Friday, July 28, 2006

A Fascinating Question


That out of the way, I can now (tap) relax. No obligations. Lessee... Ahah! I'm off to Daily...

Now I'm back (at 2115L). As I 'observe myself' (a Buddhist expression) I notice that in spite of being satisfactorily inebriated I still have beer left. This could be the result of 'tolerance.' I have been experimenting with one, two, or more beers almost every night lately (being gassed here - RLG) and my failure to achieve the usual glorious state tonight is probably due to, 'tolerance.' This is my clue to avoid alcohol more than once a week. Will I follow this sage advice? Stay tuned. We shall see...

Hmm. I just inadvertently published this thing. Then I tried to regroup, to no avail. I was eventually successful after changing the original version slightly. Live and learn!

As I watch The News nowadays I marvel at my fellow man's (faint boom) apparent ignorance. I do this, of course, from the perspective of an old man who has witnessed the history of the last half of the 20th Century. And I think I have discovered the root cause of my fellow man's failure to act in accordance with modern scientific discoveries.

The problem is 'emotion.' Logic (or 'reason') is not sufficient to overcome ancient cultural ideas. Logic is not enough. The emotional brain will overcome the logical brain (boom) every time. Emotion trumps Logic. This is another way of saying that, so far as the average idiot is concerned, Nature favors Emotion over Logic.

Why is this so? Does it not mean that 'emotion' is a more reliable guide to 'truth' than 'logic?' At least so far as Nature is concerned? And isn't Nature the ultimate judge? And if so, then why do so few folks base their retirement future (for example) solely on religious considerations? Do most of them distrust Emotion in the long run, and favor Logic? This is a fascinating question.

Never Look Back


But isn't Hawaii equally holy? And Tahiti? And Denver (for example)? Of course they are. The entire Earth is holy. If you don't believe that, then go to the moon. Or enter orbit. One discovers the holiness of the Earth only after one has left, and had a chance to look back. 'Selective holiness' sucks. Are you on your way to heaven or hell? Then don't look back. Never look back.

'The Jewish Problem' refers to a number of items having to do with their very old and odious book, 'The Old Testament,' which Christians and Muslims have adopted as peripheral holy texts. One major Jewish problem has to do with their claim to be God's Chosen People. Nonsense. If the Jews are indeed 'God's Chosen People,' then God has a very wicked sense of humor, reserved primarily for Jews and Black Africans.

Jews have a number of other problems, among them the collective Jewish penis, which is in such dire straits as to cause severe emotional problems to Jews living in the midst of an uncircumcised culture. The circumcision of an unsuspecting America for 'health reasons' by a dominant Jewish health/information/legal community is a result.

'Moving to America' seemed obvious when I wrote it down, but now escapes me.

'Clinton...' refers to the former president's endorsement of the former Jewish vice-presidential candidate (lieberman) who is currently in disfavor with Democrats because of his dumb-ass pro-Bush attitude regarding the Iraq quagmire. Democrats think that this Jew is more of an Israeli than a Democrat or an American. I thought at the time that Gore made a fun(boom)damental mistake in choosing Lieberman as VP. Now Clinton is making somewhat the same mistake.

Holiness is the Problem


I began in Daily Scratchpad today, entirely sober. I think it's good comic relief. I plan to return (to DS) later because the best time to write about 'The Goose' is not exactly sober-in-the-morning. By the way, my favorite link is titled, 'The Major Religions.' Whomever composed those words was a true genius.

I'm quite early with the booze today. I've found that it is not a good idea to eat before drinking. I've also found that the sooner I hit the sack (and go through the hangover experience) the sooner (boom) I can get started on Saturday afternoon. And I slept well last night! Since I referred to 'them' as, 'the insane,' they seem to have backed off on nighttime RF. Damned white of 'em.

