Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Dream On


I recently abandoned 'The Internet' for C-III. Again. I love C-III. As I played C-III beginning Sunday afternoon my 'spirit' was uplifted! Oh, how I love C-III! C-III woke me up, in a sense. I was getting very bored with The Internet, but my natural joy returned with C-III!


There is no comparison, really. On TI you only do research. You go this way and that way. You have no sense of 'normal living' on The Internet. You read, you view. You find interesting stuff which you soon forget. But you lack the kind of committment you find on C-III. C-III is like your life. Your life is at stake in C-III. You will live or you will die in C-III. In fact, I would say that C-III is even more real than everyday life!

For example, in spite of your various fantasies you go on living in your everyday life. You can fuck up this way and that way and you will go on living. Not so in C-III. You will die in C-III if you fuck up. You will die and nobody will morn you. The game will end.

You might ask about the future of such an unfortunate death (tap). The future is clear in C-III. But is there a future (thump) in real life?

After death?

Discover Your Inner Jew


No, I am not available to run for president. Thank you anyway. Nighty night.

I just went into the LR and began watching the recorded program, 'World's Funniest Commercials.' The one which promped me to do this piece was titled, 'Toronto Jewish Film Festival.' Apparently it was a commercial about a Toronto Jewish film festival. The commercial seemed to be unabashedly pro-Jew, something unusual in the USA... nowadays.

The piece began with a blond woman cleaning up her son's (tap) room. She found, among other things a photo of Barbara Streisand and a sign reading, 'Jewboy.'

She then opened the closet to see her 12 year old son standing there in his boxers with a 'Star of David' hanging around his neck like a Christian cross. Her son closes the closet door. Then a black background appears with the words, 'Discover Your Inner Jew.' The obvious intent of the commercial was to hype the 'Toronto Jewish Film Festival.'

Only in Canada. Canada is relatively uncircumcised. Such a commercial would go over like a lead balloon in America, which is becoming more and more aware of the fact that it has been converted to Judaism for 'health reasons.'

I wonder how much longer American Jews can last as the state of the National Penis becomes more and more obvious to all Americans.

Friday, August 25, 2006

The Bright Sun of Modernity


Concerning Iran, I would also provide certainty: I would not attack Iran, that would be the kind of stupid Texas Cowboyism that got us into Iraq. Instead I would engage Iran. I would play up to their ethnicity and their relative modernity. I would tell them that we liked them in spite of their religion. I would offer them full pardnership in the international family. I would encourage them to develop their nuclear interests. Why not?

But I would caution them that if they insisted on becoming a nuclear power they would risk being humiliated by the same kind of Cold War Strategy which defeated the Soviet Union.

And if they insisted on becoming a nuclear power after all?

Then I would make it clear to the people of Iran that there were several nuclear submarines stationed within striking distance of Iran, any one of which could bomb them back into the Pleistocene. I would make it clear to the people of Iran that we could make every square inch of Iranian soil unlivable for 30 thousand years and that we would not hesitate to do so if ever a single atomic attack which could be traced back to Islamic terrorism were ever to take place on American soil or on the soil of any of our allies.

(Stomp above me just now as I reread this after watching The McLaughlin Group.)

I admit that this idea is nakedly poweristic, but it is clearly the best way to reach The People. I would furthermore encourage 'modernity' as our dealings with Iran became warmer. Modernity is the best reply to the dangers of primitive religion. Ancient religion tends to die when exposed to the bright sun of modernity.

Gone Forever


We Humans crave 'certainty.' Once we have achieved 'certainty' we can make plans for the future: Does God really exist? And if so, is God as much of an Asshole as The Bible makes Him out to be? We only want to know.

Without 'certainty' we are like little fish in a large skiddish school: we scoot hither and thither with our nearest fishy associates, seeking security. Our movements are based on nothing more than the perceived intentions of our nearest neighbors. But if we knew with certainty where the nearest predators were, and where the nearest food was, we could move ahead with confidence.

That is Iraq today. There is no certainty in Iraq, and this lack of certainty is a major problem. What we need to do for Iraq is to provide them with certainty. We need to give them a date certain when we will be gone. Once they have that date in hand they will be able to act real.

We need to encourage them to act real, and then we need to accept what happens as a result. I would set a date certain two years from now. We will be gone in two years. Gone, not just beginning to leave, maybe... depending...

We need to begin pulling out within one year, and gone in two years. Gone forever.

