Saturday, April 30, 2005

Divine Evil


Genesis tells the story of how God set up an unsuspecting Humanity. Read it if you do not believe me. Read it and then decide whether my thesis holds water.

I think you will have to agree with me after reading Genesis that Adam and Eve were set up.

Why? Why would God seduce His glorious yum-yums with tempting fruits from the 'tree of life?'

Why would God tempt his beautiful children with fruits from the 'tree of knowlege?'

More to the point, why would God react monstrously against His innocent creations after they had fallen into His trap? Why would God condemn those unfortunate beings and their children and their children's children to burn in Hell forever? Why?

The answer to these pertinent questions can only be that God is Evil.

God is essentially Evil. What are we to make of this odious realization?

Either Or


Seven and ten are magic numbers in so-called Western Religion. We understand that the number ten is friendly to God. But what about the number seven? Hmm. Do these current magic numbers have anything to do with Revelations? Maybe.

I love Revelations as Unintentional Humor: it is humerous, unintentionally. This is the best kind of humor.

This brings us to a reprise of my original critique of Genesis. If you are reading this stuff as a member of the 'simple faithful' then you need to abandon this web site. Flee!

On the other hand if you are existentially curious to the point of being willing to risk your immortal soul then by all means stay tuned.

Friday, April 29, 2005

Genesis is Myth


I've done several commentaries on the Jewish Bible. I love them all. But I think that my most impressive commentary was the one on Genesis. Have you read Genesis? Correct me if I am wrong:

In Genesis God created everything in six days. An amazing number of people believe this.

But Genesis is Myth.

My Sexual Odyssey


Not that I got any Pussy. I almost wish that Sister Marcella had taken me under her sexual wing and transfered me to her dormitory next to her bed. I wish that in the middle of the night she had taken me by the hand into her bed and fucked me.

Unfortunately she was in charge of my brother's dormitory across the hallway (I still have not figured out why they seperated us). Furthermore she had my brother circumcised for bed-wetting. Therefore not me. I suppose I was lucky.

Where was I? Ahh, MTP! I Can tell you this, folks: there are times when religion is more fun that politics.

Would I have loved to fuck sister Marcella? Yes I would have. I was a twelve year old boy who 'suffered' from excessive horniness. She would have been a blessing. It turned out that I would eventually have to migrate almost halfway across the Good Earth before I would find a willing sexual yum-yum.



Father Joseph Bessio S.J. was connected from Rome. I think that he eventually realized that he had been set up by American Catholic Media but it was too late. Father Bessio also found philosophical refuge in the concept of 'the mysterious' but that was also too late: he came across as arrogant and deceptive.

I was actually stunned by Thomas Cahill! As he began to speak I thought out loud that, 'My education has been sadly neglected!' John Meacham presented a more balanced point of view, but it was clear to me that this new pope has immense theological and social problems from which he will not likely recover.

Did you know that 'S.J.' means, 'Society of Jesus?' It means that the priest in question is a 'Jesuit.' I was taught by Jesuits in high school and I came to despise them.

I can't remember whether I was 'raised' by 'Sisters of Mercy' or 'Sisters of Charity,' but I can tell you this: with one single exception I found them all to be religious whores.

Pragmatic Mystery


The show began with a video of the new pope converting to Modernity. I found it quite touching. Before his papacy he had led a life of obscurity as the Theological Bulldog of JP-II, a 'political pope' lacking modern knowlege, even modern religious knowlege. He performed brilliantly. Even Dionne was aghast at his accendancy, but there he was: sitting on the papal throne.

Father Thomas Bohlin (USVOD) was one of the first unsuspecting victims of this most elegant religious ambush on MTP. I warmed up to the discussion as the good father brought up the subject of 'mystery.' 'Mystery' is a Catholic codeword for philosophical-religious nonsense. When the logic of the faith brings the faithful up against absurdity then the word, 'mystery' is applied to sooth their troubled intellectual sensibilities. I am well acquainted with this tactic from my high school class in religion taught by Father Manning. 'Mystery' means, 'Do not pursue this idea further at the peril of your immortal soul.'