I have a few notes:


Excessive religion
The Jewish problem
Moving to America
Clinton plays the Jewish card for Hillary


'Excessive Religion' refers, of course, to the current problems in 'The Holy Land.' The land over there is waaay too holy. Except for the land's excessive holiness there is nothing much to recommend it above many other lands. Holiness is the problem.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Religious Cultures


Do you follow me? Probably not. Let's take another example: China vs Tibet. China decided to cleanse Tibet of 'excessive religion.' They did that through their vastly superior military forces. Tibetan Buddahism was vanquished and the head of that religion escaped to the West (the Dalai Lama). China is now allowing somewhat of a resurgence of Tibetan Buddahism, having tamped down that excessive religion. Nowadays Tibet is open to modern economic ideas as well as a resurgence of their historic cultural religion. Will China allow Tibet to return to the past? No way. China seeks to bring Tibet into the 21st Century while at the same time allowing Tibet to reclaim its religious heritage. China is following the twofold path (whatever that means. Hmm. I take it to mean that the most desirable path is not a single path - religion, for example - but a dual path which gives credit to both new modern ideas and old proven ideas.) Ya follah?

This example is entirely congruent with today's bizarre clash of 'Christianity' (love) and 'Judaism' (money) in America.

Both concepts are (bonk) necessary in a balanced culture - unless, of course, Jesus is just around the corner. But 'Jesus just around the corner' is not a viable idea in modern American Culture. The idea is viable only in strange fundamentalist cultures like that of The 700 Club.

You Hypocrites


So I claimed that your dumb asses has been saved... from Jesus. You are deluded. You have fallen victim to snake oil religion. You are hypocrites. Your president is a hypocrite. Your vice-president is a hypocrite. Your pastor is a hypocrite. Your doctor is a hypocrite. Your senator is a hypocrite. Your congressman is a hypocrite. Your policeman is a hyprocrite. Your God is a hypocrite. If there is really a Hell then surely your collective ass will burn there forever.
But (good news!) there is no Hell. You lucky devils!

Or is there?

Saved From Jesus


So I claim that most of the people who claim to be Christians are not really Christians but Jews (boom). Bush is a Jew. True, the Bush Behind is 'saved.' That much is true. Butt what does that really mean? Does it mean that, having had his sorry ass 'saved,' Bush will administer the Republic the way Jesus Himself would have administered it? Not bloody fucking likely.

I think it really means that Jesus' teachings are not tenable in the political world. Jesus was wrong. 'Love thy neighbor' is not a good idea on an international political scale. Jesus would be voted out nowadays, indeed, probably impeached depending on who was His VP. The fact is that we are NOT a Christian Nation. We are a Jewish nation, circumcised and all.

Only not me.

We are a nation whose collective ass has been saved. Saved from Jesus.

Acting Like a Jew


I'm finding it a bit confusing to switch back and forth between three blogs, especially after several beers, so I'll just stick to this one for the moment. Almost time for the news. But before departing I really must comment on the recent performance of President Bush. What an idiot!
Not only does this low class sucker chew and talk at the same time, he gropes women and vetoes money for stem cell research! I am not at all impressed. We obviously have a complete fucking idiot for president. Right? Maybe not.

Remember that other fucking idiot, from Plains Georgia? Jimmy Carter? He wimped out to Iran. What a wimp. The result was that we let Iran get away with all those hostages. True, they were eventually returned. That's true. And there was no war. That's true too. Thousands of American soldiers therefore had their lives spared and lived to raise families. True. Not to mention thousands of innocent Iranians. Again true.

But was Carter reelected? uhuh. Carter was kicked out of office by an enraged public. Some other idiot was elected. Which brings us to the crux of the matter: are we really a Christian nation? I think not. We are no more a 'Christian Nation' than Israel is a 'Christian Nation.' Carter acted, as president, they way Jesus himself might have acted. Bad idea: Carter should have acted like a Jew.

A Mutilated Tree


Well, folks, now you know why I dare not read this blog sober. The others, yes: this one, no.

I promised you a shot of the mutilated tree. Maybe I can get it right this time. Lessee... yep, that's the one. This tree has been hit so often that many of the limbs have had to be amputated (boom). I find it curious that the path of the current flow tends to duplicate that of previous strikes, instead of finding an entirely new path. In this particular case, the most recent strike has blown out large amounts of wood, having followed the scar of previous hits. Why would it do that?