Jesus Has Arrived and He Wants Your Money


You may now buy HP products again, because I figured out what I was doing wrong, I think. We'll see: Can I upload a tree? Yep. You will have to enlarge the image to see what I mean here, but it looks like this tree has also been hit more than once. Apparently the first strike occurred some years before the second, but they merged together near the ground. It's possible the strike on the right is associated with the large missing branch.

I have a few notes:
Jesus has arrived and He wants your money.
Certainty in Iraq.
A strategy for Iran.

The first note refers to Jesus' second coming. Apparently Jesus did not come 'on clouds of glory,' but chose instead to merge with the body of a fella name of 'Miranda.' Really. Full title:

The Man Christ Jesus, Apostle José Luis De Jesús Miranda. President - Founder of the International Ministry Growing In Grace, Inc.

Miranda claims that prayer is a waste of time, and that there is no sin, and no Devil. What a glorious scam! I call it glorious because it is an 'ultrascam,' which is to say that it is a scam on a scam. Believers in Miranda seem to love the idea that there is no such thing as Sin, Satan, and Hell after all; that historical Christianity got it wrong.

My guess is that Miranda's message rescues those folks who were abused as children by the grotesque Judeo-Christian teachings concerning sin, heaven, and hell. His message freed them in some psychological sense, and they are rewarding him. His cult will die with him, of course, but I applaud it for the time being. What a glorious scam!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Do Not Buy HP


Well folks, after spending quite some time trying to make sense of the HP software connected to my scanner (stomp) I am giving up (another stomp). Do not buy HP. See you Friday.

Ha Ha Ha


That was fun! I vaguely remembered parts of post #1 and post #2, but nothing of posts #3 and #4 until I reread them just now. By the way, that 'species of Eastern Religion' can be found in P.D. Ouspensky's 'The Fourth Way.' You should maintain a 'supermarket mentality' when reading this book: skim off the good stuff and forget the crap. Most reviewers give it 4-5 stars.
So... how do you separate the good stuff from the crap? That, my friends, is your problem.

But I do have a few suggestions: The 'Ray of Creation' is nonsense. I mention this only because my name is, Ray. I really liked the parts about 'lying,' 'self remembering,' 'identification,' 'considering,' 'negative emotions,' and in general everything through chapter VII. There is other good stuff beyond, but the first half of the book covers the really good stuff.

Am I more awake than you are? I might be. I might not be. At the moment I don't feel very awake. This is probably due to the fact that soon after I hit the sack last night (tap) at 2330 I was kept awake by SCRF until about 0030, and by PSRF from 0430 to 0600. I got up at 0600, figuring that maybe after Kootch left around 0700 they would let me sleep. I played with the computer until Kootch left, then hit the sack again. No joy. They resumed the PSRF about ten minutes after I hit the sack again. At that point it was clear that they were not so much interested in allowing the fans to heat up the apartment as they were in 'sleep deprivation' (tap)
(another tap).

Only after I read last week's posts did it dawn on me (tap) that the sleep deprivation was in answer to last Friday's claim of being extremely awake. It was their idea of a joke.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Pleasant Dreams


My screen name is Daruma, of course. I am Daruma. I am awake. You are asleep but I am awake. Only I am normal. You are abnormal: you are asleep. This idea is outrageous. We resist such ideas intuitively. How arrogant!

But prove me wrong if you can. I think you can't. I think you are asleep. You go about your daily lives as sleepwalkers. I meet you every time I visit King Soopers to shop. I meet you in the parking lot; I meet you inside. I meet you in the aisle...

Oops. It just hit me that I am pontificating a species of Eastern Religion, drunk as a skunk, so to say. Therefore it is time for me to wrap this up.

Pleasant Dreams.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Only I Was Normal


I don't walk with God, of course. God creeps me out. The idea that God is interested in what goes on in my shorts - for example whether I am currently masturbating - is a grotesque religious idea to me. I do not like such a god. How is that any of His Business? Is God queer?

When I was a dumbass teenager I confessed all my 'sexual offenses' to 'God' in confession. The priests seemed to be astonished by my sins, but my sins seemed to be very natural to me.

Nowadays I understand that my sexual behavior was normal and that the behavior of the priests was abnormal; the behavior of God was also abnormal. Only I was normal.

Only I am still normal.

He Walks With God


I had fun playing chess on Comcast recently. It's a fun game but the graphics are a bit too small: you need to stay focused on the position in order to come up with a move in less than one minute. Interestingly I found walkswithgod sitting at a table alone and I sat down as his opponent. You might remember that he defeated me in our last encounter.

