Saturday, May 28, 2005



This brings us to a new day. I am listening to Mozart piano concertos as I write this. Twenty One comes to mind. I read in a national magazine today (Newsweek?) that the new pope is a Mozart Afficionato and as such is a 'joyful being.' Well, maybe.

But I don't think that a love of Mozart qualifies you in the moral realm.

Joy is a human attribute whereas morality is a religious idea. Morality tends to suppress joy. That is to say that religion tends to suppress the natural joy of our human family. It is a balance which is fundamental to our collective humanity. There can be too much joy. There can also be too much 'morality' which tends to suppress joy.

In closing I would advise you that if you understood the preceeding argument you may want to seek out the services of a logician. In any case, nighty-night.

I Agree


I just had the pleasure of watching The MacLaughlin Group, and I was pleased to see that those folks have not forgot about the current fundamental American Socio-religious Problem which is the conflict between Science and Religion. I was delighted.

That august body of intellectuals seems to have decided that 'Intelligent Design' is mere religious speculation and that 'Evolution' is the definitive paradigm for explaining our current situation.

I agree.



Twenty minutes after one AM and I am about to wrap this up. I will now go to my tv sets and play Cosi Fan Tutte, and other stuff. Nighty-night.

Friday, May 27, 2005

The Beauty of Silence


I love His silence most of all.

Time for me to wrap this up. But stay tuned.

Why I Love God


I will further explore my recent conversations with god next week. Meanwhile I am pleasantly drunk. Not only drunk but breathing pristine air!

This seems to be the right time to confess to you why I love god. Here goes:

I love god because He is always available. God is NEVER unavailable. You can talk to god any time of day or night and god will listen to you. God will not answer (thump) except in the most unusual circumstances, and when He does answer, you had better watch out.

I love the silence of god. I love His ignorance. I love His stupidity.

The Explosion Nearly Killed Us All


god: He began at the beginning, he said, by explaining the nature of 'matter.' He explained that the world of the 'natural' was far more complex than the world of the 'supernatural.'
me: I can relate to that. I think.
god: He was very earnest in his explanations, and I loved that about him, but after a few million years of being 'educated' in the 'laws of Physics and Chemistry' I threw up my hands.
me: I can understand that.
god: Did you know that 'Human blood contains Hemoglobin which contains Iron which can only be manufactured in obese stars?'
me: Yes.
god: Did you know that obese stars blow up, scattering iron everywhere?
me: So they tell me.
god: See?! What nonsense.
me: So you began to doubt your consultants?
god: Exactly. It was all waaaaay too complex.
me: But you spoke the magic words anyway?
god: I DID. The explosion nearly killed us all.

Nature and Supernature


god: He returned in the allotted time and explained that the problem was too complex for him to solve without huge amounts of time and angelpower. I gave him all the angelpower and all the time he needed. I demanded a solution to My problem. He agreed. He agreed to get back to me within twenty four million years.
me: Long time.
god: Not long at all.
god: He got back to me with four words. Four new words. He explained to me that when I spoke those four new words my new world would be created.
me: You must have been very excited.
god: I WAS. But he kept going on and on. He began by explaining that there would be two 'natures' after I spoke the new magic words.
me: Two 'natures?'
god: Nature and Supernature.
me: Hmm. Sounds fascinating. Go on.
god: I too was fascinated. But as he explained more and more about this new 'Nature' I became bored and frustrated.
me: How so?

Let There Be Light


By that I mean that god was very honest and forthcoming concerning my questions about how He managed the stupendous problems concerning The Creation:

me: The magic words: 'Let there be light!'
god: Magic words indeed!
me: Tell us the story of how you arrived at those magic words.
god: To be honest I arrived at those magic words through an intermediary.
me: How so?
god: One fine day I was poking randomly through the future and I stumbled on a movie.
me: Movie?
god: Yes. I was astonished by what I saw. The name of the movie was, 'Pleasantville.'
me: Sounds fascinating. Please go on.
god. As I watched the movie I realized that it represented a world which I would eventually create but which did not yet exist. I loved that world. I expecially loved the black and white parts. So I spoke the magic word, Abracadabra. Nothing happened.
me: Tell us about 'abracadabra.'
god: Abracadabra had always worked for me. I could conjure up literally anything I desired with abracadabra. Therefore I was shocked that that magic word did not work on this occasion. I am God. I am not used to failure.
me: We understand.
god: I tried again and failed again. It was very depressing.
me: We can imagine.
god: So I called in my top Angel as a consultant. I showed him the movie. I explained that the old word, 'abracadabra,' no longer worked. I explained to him that I wanted to create that world. I ordered him to come up with a solution to my problem. He advised me that he would propose a solution within 24 hours, which he did.
me: Please go on.

An Unpleasant Scene


As you know I seem to be one of the few exceptions, along with Pat Robertson and others, to whom god deigns to talk back. So I took this opportunity to question god about Hell. You may want to avert your eyes from what now follows.

me: Does Hell really exist?
god: It does.
me: Do people really burn there?
god: They do.
me: Do they burn there forever?
god: They do.
me: Would you explain to my readers, why?
god: Sin against an infinite being deserves infinite punishment.
me: What is sin?

At that point there was an interruption in the cosmic flux and god faded out temporarily. He will no doubt be back. In that case I will ask Him to define 'infinite,' 'being,' and 'punishment.' I must tell you that during the brief interview I got the impression of extreme hokeyness. My skin actually crawled there for a time. It was not pleasant scene.

I had more luck with my previous line of enquiry.

Burning in Hell at the AFA


I'm amazed by the rise of Religious Nuttery everywhere in this 'scientific age.' One of the most recent and closest examples involved the Air Force Academy near Colorado Springs. Seems many of the cadets are 'Evangelical Christians' who seem to be unable to contain themselves proselytizationwise. They seem to have run amok recently, going so far as to advise some of their fellow cadets that they will 'burn in hell' if they do not accept Jesus as their savior. This is very unprofessional behavior which has rightfully raised a red flag in the media. Should we tolerate religious nuttery in the military? Don't we already have enough of that in politics?

So I decided to ask my old friend god. I was curious about how god would view the situation. The one nice thing about god is that He is always available. Day or night, good weather or bad, He is always there, available. You can talk to god any time. You never need an appointment. Furthermore you never get a substitute. You want god, you get god! You don't get some sort of 'competent angel.' You don't get god's secretary. You don't get an answering machine.

The unfortunate part of communicating with god is that god does not talk back. God does not answer your questions. But He listens. That's the fortunate part.

Try it and then Report Back to Me


Viagra is in the news recently because it is suspected of causing blindness in succeptible people. This brings up the question of whether the 'old wive's tales' were true after all: can masturbation really cause you to go blind? Really? There may be a modicum of truth in it. They say that there is a warning in the Viagra literature to the effect that the drug may cause temporary loss of color vision. Hmm. I tried Viagra a few times and it worked fine with no visual side effects, so I presume that I'm not succeptible.

However the news reports got me to thinking about whether LSD, if taken in conjunction with Viagra, might tend to inhibit that loss of color vision. I can personally vouch for the fact that LSD enhances color vision tremendously. Then I began to wonder whether there would be other desirable synergystic effects. For example, although I found LSD to be an extremely sensual drug I never had a hardon under the influence of LSD. I felt very sensual but not sexually so. Timothy Leary claimed that Acid (LSD) was the ultimate aphrodesiac but I can not verify that claim personally. So I wonder.

Would a combination of Viagra, LSD, and your favorite Yum-yum yield the ultimate orgasmic experience? Try it and then report back to me.

The Usual Corrections


That should have read, 'I never saw Sister Marcella again after leaving the orphanage.' And (stomp right above me) I doubt whether the woman ever saw anything more in me than an obscenely horny young man. Booze does wonders for one's imagination.

Gassing continues to be light, a fact for which I am grateful - relatively speaking. I should probably describe my attitude in that regard as, 'less outraged,' not grateful.

Friday, May 20, 2005

You Need to Stop it. I Love You Too.