This is the only tree I have found which has clearly been hit more than once (and very likely three times). The lesson here might be that if you live in this neighborhood you should be wary of venturing out on the Highline Canal (boom) Trail when there are thunderstorms in the area.

Friday, July 14, 2006



I know you: you have already figured out that 'pants-peeing' is a metaphor. Metaphor for what? That is the question. Does 'pants-peeing' imply a rejection of some cultural process? And if so, what process?

To define the matter succinctly, Potty Training is the fundamental teaching. All else follows from Potty Training. You must understand Potty Training first of all. Once you understand Potty Training then you are open to less definitive ideas. Potty training is the key.

After Potty Training you are open to the idea of The Supernatural: you have accepted the notion of an Alternate Universe, and therefore The Supernatural seems almost natural. And it was based on Potty Training. You accept the idea of The Supernatural because you were Potty-Trained. The idea that there is something logical about peeing in your pants necessarilly escapes you. Why not pee in your pants? After all, it does feel good sexually.

Why shouldn't you love it?

And why should God give a fat fuck about the state of your pants?

Are They Perverts?


Well, folks, I have to admit that in spite of the (tap) interesting international news, I am inclined to follow my interests (thump), which at the moment involve pants-peeing. Sure, I could wax more or less intensely regarding the Arab-Israeli conflict, but everybody is doing that already.

So I am left with my own interests, in this particular case, pants-peeing. I am interested in the sensual and psychological effects of pants-peeing, which is to say that I am interested in the possible social, cultural, religious, and sensual aspects of that behavior.

Does God abhor pants-peeing? Would Jesus head for higher ground if He knew that you were about to flood your shorts with pristine urine? And anyway, what was Jesus doing in your pants? These are - it seems to me - worthy questions in a violent world.

To bring the matter closer to International Religion, would Allah approve of your-bladder-out-of-control? And what about WHTZSNM? Does the Jewish God have a bladder? And if so does He insist that you follow His bladder routine? What business do The Gods have concerning Human Elimination? Why are they interested? What is Their problem?

Are They Perverts?

Back to the Drawing Boards...


Ok. I promised you folks a gruesome picture. Here it is. The picture in question is of the tree just across from our apartment on the Highline Canal. This tree has been struck by lightening at least two and probably three times:

Oops. This is not the tree. This is the tree next to the unfortunate tree, which has been struck by lightening at least two and probably three times.

Barfalonius. But you can see the telltale scar of a lightening strike, I'm sure. Hmm. Back to the drawing boards...

Tap Equals Intimate Communication


Now that I have more or less figured out how to upload pictures to Blogger I am wondering whether I should perhaps create a new blog (tap) devoted mostly to pictures. Hmm. I'll think about it, but that tap worries me.

Speaking of taps, the 'entity upstairs' (tap) likes to 'horn in' while Kootch and I share our most intimate moments together every afternoon watching Millionaire. The 'entity' (actually the faggot Gerash or his surrogate) taps in response to something I say to Kootch. The tap (tap) is so subtle that Kootch misses it, but I get it, due to years of 'sensitization.' That is to say that I notice it automatically whereas Kootch screens it out as 'noise.' The faggot Gerash is thus able to invade our intimacy (faint boom), and that invasion is only obvious to me. It is Gerash's way of saying to me that in spite of my revulsion for him personally he has achieved - in some sense - a greater degree of intimacy with me than my wife of nearly 50 years, who remains oblivious to 'our relationship.'

Was Newton Wrong?


As you can see (in Enough) I have figured out, at least partially, how to use the scanner. By the way, the initial title in the link was lifted from one of Arnold Swarzenneger's movies (Alien?). Swarzenneger had met the Alien for the first time and had said something like, 'You're one ugly muthafucka...' I thought the quote was quite appropriate.

I am also learning how to use the camera, of course. If I had it to do all over again I would have waited to buy the printer/scanner and learned the camera thoroughly first. But here I am, awash, so to say, in technology. Better enjoy it.

