Wednesday, December 27, 2006

The Eyes Have it


My personal experience with 'racism' might be of interest to you.

Born in 1935 I was naturally inclined to hate the germans and the Japanese (after WWII). But Germany and Japan were my first choices of overseas assignment after I had completed USAF training in 1955. I chose Germany as the number one choice and Japan as the number two choice. Fate had it that I would spend two years in Japan. My main interest in both cases was pussy. I was a Catholic virgin determined to end my abject sexual state of virginity as soon as possible.

Within two months of my arrival in Japan I had achieved my goal. (Shame on you Anne Bellinger! You only had to spread your legs!)

Indeed, I thereafter continued my sexual offensive against the Japanese Female out of sheer sexual ecstacy: I fucked a bunch of very good-looking Japanese women. A bunch! During that campaign I grew to love Asian Eyes. I still love Asian eyes and Asian faces - Japanese, Chinese, Korean... makes no difference. I love those Asian eyes to this very moment.

I also love the variations of those Asian Eyes, the Hispanic and American Indian versions being most mentionable. I see this as a case of 'sexual racism.' Culture had nothing to do with my preferences in these cases, only race, only sex. Call it racial sexual imprinting.

I love female European Eyes too, of course. Always have, always will.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

The Opposite Race


'Racism' is difficult to define in the sense that there is no succinct definition. Every attempt to define 'racism' involves myriad sociological concepts favored by various tribes and cultures such that the concept becomes extremely ambiguous. 'Racism' is therefore obviously a spectrum of emotional reaction and may also include logical elements. May. May not. AntiSemitism is a related concept, as difficult to define as Racism.

This is because both Racism and Anti-Semitism are attitudes, not activities. Citizens can be punished by the state only for activities. Attitudes may or may not be sinful but are never illegal. Only activities can be illegal.

I am very clear concerning my own personal 'racism.' I am not a 'racist,' but I do have immediate emotional reactions to persons of the opposite race. Blacks, for example, evoke what I would call racist (tap) emotions when they stomp on the floor above (tap) us on Christmas Day. Black (very black) young males holding hands with very (tap) white females, both of whom are being obviously paid to harrass me in the maul tend to produce the same (thump) emotion.
But these are extreme cases, indeed 'manufactured cases.'

I think that what passes nowadays for 'racism' is really 'culturalism.' I dislike Rap, for example as a mis-begotten product of Afro-American Culture. Rap sucks. Mozart it is not. But that judgement is only aesthetic, only cultural, not racial.

But we interpret it as racial. It becomes a racial judgement. The same argument applies to tribes.

The Obama Bubble


The Obama Bubble refers to the current media infatuation with Barach Hussein Obama, a mixed race (half black/half white) politician who is all the rage nowadays in the Jew-dominated media. Obama is a junior senator from Illinois who has two years of experience in national politics. He is now one of the front-runners for the Democratic nomination.


When I first witnessed the Jewish press's infatuation with Obama some weeks ago I wondered out loud, 'Hmm. What do the Jews have on Obama?' Nowadays I see Obama as the Jews' most promising candidate because of his lack of experience: Jewish political 'movers and shakers' like Obama because they think they can control him to some extent based, if not on 'indescretions,' then on 'inexperience.' Prove me wrong if you can.

I predict that Obama will bomb.

Which brings us to the subject of 'Racism in America' which Paula Zahn oversaw recently on CNN. I saw parts of it and liked it, but it was necessarily superficial, something which would be understood by the average CNN viewer. As I watched parts of it I was moved to examine my own 'racism' (tap). Not that I 'took the test.' I don't need a test (faint boom). I know (being gassed here).

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Unbearable Ignorance


I'm back in Non Serviam tonight due to the subjects to be addressed:


Saddam to bite biggie soon
The Obama Bubble
Racism in America


My visit to the kitchen/living room area just now revealed that I forgot to chop up the cucumber which was supposed to go into the pasta salad. So I totally circumcised the sucker, cut it into two halves lengthwise, scooped out the seed areas, and chopped it up. I then mixed the result into the salad (pasta, olive oil, mayo, chopped celery, chopped onion, hard-boiled eggs) and put it back in the fridge. That obligation done, I can get back to Saddam:

Today's announcement from Bagdad apparently seals Saddam's fate. Saddam may have less than a month. Apparently this decision is part of the current Iraqi-American panic concerning the level of violence over there. Hope is that Saddam's termination will produce more resignation than rage among the Sunnis. We shall see.

I am not a fan of Saddam, of course, except in retrospect. Saddam was the lid on Pandorah's Box. Bush removed the lid and all hell broke loose. What is most astonishing about Bush's decision to invade Iraq and replace Saddam with a 'democracy' is that prior to the invasion Iraq was a fairly stable Sunni state which acted as a counterbalance to the Shiite-dominated Iran. And Sunnis are by far the dominant world Muslim sect. So lessee... Bush, acting on subliminal Oedipal urges of which he was totally unaware, sought to outdo his daddy in Middle East matters. In doing so he inadvertently totally fucked up our national interests in the Middle East, but may have furthered Israel's national interests in that regard. Undaunted by this total fuckup he now seeks to ally the US with a minority Muslim sect?

Did I get that right?

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