I pretended to be asleep of course but Sister Marcella knew instantly that here was a horny young boy who had the hots for her. She was pleasured by that knowlege and therefore she chose to communicate her pleasure to me in a cautionary whisper: 'This must not happen again!'

If it was indeed her who confronted me in the hallway, and I think it was, it was her way of telling me that, 'I know you are hot, but your practice of masturbating in my classroom is beginning to become embarrassing to both of us. You need to stop it. I love you too.'

I never saw Sister Marcella again after the sixth grade.

My First Heterosexual Experience


Sister Marcella was a good-looking woman about 30ish. She was in charge of my brother's dormitory. She would often come over to our dormatory to visit Sister Charlotte. I remember that once when she came over to visit I plotted to expose myself to her: I pulled down my shorts and waited for her to leave. I had a hardon. Just as she left Sister Charlotte's encapsulated bed I pulled my covers down slightly so that she could see my erect penis. I wondered whether she would notice me. I wondered whether she was at all aware of my feelings for her as I lay there exposed, with my eyes closed, pretending to be asleep.

As she passed by me she leaned over and whispered something like, 'Pull your covers up.' I was ecstatic! The magnificant woman had seen my dick and had actually acknowleged the encounter!
It was my first heterosexual experience.

Sister Marcella


At this point I need to interrupt my interview with god. I must tell you that the interview went on and on for several hours and I learned a lot about god from that interview. I intend to publish further excerpts next Friday night.

As I came to know and understand god I mellowed somewhat. Here was an old man who was extremely confused by the world around him, and who thought that he was actually in control. I almost felt sorry for him... not quite.

But right now I prefer to address a subject brought up in last week's entry: the history of my devirginization.

I was a virgin for way too long. My hormones began to stir at an early age and were in full bloom by the time I was twelve. I remember having spontaneous orgasms as early as the age of six while I was running. The memory of those events is dim except for their astonisning quality: I would be running along for whatever reasons and suddenly my body between my waist and my knees would be bathed in a glorious golden sensation. I rembember clearly that as the sensation progressed I would stop 'running' as such and would begin to rapidly stamp my feet in place until the feeling disappeared. These were my first orgasms but I had no idea at the time what they were.

At the age of 11 or 12 I experienced orgasm 'artificially' by masturbation and I thought that (being gassed here with RLG!) I had invented a wonderful new process. I eventually realized that my personal experience was actually a universal experience and I enjoyed the experience mostly at night under the covers. But one fine day a priest named, 'Father Murphy' (stomp!) volunteered to me that 'playing with myself' was a mortal sin for which I could be sentenced to Hell forever. The good father then suggested that if I wished to avoid Hellfire I should confess all my sins of masturbation every Saturday afternoon at Confession. To him, of course.

Which I did. But hormones overcame religion and I continued to masturbate, sometimes several times a day. I was literally incapable of thinking rationally in the heated state. I would masturbate at the urinal, in my classroom, in my bed, on the potty, and in those days when I was hot I could get off in less than thirty seconds. I got very good at it over the years.

But as I grew older I began to tease myself by stopping just before the critical moment, and as I got better and better at that practice I discovered that I could enjoy the situation almost indefinitely. It became a skill which would allow me to wait for my female pardner to come first.

I should mention that once in the sixth grade while I was reaching in my pocket for a pencil I attracted the attention of my teacher (a nun, possibly Sister Marcella). The woman called me out into the hall and accused me of masturbating. I was innocent of that particular charge, but I had indeed jerked off in her class a multitude of times. Perhaps she chose that innocent moment to confront me. I like to think so. I like to think that whereas she knew that my behavior was innocent she chose that moment to confront me.

I love her for that.