By placing certain troublesome concepts into the category of 'mystery' The Church avoids metaphysical embarrassment.

A Stellar Occasion


I love CBS Sunday Morning as you know, and I tivo it. But if I'm up at that ungodly hour I also like to watch the political programs like 'This Week' and 'Meet the Press' (boom). Last Sunday's MTP was a treasure! The new pope had been crowned and papacy was primary; even MTP was forced to yield the political message at least temporarily to the religious message. What a show!

I don't know much about politics. Never been interested in politics. I watch it on tv almost every day now, but I don't really understand the soul of the politician. I do understand the soul of the priest. So when Tim Russert had this amazing bunch of religious thinkers (here I am being kind in the Christian sense) on his show I was almost mezmerized. What a find!

Among others there were two significant priests, Thomas Bohlin (US vicar of Opus Dei), and Joseph Bessio, S.J. Other significant members were Thomas Cahill, E. J. Dionne, and John Meachem. There was a nun, a 'Sister of Mercy' (so-called: I have dark memories of Sisters of 'Mercy'). It was a stellar occasion so far as I was concerned.

Uncircumcised Dogs


What is it with this Arab-Muslim fear of dogs? Is it what I suspect? Penis Envy? I think so. And if I am correct, then Jews should also 'fear' dogs, at least male dogs. Is it true that Jews prefer female dogs as pets? Is there a poll out on this? Eheh.

If you have ever 'owned' an uncircumcised male dog you might be interested in this question.

Suppose you are not Arab-Muslim or Jew but are nevertheless circumcised for, say, 'health reasons.' Under those circum(sorry)stances would you prefer a female?

You know. I don't know. I ask you.

Chains and Stuff


Kootch has been gone about ten days now and I have settled into the usual routine which includes, among other things, chains. No, I am not into bondage. These chains are attached to the inside of the door to our apartment. When I leave the apartment I secure the two chains to two brackets on the inside of the door frame. I use digital padlocks for this. The padlocks are 4-digit anti-burglar locks ('anti-burglar' means that you can't pull on the locks as you dial through all the possibilities: you must relax the pull after each dialing). The four digits yield ten thousand possibilities each. It will take you a while to break into our apartment if you are so inclined.

In the old days I relied on my Apple computer. I connected it to a door switch which would tell the program when the door had been opened. The computer would immediately print out the details of the event on the printer. But as time went on it became clear that 'they' had come up with a way to defeat this. I'm not sure, but I think they would first turn off power to the apartment. Then I think they would use their keys to enter, and do what they wanted to do. It is unclear to me how they were then able to mask their entry. Perhaps when they wanted to leave they would load the program, then write an algorithm which would give them a few minutes to leave. When the algorithm timed out it would erase itself and branch to the beginning of the door switch program.

It was a case of being outwitted technologically. So when I discovered digital padlocks at Sears one fine day I made the decision to go with the 'brute force' method: make the bastards work!

This method seems to still be working after many years.

You're probably wondering how I come up with the numbers. Clearly, fixed numbers would be 'broken' by a determined burglar in short order, so I create new numbers every time I leave the apartment. I do this using a simple random process (tap): I close my eyes (in effect) and redial all the numbers over and over again and then I 'clamp in' the result and write it down. I do this for each lock. Then I write down the combinations. Then I check that these are the correct combinations. Then I am free to leave the apartment and go about my business... for a while. I am fairly sure that these two locks give me at least several hours of security against a determined team of burglars.

Of course the locks can be defeated by a simple chain cutter. But it would take a very big chain cutter. Or, they could simply break the bracket mountings using brute force. But this would yield evidence of entry, which perhaps even the Judeo-faggot ACSD could not ingore.

