is it a Major Sin? Applicable to Deities? I think so. Furthermore I think that most Earthly Courts would go along with my conclusion in this regard and would therefore bar God from further evesdropping on the ground that such activity is whimsical not essential.

Nature versus God


He was a Queer Pedophile, of course. And I am lucky that he only screwed up my sex life a little bit. It could have been much worse. His name was Father Murphy. He zapped me at the age of 12 or 13 in the Queen Street Orphanage. I believed the Son of a Bitch, and thencefourth when I confessed 'my sins' to this pathetic homo I used the magic words, 'self abuse.'.

Not that these confessions had any effect on my hormonal level: I continued to jerk off every twelve hours. But I felt very bad for doing it because God was watching me and furthermore God did not like (boom) what He was seeing.

In defense of Father Murphy I should say that he bought me a bicycle. It turned out to have a major defect: the front wheel bearing housing was so deformed that new bearings lasted only about two weeks.

Solitary Sin


Who is watching you?

This was the subject of another story on the Evening News tonight. I had to laugh. Let me explain:

When I was twelve or thirteen I was informed by a priest that God was watching me. He told me that God watched me 24/7. That priest (Catholic Priest) told me that God literally observed me in real time, 24/7, and that nothing that I did - even under the covers - escaped His notice. He made it very clear to me that God was especially interested in what I did with my penis in the dead of the night, and that if I 'abused myself' it was a sin in 'the eyes of God.' He encouraged me to confess such sins in the interest of my Salvation. He suggested that the term, 'self abuse' would be the magic term whereby the priest would understand that I had jerked off. He suggested that I should use this term and furthermore I should indicate how many times I had done it since my last confession.

In those days I was a naive child, and so I 'confessed my sins' to the same priest who had warned me about God's aversion to self-sex. He must have loved every minute of those pathetic little confessions.

Prayer Warriors


There was an interesting piece on (ABC) tonight about 'Prayer Warriors.' I loved this piece.

Those 'Prayer Warriors' (in Colorado Springs) have modeled themselves on NORAD (North American Air Defense Command) in Colorado Springs. They seek to discover threats to the Christian Community in real time and inform God of such threats in the hope that God will intervene in favor of the said Christian Community before it is too late. Those folks think of themselves as God's Early Warning Radar. They think that God is blind. They think that God is out of touch. They think that God - Idiot that He is - needs them to inform Him!

Is there a place in Hell for folks like that? We are tempted to think so. We leave it for you to conjecture the exact nature of their collective punishment.



Saddam has finally been granted access to a lawyer. The word is that he is ecstatic. We don't wonder why.

But under normal circumstances we prefer to avoid lawyers. Why? Lawyers mean trouble (tap). Lawyers mean you are about waste money on esoteric nonsense. We all hate lawyers, normally. We hate them until we need them (tap).

Saddam needs... anybody! A lawyer will do! Saddam is in Hell.

The Nature of Hell


Could Hell be an endless rainy Sunday Afternoon? Could Hell actually be your heart's desire, slightly tainted? We usually think of Hell as being a place below ground where evil people are tortured by fire after they die. This torture is endless, going on forever. But what if God is more suble with His punishments? If He is, then the idea that Hell can be a rainy Sunday Afternoon which goes on and on forever, is not far-fetched.

Longing for Immortality


The subject of 'Evolution' is much in the news recently as fundamentalists attempt to squelch our modern scientific heritage in favor of an older view: that of the VOOT. Those folks fear Knowlege, especially 'Modern Knowlege' which is the product of Modern Science. The reason they have such a fear of this modern knowlege is that they have an unreasonable fear of death. They want to live forever.

Bhagwan once said something like, 'Millions of people are longing for immortality who do not know what to do with themselves on a rainy Sunday afternoon.'

What is the implication of that? Think!

What a Story!


The first note refers to a story on CNN tonight about an Oregon man who 'tried to circumcise his eight year old son with a knife.' According to CNN he was found guilty (or pleaded guilty) and was sentenced to three years in jail. His reason for making such a dastardly attempt on his tweenage son was that he had been 'inspired to do so after reading the Bible' (presumably the VOOT, Genesis).

Wow! What a story! This is a great story because of its brevity, which leaves many questions unanswered. The interested viewer is left to wonder about the details of such a story, while the uninterested viewer barely notices it. I was interested, and had some questions:
1 Was the attempt successful? Semi-successful? Tragic?
2 How was the dastardly deed discovered by the authorities?
3 Should he have used a razor blade or sharper knife?
4 Should he have called a Mohel (pronounced, mo-yell) or a medical technician? A surgeon?
5 Should his son have been much younger? How much younger?

These are fascinating questions, which bring us to wonder why it is legal to circumcise any child at all. Is our Criminal Justice System blind 99.999 percent of the time to cases like this?

We wonder. Now we wonder.

Subjects for Tonight


As you can see, I get a bit repetitive when I'm wasted.