As you might have guessed, god was somewhat surprised by an unfamiliar term. Even I was surprised, and my curiosity was whetted: what if god had never even heard of Hawaii? I continued:

me: Hawaii.
god: Meaningless.
me: I take your answer to mean that you have never heard of 'Hawaii.' Am I correct?
god: (hesitantly)... you are correct.
me: Forgive me but I need to pursue the subject further. I will speak a number of words and I would like you to respond as to whether you are at all familiar with ANY of those words.
god: Ok.
me: America, Europe, Asia, Polynesia...?
me: Japan, China, Africa, Sudan...?
me: Babylon!
god: Yes!
me: Congratulations.
god: Thank you.



me: Thank you for showing up for this interview.
god: Did I have a choice?
me: If you don't mind I should like to begin by establishing your credentials. Are you the real author of the Old Testament?
god: I AM.
me: Did you lie at any time in that document?
god: I did not.
me: Does that document contain Eternal Truth?
god: It does.

(Having got god to make the above statements I relaxed somewhat and engaged him in a bit of humerous banter for which he seemed quite grateful. But after a few minutes of this I continued with my agenda:)

me: Some people say of you that you are a 'Bronze-age Bumpkin with minimal people skills.' How do you respond to them?
god: I will respond to them in due time.
me: One of the reasons for this interview is to establish whether or not you are or were intelligent enough to create our glorious universe. Do you understand?
god: I understand more than you think.
me: Good. In the questions which follow I will seek to discover how intelligent you really are. You might be offended by some of my questions.
god: I'm sure of that!
me: The first series of 'questions' involves an 'association test.' Do you know what I mean?
god: I do.
me: Chosen People.
god: The Jews.
me: excellent! Circumcision.
god: The indelible sign of solidarity between Me and My Chosen People.
me: Promised Land.
god: Israel.
me: The Dead Sea.
god: Israel.
me: Desert.
god: Israel.
me: Arab Enemies.
god: Israel.
me: Hawaii.
god: What?!

Right to the Source


I could go on and on proposing various conjectures or postulates about the nature of 'The Designer of our Universe' and find significant evidence for every one of them. But you get the idea: those postulates would not really be testable, and as such would not be scientifically acceptable.

But suppose I were able to go right to the Source Itself? Suppose I were actually able to bring the question of the nature of the Designer of the Universe up with... God Hisself? Would that settle the question? We shall see. What follows is an interview with God which I arranged especially for this occasion.

Give Us a Test


One of the problems with 'intelligent design' is that it seems to be a matter of interpretation. "As you, informed citizen that you are, look carefully at the world around you, and at the universe in general, do you find any evidence that the designer of all this was intelligent?"

Opinion will be divided, which brings us to the crux of the matter: how to devise a test? What test of the hypothesis could possibly be devised?

Take another example: Were somebody to propose a 'Theory of Malevolent Design' and offer evidence for it (and there is abundant evidence), how could such a theory (or postulate or conjecture) be tested?

Modern Science is based on the testability of hypotheses. No test, no science. Philosophy maybe; religion maybe; opinion maybe; myth maybe; but not science.

A Conservative Conclusion


The intellectual theme in the recent news seems to have passed from 'Intelligent Design' to Saddam's underpants. Every channel I flip to is showing Saddam in his jocky shorts. I find this deeply offensive. I would much rather see Queen Noor in her pink nylon panties. If this trend continues I may resort to watching KVOD.

Despite the sudden change of media interest I remain fascinated with the concept of 'Intelligent Design' as it makes its way through the sub-culture of American Religious Nuttery. I have even done a little research on the subject which I will share with you tonight.

Don't get me wrong: I would love to believe that our glorious universe is the result of an 'intelligent designer' and that therefore 'all will eventually be well.' I am all for that idea. Really.
Unfortunately I am unable to find convincing evidence for it.

There is do doubt at all that the universe has produced intelligence, the most indubitable example of that being me. But does that necessarilly mean that the universe is the product of Intelligent Design? I think it means rather that at the time of the creation of the universe the nature of the new universe was such that intelligence could possibly appear at some time in some place eventually. This is a suitably conservative conclusion.

Seasonal Gassing Adjustments


Argh! Sometimes when I reread the drunken stuff I write here I am pleased and sometimes not pleased. This is an occasion when I am not at all pleased, mostly because I lied about being a virgin. I was not a virgin when I first slept with Kootch, although I was a virgin when I first arrived in Japan. By the time I slept with Kootch I had been well broken-in by an assortment of good-looking Japanese yum-yums. Seems to be another example of mixing up ideas under the influence. It's the price I pay for enjoying this.