And 'how 'bout those Israelis!' Did they over-react or what?! Damn this is interesting. Seeing the news nowadays I get the strange feeling that Jesus is just around the corner and that Newton's prediction of 2060 is in error. Is that possible?!

Waiting for Midnight


Hmm. I guess the correct answer to last week's question is probably, 'Pissed off.'

Did you read Enough yet today? If so you enjoyed an interesting 'interview' with Walter Gerash, Denver's Most (boom) Famous Fish. I found it quite revealing at the time, or perhaps I should say, 'quite confirmatory.' It was Gerash at his best. I wonder: how would Gerash do in the blogosphere?

Hey, maybe you should try that, Faggot! Yes! We could be a duo! On second thought, bad idea.

Almost time for the evening news. Gotta run. Found two giant moths on the patio yesterday and today. One has been hanging on the door jam just under the light and the other was on the patio floor. I got Kootch to pick it up on a piece of paper. We took it inside and I left it on the piece of paper on the arm of the couch near the window, thinking it was dying. I later discovered that it was gone. I told Kootch that we had a very large moth loose in the apartment somewhere and that it was no doubt waiting for midnight - to strike!

Friday, July 07, 2006

For Me to Know and for You to Find Out...


That was fun. I love to describe my 'enemies' in uncomplementary terms. Are The Police my enemies? Yes they are. Lawers? Uhuh. Jews? Of course. Homosexuals? No doubt about it.

So what exactly is my problem with the above categories of human beings? Am I a goddamned Nazi? Not exactly.


And Why Weren't You Wearing a Diaper?


Is it a crime to pee in your pants in Colorado? My experience to date has been that it is not. Furthermore I would suggest that pants-peeing is not prosecutable anywhere in the USA. The prosecution problem has to do with motive: did you pee in your pants in order to excite the local police? The local sheriff's department? And if so, how could the local DA prove that to a jury? And why would it try? Is your underlying problem actually mechanical? Do you have a bladder-control problem? If so, what jury would convict you? Could you eliminate seniors from a prospective jury?

That's the problem. What was your motive for peeing in your pants in the park? And why was the local Chief of Detectives interested in your pants-peeing behavior? Is he queer? Does he love watching men pee in their pants? Should he be defeated in the next election?

These questions are very pertinent, and would be of interest to a jury.

And why weren't you wearing a diaper?

And if so, what difference would that have made?

We Welcome You


You probably think I'm kidding about that. Not so. Pants-pee-ers love Colorado because of the low humidity. You can pee in your pants at (boom) 1300 and they will be virtually dry at 1500 due to the low humidity, especially if there is a strong breeze. As Colorado's pre-eminent authority on the subject I have defined the conditions for best pants-peeing as follows: Humidity less than 30 percent; strong breeze; private area (eheh); plenty of time. Under such ideal conditions you can enjoy the glorious feeling of peeing in your pants for literally hours on end. One other criterion has to do with local temperature: 50 degrees or more is 'shortable;' 70 degrees or more is 'flashable;' 80 degrees or more is 'peeable;' '90 degrees or more is,' Very, very, very, peeable' indeed desirable. In other words, you need to be careful about not only temperature but privacy: you do not want to pee in your pants if somebody from the ACSD is watching, especially with a telescope attached to a camera. That's a no-no.

And, make no mistake: Gerash owns (tap) the ACSD. You can take refuge in the knowlege that the folks involved would never try to prosecute you (persecute you) based on any kind of objective evidence because such a prosecution would suggest a bizarre homosexual motive.

So if you want to move to Colorado and pee in your pants in the Summertime, in our many public parks, then by all means do so.

We welcome you.

Moving to Colorado?


It's raining moderately now. I love rain. In Colorado, rain alternates with sunshine in a most complimentary manner in the summertime. In fact, we get too much sunshine here, not enough rain. I should live in Washington State, home of Mushrooms. Can I take a picture of the rain? I tried it. We shall see.