I'm back early because today is Beethoven's birthday. I was driving home from the super market this afternoon listening to KVOD when the news came over the radio. I thought, 'Beethoven's birthday! Somebody's gonna get drunk tonight!'

So here I am. And I have a list of subjects:

cnn 360 - 3Y - 8 year old - trying to circ his son with knife - Oregon
Evolution - Fear of Knowlege
Saddam - Lawyer
Prayer Warriors
Who is watching you?
Beethoven's Birthday - Prayer Warriors for prayer - NORAD (bizarre demonstration just above me: sounded like 4 or 5 quick drumbeats)
Who is watching you?... oh, I get it: I'm screwing up the list!
Bhagwan's Sayings

Sunday, December 12, 2004

A New Sociology


As I watched the glorious show of Andre Riew in Tuscany my understanding began to expand such that it dawned on me that here was an Acid Spectacle! Here was a glorious presentation which would reach American Culture in the form of a Dawning Religion. I love that idea.

If I am correct in this conjecture, then I want you all to know that we are all on the verge of a New Sociology, a new way of thinking about each other based on esoteric drugs.

No longer do we have to live based on old ideas. A new paradigm is emerging!

You Found Me


Time for me to wrap this up. I trust that I may have irritated your basic assumptions. I hope that I have. If you have indeed been irritated, then I consider my job done with you. I consider that I have done my duty.

What about you? What effect have my words had on your life? What if my words have left you in a state of agony? Do I bear a certain responsibility? And if so do I owe you compensation for your suffering? This is a very good question.

I don't know the answer, except that it is clear that you found me: You found me and therefore your extistential anguish is the result of personal exploration - not innocent discovery. You found me as a personal process. You found me and my outrageous ideas because you were searching for me.

Saturday, December 11, 2004

After High School


As I think about the subject of Chemistry I remember the ugly nun who was my teacher of Chemistry at BEHS back in the year 1953 - Sister Loyola (I think). I loved Chemistry because it explained The World to me for the first time. Previous to Chemistry I had relied on The very Old and Odius Testament for my understanding of the chains of causes and effects which had given rise to me, young idiot that I was.

But after Chemistry I understood that the world was a much more interesting place than that which had been presented to me as a child: I understood that all my previous teachings were only religious nonsense, and that there was a huge Universe out there to be discovered after High School.

A Glorious New Idea


As I watched 'Andre Riew in Tuscany' it suddenly hit me that what we had there was the profileration of a new religion! The show was totally beautiful, and was obviously designed to appeal to the Acid Consciousness! Glorious! Many of those folks in Tuscany on that night must have been doing Acid! If so, they were rewarded visually and auditorilary.

If I am correct here, AR is become the maestro of The New Religion - the Religion of Modern Times - which accepts 'Chemistry as Method.' It is a glorious new idea.

Chemistry Equals Idea


And yet, as awareness of The Sciences grows, awareness of Personal Science (as opposed to Personal Religion) also grows. The progress of Science imposes itself on Old Culture. The result is the eternal conflict between Science and Religion - between Democrat and Republican - between Nature and God - between Liberal and Conservative, and I could go on and on, but I am too discreet in my inebriation to be more explicit: you get the idea.

You have experienced the revolution - the personal revolution - which Chemistry has enabled. You know that alcohol can fuel psychic revalations! You at least suspect that Ganja and LSD can - and do - fuel even greater psychic awareness, and that these drugs are important in the development of the Human Cultural Evolution.

Most People Don't Know


This brings us to the subject of 'brain chemistry' - an esoteric subject. The modern formulation of the question is something like this: 'Do citizens have the right to modify their individual brain chemistry directly by chemical means in the interests of Personal Enlightenment?'

The question itself presupposes a certain understanding of Chemistry and Neurology which most people don't have. These technical 'understandings' belong to 'the few.' Therefore it is no wonder that most people would answer in the negative.

Most people don't know what 'enlightenment' means, not to mention 'Chemistry' and 'Neurology.' Most people - most conservative people - feel that we already have too many rights and that 'the culture' is deteriorating as a result of all that Liberalism which is rampant nowadays.

The Colorado Symphony Orchestra


I witnessed the CSO in action back in the '80s. I was doing Acid and growing Pot in those days, and my sense of beauty - especially my sense of auditory beauty - had been awakened by those drugs. So I couldn't resist a visit to the Colorado Symphony Ochestra in real time. 'They' had told me that Pot was 'allowed' during musical presentations and they were right. I took a joint or two with me. I might have had the rest of the family in tow on that night. We all smoked up and enjoyed the music, and we were not alone. The smell of Ganja filled the air even before we lit up.

I have long since forgot what was on the musical agenda, but I think there was a piece or two by Mozart or Beethoven.

