Ha Ha Ha
That was fun! I vaguely remembered parts of post #1 and post #2, but nothing of posts #3 and #4 until I reread them just now. By the way, that 'species of Eastern Religion' can be found in P.D. Ouspensky's 'The Fourth Way.' You should maintain a 'supermarket mentality' when reading this book: skim off the good stuff and forget the crap. Most reviewers give it 4-5 stars.
So... how do you separate the good stuff from the crap? That, my friends, is your problem.
But I do have a few suggestions: The 'Ray of Creation' is nonsense. I mention this only because my name is, Ray. I really liked the parts about 'lying,' 'self remembering,' 'identification,' 'considering,' 'negative emotions,' and in general everything through chapter VII. There is other good stuff beyond, but the first half of the book covers the really good stuff.
Am I more awake than you are? I might be. I might not be. At the moment I don't feel very awake. This is probably due to the fact that soon after I hit the sack last night (tap) at 2330 I was kept awake by SCRF until about 0030, and by PSRF from 0430 to 0600. I got up at 0600, figuring that maybe after Kootch left around 0700 they would let me sleep. I played with the computer until Kootch left, then hit the sack again. No joy. They resumed the PSRF about ten minutes after I hit the sack again. At that point it was clear that they were not so much interested in allowing the fans to heat up the apartment as they were in 'sleep deprivation' (tap)
(another tap).
Only after I read last week's posts did it dawn on me (tap) that the sleep deprivation was in answer to last Friday's claim of being extremely awake. It was their idea of a joke.
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