Holiness is the Problem
I began in Daily Scratchpad today, entirely sober. I think it's good comic relief. I plan to return (to DS) later because the best time to write about 'The Goose' is not exactly sober-in-the-morning. By the way, my favorite link is titled, 'The Major Religions.' Whomever composed those words was a true genius.
I'm quite early with the booze today. I've found that it is not a good idea to eat before drinking. I've also found that the sooner I hit the sack (and go through the hangover experience) the sooner (boom) I can get started on Saturday afternoon. And I slept well last night! Since I referred to 'them' as, 'the insane,' they seem to have backed off on nighttime RF. Damned white of 'em.
I have a few notes:
Excessive religion
The Jewish problem
Moving to America
Clinton plays the Jewish card for Hillary
'Excessive Religion' refers, of course, to the current problems in 'The Holy Land.' The land over there is waaay too holy. Except for the land's excessive holiness there is nothing much to recommend it above many other lands. Holiness is the problem.
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