The gassing continued at a 'sadistic level' until midday Monday when Kootch developed a nosebleed. She attributed it to 'too much mucus' and resulting nose-blowing. I think the gas was affecting her and 'they' realized it and backed off. They continued to gas me heavily at night until a few days ago when Kootch began to leave her bedroom window open at night because of the heat. They understand that gas injected into the air outside my bedroom window will also be drawn into Kootch's bedroom window and will inevitably affect her too: Even with her bedroom door closed the exhaust fans create enough of a low pressure inside the apartment that air is drawn into her bedroom. This is obvious when she tries to close the door quietly but it slams shut at the last half inch. Once inside her room the gas lingers, whereas in my bedroom the gas passes after about five seconds unless it is continuous.

So I am enjoying relatively gas-free nights, which is to say they gas me more discretely.

Thursday, May 12, 2005



Time to wrap this up.

As I think about the path you may follow, it seems to me that you follow no 'shining path.'

It seems to me that you grunt and groan as you hack out the path on which you will take your next step.

1130L and Kootch has pointed out to me that there are two ACSD cars just below our apartment! Whoa! She was right! Standby... Yep; two ACSD cars! Nobody is knocking on my door so I presume it is not about me.

I have finished tonight's booze allotment and so I will eat supper. Then I will put glorious music on my tivo/VCR and enjoy.


Wednesday, May 11, 2005

The Shining Path


This brings us to my last post for tonight. What should the subject be? Hmm. What would be an appropriate subject?

I can only think of Kootch as such a subject. Kootch never agreed with me in the 'religious context.' Although she 'converted to Catholicism' before we were married it eventually became clear that her conversion was only a scam: Kootch 'converted' to Catholicism only as a kind of formality. Kootch 'became a Christian' only because that was necessary to marry me.

I have known THAT since she arrived in Salina Kansas in 1957.

At first I would take Kootch to church on Sunday mornings. But as it became clear that Kootch was only pretending, I became concerned: Would God sentence Kootch to Hell for her lack of belief? If so how could I live with that in the Jewish Paradise to come? I decided that I could not accept that scenerio and so I began to study 'religion' which led rapidly to the study of Philosophy.

As I learned more and more about the esoteric subject of 'religion-philosophy' I came to understand. I came to understand that 'religion' is Old Crap. I came to understand that The Way to Truth can not be found in Old Sacred Books. I came to understand that Science was the Shining Path presenting itself in front of me.



'Fukuchan's' was a local hotel near Kootch's home. We would visit Fukuchan's whenever I had the funds to pay for a motel. Kootch and I did a lot of fucking at Fukuchan's.

At Fukuchan's I was introduced to the Japanese Bath.

I remember that shortly after we arrived at Fukuchan's I would fuck Kootch. Then we would engage in a post-fuck ritual: we would take a bath, then eat a huge bowl of osoba which was ordered from a local establishment. I learned about Japanese Pussy and Japanese food at Fuckuchan's. I also learned that Kootch was a virgin: one night she shivered more or less violently as I fucked her and exclaimed, "Now I understand sex."

I have no reason to doubt her evaluation.

Dreaming in Denver


Kootch is dreaming her brains out. As I sit here thinking about her I remember the first time my attention was drawn to her: It was at the Shiroi AFB Airmen's Club sometime in 1955. I had drunk a Tiger (Maylasian) beer and I was watching the folks performing on the elevated dance floor. At some point a glorious Japanese lady was spun around by her dancing pardner and I saw the stuff which we usually do not see: beautiful legs and magnificant white panties. I was stunned.

I mustered the courage to go over to her table and ask her for a dance. She accepted. It was a 'slow dance,' a waltz. I smelled her and she smelled me in that slow dance and soon she was sitting at my table. I bought her a drink, a Signapore Sling. We made a pact to search each other out the next week.

She returned to the Airmen's Club next week and recognized me immediately and I suggested that we ought to meet each other off-base. She agreed. We did that in a memorable all-night walk (in Shimbashi?) where we plumbed the depths of each other's souls. We literally walked all night talking to each other. We ended up at 'Fukuchans,' a Japanese hotel, where I fucked her.

