Was Newton Wrong?
As you can see (in Enough) I have figured out, at least partially, how to use the scanner. By the way, the initial title in the link was lifted from one of Arnold Swarzenneger's movies (Alien?). Swarzenneger had met the Alien for the first time and had said something like, 'You're one ugly muthafucka...' I thought the quote was quite appropriate.
I am also learning how to use the camera, of course. If I had it to do all over again I would have waited to buy the printer/scanner and learned the camera thoroughly first. But here I am, awash, so to say, in technology. Better enjoy it.
And 'how 'bout those Israelis!' Did they over-react or what?! Damn this is interesting. Seeing the news nowadays I get the strange feeling that Jesus is just around the corner and that Newton's prediction of 2060 is in error. Is that possible?!
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