He was White. The opening in this game was a Sicilian Defense. The ensuing game was deliciously typical of the opening: White attacking on the Kingside as Black counterattacked on the Queenside. It was touch and go for a while as walkswithgod attacked my king. But I was able to counterattack on the queenside (as is usual in The Sicilian Defense). The end came when I was able to sac my queen for an obviously won endgame.

I did not ask him about his screen name.

Nor did he ask me about mine.

Eternal Religious War


I like the idea of 'modernity.' Old and odius ideas like Judaism and Mohammedism and Christianity are fixed. Those old and odius ideas never evolved into new ideas. They are the same today as they were two thousand years ago, and strangely, those old and odius ideas are valued today for their ancientness! Old is gold!

Old = Gold!

But really, Old equals Shit. All that is old is excrement, to use the digestion metaphor. Old Shit needs to be eliminated for reasons of health. Fail to eliminate old shit and you will die. Do you want to die? Not yet! So you shit. You piss. It is no different with philosophy and religion. The Human Body is nurtured over millenia by new ideas. Those ideas are in some sense sustenance. But old ideas need to be eliminated as historical excrement before the Human Body can survive and prosper in a new age. Now is the time to poop out old ideas.

I like the alternative to old and odious ideas, which I call, 'Eclecticism.' Eclecticism-as-religion is familiar with all previous versions of religion and seeks to unite those versions in some sense by picking out those qualities which seem to be true to all. Eclecticism eliminates the bizarre in religion. Religious Eclectics understand one another: the bizarre is apparently eliminated.

But the bizarre remains. Religious eclecticism then suggests a higher order of consideration: Science. True religious eclecticism demands that the opinions of Science be included in whatever final decision there is to be made.

This kind of religious eclecticism is what is needed in the modern world. Without it we will be forced to endure eternal religious war.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

See You There...


Boy that was fun! But I've had too much 'fun' tonight. Time to head for Scratchpad. See you there - if you care...



The implications of a Jew-controlled fundamentalist Christian culture are obvious in the Bush Administration. Bush is an unwitting Israeli. Whether Bush is circumcised or not circumcised isn't really relevant here: Bush is a circumcised Jew in spirit, if not in fact, and we are all suffering as a result. For example:

Jewish 'Neo-cons' (new conservatives) hijacked the foreign policy of the Bush Administration. The result was an invasion of Iraq. Our original problem was Afghanistan. The Taliban and Al Queda resided in Afghanistan. Our immediate response was to attack those forces in Afghanistan. That was the correct response.

But Jewish interests in Washington were not at all amused. Those Jewish interests wanted us to attack Iraq. Israel was much closer to Iraq than to Afghanistan. Those Jewish Interests took advantage of Bush's obvious ignorance - and he is one ignorant muthafucka - to connect, in an Oedipal way, 911 and Saddam. Dubwa, in fact, took no hints from his more astute father regarding dealing with the Muslim World. He fell hook line and sinker for the Neocon argument. He attacked Iraq and thereby destroyed the Lid on Pandora's Box, the Saddam Administration.

Look at Iraq today. What you see in Iraq today is, 'Democracy.' Do you like it?
And look at Afghanistan. Do you see much difference?

Better get used to Muslim Democracy: you are not gonna like it. But Bush loves it. Why? Because Bush is so simple-minded that he thinks Democracy solves everything, eventually.

A New Conspiracy Theory


This brings us to a new conspiracy (tap) theory: 'Jewish interests:'

'Jewish Interests' have been at work in the American Christian Fundamentalist Movement for the last half of the 20th Century. In somewhat the same manner that those same 'Jewish interests' circumcised most American male newborns for 'health reasons,' those same 'Jewish Interests' promoted the causes of what I call 'Jewish Preachers.' (Jewish Preachers are preachers who rarely preach about the New Testament. Most of their preaching is about the Old Testament and the modern state of Israel. Jewish Preachers know little or nothing about the teachings of Jesus in the New Testament.)

As modern radio and television became a significant sociological force in the formulation of modern religious culture, the Jewish Establishment began to back Jewish Preachers with money and on-air time in an effort to promote Israel and combat Anti-Semitism. They saw it as self defense in the age of Hitler, if not as a method by which American Jews could eventually dominate the entire world by controlling American religion and politic.

The result was people like John Hagee and Pat Robertson, and many others who seem to be oblivious of the actual teachings of Jesus, and who routinely promote Jewish interests, especially in The Middle East.