It was our first intercourse. We were both virgins.

What Then?


Following up on the recent theme of 'wholeness,' which is to say 'the unification of emotional and logical psychology,' I am wondering... Do you see it? Suppose you do.

Suppose you come to understand that the Very Old and Very Odius Testament is essentially crap, and that you need to understand Modern Science if you want to understand your personal history. What then?

In that case lucky you! You have lost the fear of god which had been implanted into you when you were a defenseless child. Now you are free!



Dobbs (tap) may not have realized that in posing the question he was 'mixing apples and oranges:' Religion is an emotional idea whereas Science is an intellectual idea. Correct me if I am wrong. Dobbs' question actually pointed to a more fundamental question: 'As an intelligent person do you tend to compartmentalize between logic and emotion?' That is the question, and the answer given by a sophisticated sample of folks who watch tv was that, 'Yes, in general we tend to compartmentalize.'

I call this tendency even in modern highly educated people, 'schizophenic.' You live lives of 'schizophrenic abandon' in most cases. You are unwilling to 'become whole' because of your irrational fear of god which was taught to you as a defenseless child.

The answer to Dobbs' question as to the mutual exclusivity of Science and Religion is, 'Yes!' Did you get it right?

Posing the Question


Lou Dobbs had an interesting interview this evening with a Paleontologist who wrote a book about one of the recent discoveries in China concerning 'feathered dinosaurs.' I was much enlightened by the interview which brought my sadly neglected state of dinosaur knowlege into a more modern position. I knew that 'evolution' considered modern birds to be descended from dinosaurs but here was the first 'paleontological proof' so far as I was concerned.

As the interview progressed Dobbs, in a most natural way, led (stomp stomp stomp) the discussion into the more generalized (and interesting!) area of philosophy: the apparent war between Science and Religion. All of modern Science contradicts the 'science' in the Very Very Old, and Very Very Odius Testament, and this fact produces a delicious discussion which interests me.

The interview eventually posed the question to viewers of whether 'the Scientific View' and 'the Religious View' on the 'question of Origins' were 'mutually exclusive.' The viewer pool eventually returned a roughly 6-4 result in favor of 'not mutually exclusive.' To me this was a good result to a question which had not been precisely formulated.

Let me formulate the question a bit more precisely: 'As a person interested in the study of History in General would you be more inclined to consult the Old Testament or Modern Science?'

I would even go so far as to suggest another question: 'As a student of Astrophysics would you be more inclined to consult the VOOT or Modern Cosmology?'

Why Circumcise a Dog?


Where was I? Ah yes: rereading last weeks stuff I am reminded that when I am drunk I often mix up the ideas I have been thinking about, and the drunker I am the more I mix those ideas up. You can probably see my mistakes and so I won't point them out to you except to refer you to (7) Religion vs Culture. Remember: This blog is simply the writings of somebody who is having fun with words and ideas while in various stages of drunkedness. This blog is fun for me. I won't speculate about whether it is fun for you (boom).

I left you with the idea of Doggie Mohels. I suspect there are none. There may be people out there who circumcise dogs, probably are. But I seriously doubt that Jews or Muslims would actually circumcise their pet male dogs. I could be wrong about that but I think not.

Why? Why circumcise a dog? Dogs have no religion.

Kotatsumatsu Returns


I'm back early because Kootch returned from Japan right on schedule this afternoon and tomorrow's weather is suggestive. Kootch brought back the usual stuff: food and clothing. There may be other stuff in there too but It'll have to wait. I missed her of course and I'm glad to have her back (stomp). Hmm. Interestingly that stomp destroyed my train of thought about Kootch's return. Question: was that the point of the stomp? Oh, well. Whatever.

Now I remember: I prepared for her return by cleaning up a little (stomp right above me). I also went to KSS and bought her favorite ice cream, a little cake, a Filet (tap), and some other stuff. She is too tired and sleepy to enjoy any of that tonight and has already hit the sack.