What I love about Colorado is the dry humidity. Colorado department stores don't smell funny the way they do in Florida. Your sweat evaporates quickly. Even if you pee in your pants they dry out much sooner than they would in Florida. I know: I have tested the hypothesis (but not in Florida). If you like to pee in your pants then you need to move to Colorado.

Death is Nothing


Then take consolation in the fact that I don't believe it. I think that you die like a dog in any case. Enlightened, unenlightened, what does it matter? You die, and you die forever. But better to die enlightened... so they say...

I should point out that Don Juan thinks you will die regardless, and that 'Death is nothing. Nothing!' I agree: Death is Nothing: you are Something, headed for Nothing. Better enjoy it while you can. (Hmm... thunder outside... Am I pissing off WHTZSNM?)

Am I scaring you?


Shall I do another picture? Yez?
Ok, this is Daruma. His eyes are wide open because long ago He cut off his eyelids. As you can see, His right eye is not as well-defined as His left eye, probably because some time elapsed between the wish and its fulfillment, and the right eye was the first eye to be filled in.

Daruma cut off his eyelids so that He would never sleep (being gassed here) again. 'Sleep' is the Zen term for the average human psychological state. In Zen, to be 'asleep' is to be 'normal,' and to be 'awake' is to be 'abnormal' (Zen normal).

Daruma discovered caffine, they say, and the absense of eyelids signifies the awakened state conferred by caffine, which is symbolic of the awakened state conferred by meditation. To 'be awake' in Zen does not mean to be 'sleep deprived,' but to be 'fully conscious.'

In Zen, 'to awake' means to rise above biological mechanics and to become spiritual. You will find this same idea in Ouspensky and Gurdjieff. You create your soul by becoming awake, otherwise you really have no soul, and you will die like a dog, forever.

Am I scaring you?

Snobbery increases Inversly, Sexwise


There is another tree just across from our apartment near the HCT which has been hit at least two (probably three) times by lightening, and was the inspiration for my infamous 'prayer,' 'Missed again, Idiot.' I hypothesized that the Jewish god WHTZSNM was actually aiming at me and missed. I'll show you a picture next week. It's quite gruesome.

Speaking of gruesome, Today had a piece this morning about 'Shock Magazine.' Seems some folks love to see shocking stuff. I don't include myself among them, but I thought I'd take this opportunity to flaunt my Scientific Snobbery in the form of a plug for SEED Magazine, which has become my most recent 'potty read.' What a magazine! (No, they do not pay me for this - they don't even know me.) The potty progression (magazinewise) in my case has followed a definite curve over the years since I was a teenager: Sear's Catalog, Playboy, Seed. I think you will agree with me that the underlying motif over those years is, 'increasing snobbery.'

But maybe not.

My First Picture


I had problems last week trying to publish one of my photographs, and I blamed it all on the software which came with the camera. I was later (sober) able to publish pictures as a test, confirming the previous tests I had done. Although I don't know exactly what went wrong, I now suspect that the problem was actually a quirk of Blogger. We shall see. I didn't actually publish the test photo in question because it was a bit too gynecological in nature, something I snitched from this outrageous woman. Standby...

Well, well, well! Nothing much here, just a tree with a gash in it. Right? Right. The tree in the foreground is dead, of course, but had to be included in the shot because I was reluctant to climb down into the Highline Canal (dry at the time) in order to eliminate it. So what is the significance of the tree? Is this a female tree?

The significance is in the gash, which was inflicted from above on an innocent tree, the result of a lightening strike many years ago. The current from the strike travelled along the trunk at the bark/wood interface. The heat generated by the current created enough gas pressure to blow away the bark, leaving a scar in the form of a gash. Over the years the tree recovered somewhat but was never able to cover the gash. I have, over the years of bike-riding on the Highline Canal Trail (pictured here) noticed many trees with similar 'lightening gashes.' I suppose that the reason for so many trees with lightening gashes has to do with the name, Highline Canal, which is a canal which follows a 'high conture' down from the mountains, and is used to irrigate lower- lying areas.