Friday, August 18, 2006

He Walks With God


I had fun playing chess on Comcast recently. It's a fun game but the graphics are a bit too small: you need to stay focused on the position in order to come up with a move in less than one minute. Interestingly I found walkswithgod sitting at a table alone and I sat down as his opponent. You might remember that he defeated me in our last encounter.

He was White. The opening in this game was a Sicilian Defense. The ensuing game was deliciously typical of the opening: White attacking on the Kingside as Black counterattacked on the Queenside. It was touch and go for a while as walkswithgod attacked my king. But I was able to counterattack on the queenside (as is usual in The Sicilian Defense). The end came when I was able to sac my queen for an obviously won endgame.

I did not ask him about his screen name.

Nor did he ask me about mine.