Are You Interested?
Which brings us to my last post for tonight: the question of whether we should announce a date for withdrawl from Iraq. Big question. Everybody seems to have an opinion on the question but I have seen little logic (aside from senator Hagel's ideas on the subject last Sunday) which might illuminate the question. So I thought I might do an interview. The following interview will be between two Iraqis: one, a Sunni terrorist recruiter, the other a Sunni loser ready to commit suicide over the fact that he has been unable to forge any kind of a life under present circumstances. Here is the interview:
re: We admire your determination to please Allah.
lo: Thank you!
re: We see in you a strong and determined force for Islam.
lo: Thank you!
re: We see in you the Salvation of Iraq.
lo: Really?
re: Really.
lo: Thank you.
re: We see in you a true warrior in the tradition of Saludin.
lo: Oh my God!
re: Really.
lo: I believe it! I am a true warrior of Islam!
re: Warriors like you have forced the Americans to declare they will leave our beloved Iraq.
lo: Really? When?
re: Next month.
lo: Allah be praised!
re: In the meantime we see your talents and we have judged that you are perfect for a suicide bombing we have planned for next week. Are you interested?