Friday, July 14, 2006

Are They Perverts?


Well, folks, I have to admit that in spite of the (tap) interesting international news, I am inclined to follow my interests (thump), which at the moment involve pants-peeing. Sure, I could wax more or less intensely regarding the Arab-Israeli conflict, but everybody is doing that already.

So I am left with my own interests, in this particular case, pants-peeing. I am interested in the sensual and psychological effects of pants-peeing, which is to say that I am interested in the possible social, cultural, religious, and sensual aspects of that behavior.

Does God abhor pants-peeing? Would Jesus head for higher ground if He knew that you were about to flood your shorts with pristine urine? And anyway, what was Jesus doing in your pants? These are - it seems to me - worthy questions in a violent world.

To bring the matter closer to International Religion, would Allah approve of your-bladder-out-of-control? And what about WHTZSNM? Does the Jewish God have a bladder? And if so does He insist that you follow His bladder routine? What business do The Gods have concerning Human Elimination? Why are they interested? What is Their problem?

Are They Perverts?