Friday, August 13, 2004

Tivo Trouble

Except for three heavy doses of lung gas last night while I was playing C-III, gassing continues to be very light, and mostly in the LR. Meanwhile el fisho has discovered a new method of harrassment.

I bought a tivo yesterday and plugged it into my system in place of the VCR. The setup seemed to go well that afternoon. However, later I noticed the tivo recording a program I never watch. This morning I noticed it recording again - some other channel I never watch. I noticed that it would change channels when I was out of the room. When I got home from my afternoon sortie I found that four different programs had been recorded without 'authorization.' Also, the unit had failed to make contact (by modem) with the tivo service last night at the scheduled time of 2:00 am although it had attempted to do so.

So I presume that my tivo is being hacked fisho's boys, through the phone line. I unplugged the line and so far it seems to work normally. At least it doesn't change channels when I'm out of the room.