Correction and Elaboration


Obviously that should have read, '99 point whatever degrees, F.' The temperature disappeared in 48 hours indicating that that little war had been won.

Also, I forgot to mention changes in the gassing pattern. They don't usually gas me while I'm writing this and so I usually forget to mention the subject. Beginning about 0430L on Thursday morning preceeding last Friday the gassing attacks increaced significantly in ferocity. The attacks continued through the weekend and my right lung was severely burned. I'm very sure of the exact time they began because I was awakened by an attack of 'left lung gas' at that time. I think the practice of waking me up with gas attacks stopped just after the weekend, but the gassing has since continued at a higher than 'normal' level.

The obvious correlation of course is 'Holocaust Memorial Day' (thump): Walter Gerash wants all you Jews out there to know that he is here, in control, doing his Jewly duty on this dirty rotten antiSemite (me). Take comfort in that if you can.



Just past midnight and the ACSD is still out there below my living room window. The people upstairs are quiet. What is going on here!? I wonder.

Whatever. As I close this out I refer you to the previous logical-emotional situation. Nighty-night!

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Doggie Mohels?


Before I leave you tonight I need to acknowlege a glorious piece on the CBS Evening News which related the story of a neutered dog: Seems the owner of this particular dog became somewhat embarrassed, that, after neutering, the absense of testicles might cause his neutered dog embarrassment in the doggie community, especially in the male doggie community. He was apparently worried about the resulting decline of his doggie's social status.

The story was meant to illustrate a modern phenomena: thousands of dog owners are covering up the castration of their male dogs by paying for an operation which is akin to human breast implantation. I loved it!

This brings up the subject of doggie circumcision: are there Doggie Mohels out there, ready to circumcise Judeo-Muslim dogs?

Stay Skeptical


Time for me to wrap this up.

Unfortunately I did not get to the concept (boom) of psychopathology. I know you will love it, and so I will plan it for next Friday.

Meanwhile, stay skeptical.

Friday, May 06, 2005

Religion vs Culture


If religion were only a matter of cultural inheritance then there would be no cultural problem. No religious problem. But Religion is complex compared to culture. Culture is sort of like DNA: passed down from generation to generation with occasional mistakes. Religion on the other hand injects irritating ideas into culture. I see that you are confused here. Let me make the matter a bit clearer:

Catholic religion, Jewish religion, Muslim religion (all of Western Religion), are not Religions at all but cultural manifestations handed down for hundreds or thousands of years. Mistakes creep in but generally they maintain their structure against the march of history and science.

Therefore religion is culture, whereas Religion is a cultural irritant tending to act as a catalyst which changes fundamentally the nature of the culture. Did you get that?

Personal Religion


BSR once said that, 'Death negates the businessman.' BSR at the time was a cult leader who was uttering an obvious verity to his cult followers. They could understand and applaud his somewhat sophomoric observation against economic activity (tap). BSR was a veritable giant in the realm of Modern International Religion, proffering an alternative World View to a VERY sophisticated following. I know. I have read BSR and I agree with much of what he said, but not all. BSR is only one of the flowers I visit when I am in the process of creating my personal religion.

Do you understand that as you live your lives you create your personal religion? You inherited a 'religion' from your mother or father or both. But it was a cultural thing. You inherited a culture, not a religion. Culture is not religion. You need to create your religion, your personal religion, and you do that as you live your lives day by day. Day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute you create your personal religion.

Medicinal Alcohol?


I am feeling much better as the evening progresses. I was wondering whether booze would exascerbate my unfortunate condition or mitigate it, and I am pleased to report in favor of mitigation. Let me explain:

I began this evening sober but sick. Just before I took my temperature I estimated it at between 90 and 90.5 (F of course - being gassed here with a small dose of RLG). The actual measurement turned out to be 90.3, confirming my estimate. I decided to proceed with tonight's booze session based on those minimal observations.

Clearly we are under attack. Our body temperature has risen in defense. Even as I type this our glorious immune system is in the process of manufacturing anti-bodies, soldiers, who will multiply themselves. They may eventually be numbered in the billions, maybe trillions. As I type this those glorious little antibodies are in the process of departing on a mission to save our lives.