Apparently, only about 30 percent or so of Fundamentalist Christians were succeptible to the teachings of these Jewish Preachers (rabbis in disguise), but the general trend propagated to all but the most hierarchial Christian religions. Catholics, for example, failed to follow the new trend and were, as a result, targeted by Jewish media.

'...Birthing Pains of a New Middle East.'


I grab it somewhere in the middle and pull. Easy as pie. I just timed myself: 375.622 milliseconds. I'm sure that in a contest I could do much better. Now my fingers smell like raw supermarket salmon.

Pat Robertson is in trouble with the Jews again. Seems he didn't like the recent Israeli truce with Hezbollah. He even quoted Scripture the other day: Isaiah. Apparently Isaiah was in whimsical mood when he wrote something like, 'We writhed in pain, but only farted.' I'll say one thing for Pat: he has a sense of humor. I wonder... are there any other biblical references to farting? By the way, Isaiah was apparently making reference to some sort of 'birth.' Eheh.

And I have discovered John Hagee. Yeeesh. So far I have made it through one sermon. I am amazed that people will actually expose their underage children to this kind of 'religious' filth. Hagee's most recent sermon (last Sunday) had to do with Satan and Evil Spirits. I have part of a previous sermon in which Hagee describes his vision of, 'The End Times.' One segment of it describes 'the EMP Threat' (EMP=ElectroMagnetic Pulse).

EMP is a long-known effect of nuclear explosions which destroys transistors and transistor-like devices. But Hagee, an obvious scientific ignoramus, thinks that it destroys electrons. He suggests that the 'Enemies of Israel' will soon launch a nuclear device from an offshore submarine which will explode about 150 miles above the US mainland and will destroy all US electrons for several months at least.

It amazes me that there are so many so-called 'Christian' preachers on TV who know nothing about Jesus' teachings (being gassed here -RLG), but everything about Jewish teachings. The fact that they know nothing about Science is not surprising.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Skinning it Back


I just did a Google search for (tap) photographic information concerning the extremely common male practice of 'skinning it back' (retracting the prepuce). Uncircumcised males 'skin it back' at least once a day, usually during (tap) bathing or showering. It is a common hygenic procedure in uncircumcised men and boys. Jews, Muslims, South Koreans, and others - having no prepuce - do not 'skin it back:' They have nothing to skin back. I expected to find numerous examples of penises in various stages of being 'skinned back.' Wrong. Apparently Google is Jewish. Extremely Jewish.

You faggots out there probably know exactly what I am talking about. Do you not? You folks must have endless video of natural penises being skinned back. Do you not? I'll bet you do.

I could go on and on searching homosexual sites for dicks being skinned back (tap) and I am sure I could come (eheh) up with a site which made my point concerning the grotesque nature of male sexual mutilation. But since the examples of such a common procedure seem to be few and far between I will leave that up to you. Do your own search.

Instead, I will describe my own situation. (tap).

I have what you might call a 'normal dick:' not too big; not too little. Just right. In fact, I sometimes think that maybe it (tap) could be improved by an increase in size. But when I really think about it, it dawns on me that the size is really perfect for masturbation, and I thank god that sHe created me with a normal dick. It is also perfect for fucking a woman, and I have never had a complaint in that department (or any other department!).

So: here is how I skin back my dick:

Peace of Mind


I really like the idea of updating the concept of 'Anti-Semitism' in The Wik, because American Jews seem to be in denial concerning the natural evolution of that important phenomenon. My opinion in the matter is that the category, 'Anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theories' should be updated to include the theory that The Circumcision of America in the latter half of the 20th Century was accomplished by the American Jewish Establishment largely through the implied threat of being labeled 'Anti-Semitic.' Thus, any medical professional who questioned routine infant circumcision on any grounds was liable to be tagged with the label, 'Anti-Semite,' with severe negative career implications in a Jew-dominated Medical establishment. Furthermore, any media figure of significance would face the same career problem. And it follows that folks in the 'psychological sciences' would not demur for the same reasons. The result was massive nationwide circumcision for 'health reasons.' What did American Jewry accomplish with this Massive Mutilation? Peace of Mind.

Temporary peace of mind.

Will we soon see such an update? Not bloody likely, in my opinion. True, I could update that section myself. But will I? And would my update stand (thump)? And if so would it make a difference? Hmm. As I think about doing such an update I wonder. Am I morally obliged to do such an update? Should an Irishman do such an update? Wouldn't a Jew be a more appropriate updater (tap)?