Auditory and Visual Beauty go well Together


We are beginning to enjoy the Christmas Season again which for me is mostly music. I love all those old songs. So I tuned in to channel 4's (CBS) Christmas Special presented by the CSO. As backup on the other tv I had channel 6 (PBS) tuned in. I looked forward to some good music as I poured my first drink. But the ch-6 stuff was pretty tinney, and the old ordinary faces of the choir on ch-4 did not match the music... so I tuned my tivo to MSNBC, a great piece about bush pilots in the Amazon. I could relate to that. But there is a certain discord between booze and airplanes. I would prefer great music and beautiful faces tonight. Maybe I'll replay my tivo of Andre Rieu in Tuscany.

Andre Rieu understands the media: he understands that there is a synergy in television between beautiful music and beautiful scenes (beautiful faces are the most beautiful scenes). Visual and auditory sensations are extremely synergetic.

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

I Know You and You Know Me


Which brings you and me into a secluded room where we - each of us - can escape at the 'drop of a hat.' You are female. You want to be fucked. You want to be able to spread your legs in the classic manner. You want to be able to feel my body - my warm body - without worry - between your female legs.

You want me to fuck you in the classic manner.

I know you and you know me.

She Laughed


I just now asked Kootch whether she would like to fuck - drunk as I am. I told her that although I have tried Viagra (and it works!) I don't need it in the presense of a Sexy Bitch like her. She laughed.

She laughed as if she were my sister - and she is: we haven't fucked for a long time. Kootch has become my sister - mother - daughter.

I do sex from time to time: autocratic sex. I keep my glorious uncircumcised penis in good shape by masturbation. I would love to puncture a loving cunt. I think that there must be a million hungry pussies out there in the real world who would love to be fucked by me.

Vomiting in Real Time


I threw up soon after the last post. Whiskey was the reason, not idiology. I would never throw up over ideology. Why? Here is why: Ideology is gaseous stuff compared to the results of too much whiskey. I would never throw up over ideology.

Monday, December 06, 2004

The Rising Sun


Which brings us once again to the concept of 'the new sun.' This is an old European idea: In ancient times the most intelligent folks reasoned that this was the time of year when the dying Sun suddenly became reborn, and they named this time, this season, the era of the rising sun.

Nowadays we know that The Sun begins to rise around the end of December. That is to say, we know that The Sun will present herself more and more as time goes by, and that She will finally peak at the end of Spring. We know that now.

This is not a religious idea.

I would love it if this glorious understanding were somehow connected to modern religion - But we also know that this new and glorious idea will never stand in the midst of current idiocy.

Doubt is a Painful Process


If we are not too insulated from modern themes we eventually come across anathematcal ideas which cause us to feel existentially unsettled. This is an unconscious process which produces a result - an emotional result - which we call, 'doubt.' We have stumbled on the Discovery Process.

Doubt is a painful process. That is to say that doubt is a painful process unless you are the person who is engaged in the undoing of current reality. In that case you experience glorious being!

The Way, the Truth, and the Light


Not that I am not now 'one of them.' Not at all. We were raised as brothers and sisters mythwise. Our little lives were perverted by false ideas, old Jewish ideas.

Nowadays we are beginning to understand the difference between Old Writings and Modern Science. Nowadays we are beginning to see that those Old and Odius Writings are nothing more than attempts by a Religious Class to gather gold!

Nowadays we see that Modern Science is the way, the truth, and the light.

Glorious Stuff


My notes read, 'Gas stopped with first drink - watching TIVO - Face the Nation - Lou Dobbs - 4:30.'

This references the historical (thump - gas)...

Which event blew my current (then) mind, which brings us now to Hardball. Do you watch Hardball? If so, you witnessed some great stuff tonight! Chris Mathews, John Meacham, and Bill Donohue discussed the meaning of 'Christmas!' Glorious stuff!

Those folks are, 'Catholics,' and they got together tonight to broadcast their glorious religion. I loved it! I am one of them!

Yes, folks, I am one of them. I am 'one of them' in the sense that when I was a defenseless child I was indoctrinated into their 'Religion.'

I am 'one of them' in the sense that as a child I believed what I was taught.

I understand those folks because I was once one of them.

I am no longer One of Them.

We Meet Again


We meet again! I was wondering whether Denver's most famous faggot had the power to squelch this blog, and therefore I half expected to be going back to my familiar drog tonight. This is good news, because it indicates that the Blogger lawyers are at least equal to the task which this blog presents.

The gaseous result of the last entry was an increase in the gas attacks. The gas of choice is what I call, 'throat gas,' also known as, 'scratchy gas' and 'acid gas.' I think I have also detected a new gas, which symptoms are still unclear. The latest trend is to gas me with TG most of the time - indeed they gas me as I write this (boom).

I am drinking whiskey (Canadian Whiskey) as I write this. I mix this glorious whiskey with ice and Diet Pepsi. My favorite brand is - standby - Canadian Mist. At this point I want to mention that it is very unusual for them to gas me while I'm drunk.