My past experience with this sort of warfare tells me that there will soon be a great slaughter. My little soldiers will slay our enemies by the billions, and as a result I will be feeling better.

I'm wondering whether alcohol will be an ally in this war (there is a tap from above whenever (tap) I mispell a word). Will alcohol help or hinder the slaughter to come? I wonder. Time will tell and I will hopefully report the results back to you. If you do not hear from me after this then I would not blame you for inferring that alcohol was a minus.

Fact, Theory, Hypothesis, Conjecture, Myth


This brings us naturally to the Kansas School board which is considering whether to allow the concept of 'Intelligent Design' to be taught as an alternative to 'The Theory of Evolution' in science classes.

I could devote hours of research to this mouth-watering subject but for you I will cut through the guff: the Kansas School Board is considering a ludicrous idea in a serious manner, and we are mezmerized. That is the situation. It is all a misunderstanding based on the definition of 'theory.'

The ignorant masses (you) do not understand the definition of the word, 'theory.' You think that 'theory' means 'conjecture.' Actually, no. A Scientific Theory is a body of knowlege about a subject, which body of knowlege is constantly being refined by discovery based on research and experiment. Thus we have 'the theory of Plate Tectonics,' for example. Although we refer to 'plate techtonics' (sp?) as a 'theory' we really understand that it is a 'fact.' Plate Techtonics is a fact, but the body of knowlege itself is evolving constantly and we therefore refer to that body of knowlege as 'the theory of plate techtonics.'

It is the same with 'the theory of Evolution.' Evolution is a well established fact although the exact details are still evolving. We call the current state of knowlege about the fact of Evolution the 'theory of evolution.' Did you get that?

'Intelligent Design,' on the other hand is, a conjecture, an hypothesis based on myth. The myth, of course, is the myth of the creation proposed in the Very Old and Odius Testament book of Genesis.

True Christian?


The movie says it all: as The Father watched The Son suffer and die, His Fatherly need for eternal revenge against the Children of Earth mellowed somewhat. He made it His new rule that 'whomsoever believed in the mission of Jesus' was to be saved from Hellfire.

This is a definite improvement, but we still have a problem.

Take The Jews, for example. Jews do not believe in Jesus, hence The Jews will eventually burn in Hell forever. Not only The Jews but The Muslims. Billions of Muslims will burn for their sins and the sins of their fathers and mothers. And not only Jews and Muslims! Buddhists will burn!

Can you imagine burning the Dahli Lama in Hell forever? If so you are a True Christian.



Well, you know the rest of the story: The Father sent the Holy Ghost down to Earth to do the dirty work. The woman Mary was impregnated with ghostly DNA and eventually Jesus emerged. Vaginally? We don't know. What we do know is that The Father's hatred of sex would tend to suggest that Jesus did not actually pass through the birth canal but instead 'emerged' miraculously.

I think The Buddha emerged a in similar fashion, from the thigh. Whatever.

The Son of God was named, Jesus al Nazereth. He had a mission: to become a sort of chimeric scapegoat on which The Father would be able to vent his rage for the sins of Mankind. Apparently it worked (see the movie).

God as Psychopath


God is obviously a psychopath. No other conclusion is possible given the 'facts.'

Which brings us to a new idea here, the idea of 'the psychopath.' Larry King Live had a most fascinating hour (thursday?) on the mind of the psychopath. I tivoed it and saved it from deletion for later review, then I watched it. What a show! I learned a lot about psychopaths from this show (the psychopath upstairs is thumping the walls periodically as I write this but I prefer not to include his 'comments' in the record).

True, God later repented his obscene behavior against the unfortunate humans. He devised a method whereby his 'only son' would be sent down from Heaven, eventually, with a mission to rescue an unfortunate humanity from the wrath of God. For this purpose His Son needed to 'become human.' That is, His only son needed to be born of a human woman. This presented God with a problem: who should He select as the 'father' of the Son of God?

We would normally expect that God, 'The Father' would deign to come down to earth and copulate with the selected woman. We would expect that. I would. Wouldn't you?