Friday, August 04, 2006



I am very used to the phenomenon (boom) of 'familial hatred' (apparent hatred by family and friends and neighbors for no apparent reason). At first I was mystified by the phenomenon. But over the years I slowly constructed a credible psychological model for such apparent (boom) hatred. It was a theoretical construct. As time went on my experience tended so much in the direction (tap) of that model that there came a time when I could no longer deny the obvious: people 'hated' me. Why? I was a really nice guy.

It would be many years before I figured out the answer. And even after I had eliminated all rational ideas concerning the problem I was reluctant to accept the final irreversible conclusion.
The conclusion seemed 'extremely wierd:' somebody hated me so much that he (or she) was constantly surveilling me and attempting to destroy my 'standing' (boom) in the community.

Why? As time went on I realized that my antagonist was a Jew. But I was not antisemitic! Why?

I eventually realized that it was not a 'Jewish thing' but a 'homosexual thing:' the son of a bitch was a greasy-assed Jewish queer!

I would eventually identify Walter Gerash as the 'homosexual culprit' (culpreetofaggetreeto).

Panty Lines...


I did a bike ride on the Highline Canal Trail last Sunday and photographed some of the trees which have been struck by lightening. Here is one of them: It somewhat resembles a pussy. One of my fingers (probably the little finger) is seen inadvertently and has nothing to do with the possible sexual theme.

I enjoyed the long, lazy bike ride immensely. It was a hot day and I brought a Diet Pepsi along to slake my thirst. I met lots of very nice people along the way. This was a rarity for me because most of the people I meet are not very nice. I concluded that the people I met were so nice because they did not 'know' me. The people who 'know me' are not at all nice.

I returned to the general area of Kootch's apartment in an almost ecstatic frame of (tap) mind. But as I made my way the last 500 feet to the apartment I encountered two men who seemed to be waiting for me. I smiled and waved at them. One of the men yawned - a sign of aggression - and the other man ignored me. Just after passing those two I saw a fat woman wearing white clothing. As I approached her she bent over, exposing her obvious panty lines. I got the impression that she was also waiting for me and that her panty-line maneuver was done for my benefit.

Hmmm. I wonder what that could mean...

Neoantisemite (Definition of)


And you thought Mel Gibson was antisemitic. Welcome to Neoantisemitism! Isn't it funny how words tend to get longer and longer? I'm thinking of actually 'doing a Wiki,' which is to say, creating a Wikipedia definition. The two most obvious examples which come to mind at the moment are, 'reverse antisemitism' and 'neoantisemitism.' Of course, such new definitions would tend to suggest their opposite definitions...

Things could become complex. So:

What are the general attributes of a 'neoantisemite?' I would suggest the following:

  1. He would be a raving Zionist.
  2. He would be an avid student of 'Jewish last names.'
  3. He would for aid to Israel, at least in the short term, in the interests of Jewish emigration.
  4. He would be for national foreskin restoration and a ban on circumcision, especially of defenseless infants.
  5. He would be in favor of a 'Senate Sexual Mutilation Sub-Committee' which would be empowered to routinely hear medical issues concerning circumcision-as-cure and circumcision-as-prevention.
  6. He would favor a national law requiring any and all medical circumcisions to be reviewed by a mixed panel of Irish Catholic physicians and theologians, with the proviso that in any case approved by the panel the decision be automatically appealed to a panel of Atheistic psychologists specializing in male and female sexual pleasure.

I Demand to be Included!


I'll begin here tonight with the subject most recently addressed in Daily Scratchpad: antisemitism. (I'm early, by the way, based on last week's logic of 'sooner.') I began with The Wik. I looked up 'antisemitism,' then read the first part which is the rather extended definition on the term. Interestingly, I could not find myself anywhere in the definition. Huh?!

So I looked up a related term, 'reverse antisemitism.' There is no such term in The Wik. Very interesting! I have seen the term used several times on TV over the years. It is not a new term. It is a well known term.

This would suggest that the Jews themselves 'own' the Wikipedia definition, and furthermore that The Jews would rather you not be introduced to it's 'reverse aspect,' which would be, 'Jewish tribalism.' (A sub-category of the definition of 'Jewish Tribalism' would be 'tribal penis envy,' but you would have to 'prove' that to a Jew-dominated medical/psychological Establishment before you could get it into Wikipedia.)

Why didn't I find myself in The Wik? I am, after all, extremely AntiSemitic: I claim that the American Jewish Establishment was behind the sexual mutilation of America. I claim furthermore that this massive mutilation was done for fraudulent 'health reasons.' Why leave me out of the definition of 'antisemite?' I demand to be included!

Do me in The Wik!