The Jewish Connection
The diagnosis was: 'delusional.' I was 'delusional.' I was imagining things which did not exist. Sheeit. I am the least 'delusional' person I know. YOU are delusional: you fools imagine gods and devils everywhere! But that is another subject.
The diagnosis provided a huge fig leaf which covered the unfortunate parts of not only Gerash but many other shady individuals. Such a fig leaf is necessary but not sufficient. Money needed to change hands for the fig leaf to work smoothly, and money was no problem for Walter Gerash (tap). Gerash paid off whomever he needed to pay off. It helped if those folks were Jewish, because they could bring themselves to believe any nonsense about this half-Irishman which Gerash might conjure up. Jews are almost always willing to believe the worst about Irishmen for some reason probably related to penis envy or phantom foreskin pain.
And many doctors are Jewish! In fact many psychiatrists and psychologists are Jewish. I would even go so far as to say that many hospital circumcisionists are Jewish, the Mohel business being already too overcrowded. Those Jews circumcise your children for 'health reasons.'
So Gerash's fig leaf diagnosis found favor for one reason or another in the culture of Kaiser Permanente and the Arapahoe County Sheriff's (bonk) Department.
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