Saturday, April 23, 2005

A Wave


This iterates my sexual watersport predeliction, if any. It seems to me that watersport must be an intensely personal kind of sport.

This brings us to the natural end of tonight's blog. Most of the whiskey has been consumed. As I sit here I am thinking about you... veggies. And as I sit here thinking about all you veggies out there gathered together in natural rows a smile flows out of the depths of my rigid face, and eventually arrives at the surface and then breaks like a wave and disappears.

Friday, April 22, 2005

Water Sports


Having got that off my chest I must now apologize to you fish out there. As I recall I accused you of reading me for venial urinary reasons. It was an ungracious idea. I completely failed to grant you the sort of intelligence which might draw you to this blog. I apologize. Mea culpa. Mea culpa. Mea maxima culpa.

On the other hand it seems to me that The Accused have a right to know exactly what they may have been accused of. Only this basic principle of justice motivates me in regard to the following confessions which I trust you will find amusing:

As you know I like to pee in my pants from time to time. They call it, 'water sports.' Apparently there is a significant number of folks out there who like to engage in such 'water sports.' These people find the activity 'sensually satisfying.' I do too.

But my interest is water sports is a solitary interest. Other people's water sports do not interest me. I could never do water sports with another person and enjoy it. The exception is that I find images of women with obviously peed pants sexually amusing. Not that I seek them out on the internet but I have stumbled across them from time to time and they are very amusing. I love the way their butts get wet...

But that is a nother story.

Ancient Versus Modern


Modern science provides us with an alternative world view. Modern technology which is the offspring of modern science suggests to us nowadays that we as a species may have a moral responsibility in regard to Mother Earth. The Vatican has no such idea of morality. Doesn't have a clue. Vatican ideas of morality are three thousand years old or more. To the Vatican it is immoral to masturbate. To the Vatican it is immoral to prevent conception during copulation. The Good Earth is not yet full enough according to the vatican. Earth needs more people.

This is only one example of old and odious ideas clashing with modern common sense. There are many others and they are all very embarrassing to an old and odious papacy.

This is the situation faced by a 78 year old pontiff who may know a lot about a completely useless idea: Theology. How embarrassing.

Embarrassing Situation


The old idea, of course, is Passover. The new idea is Earth Day. The dubious idea is the papal vision of our world which is personified in the new pope. It is actually an embarrassing situation for this new pope. Very embarrassing.

Here is his problem: He finds himself suddenly at the crux of pertinent questions regarding how to proceed, infallibilitywise. On the one hand the divine mandate to 'fill the Earth and conquer it' has been carried out with gusto. Earth is full and has been 'conquered.' On the other hand it must now be clear even to the vatican that there can be too much of a good thing.

Most informed Catholics now understand that the previously mentioned divine mandate has been attained even exceeded and that now the Divine Instructions ought to mention restraint. But there are no instructions from the Divine nowadays. Communications have been cut off. No new biblical writings have appeared. No Divine telegrams have arrived at the Vatican. No phone calls from God. These facts unfortunately leave the new pope without new directions at a critical point in Earth's history. So embarrassing.

Two possibilities proceed from this: on the one hand Jesus' return is imminent and therefore no new instructions need be issued; on the other hand the Bible is not really the 'word of God.'

A Complex Day


Happy Earth Day. Today is also the Jewish Passover. Complex day.

I once wrote a commentary on the Jewish Passover which was quite funny (boom), at least to me. That commentary may still exist on an old floppy disk somewhere in the closet with my old Apple computers. It is easy to poke fun at ancient ideas if you are so inclined.

Further complicating this complex day is the recent fact that we now have a new pope, Benedict XVI. And from what I have been able to gleen from the news reports this new pope previously held the office of 'vatican enforcer' so to say, which office was apparently descended from the office of 'Le Inquisition.' Did I get that right?

You may recall that The Inquisition was responsible for 'abandoning' many unfortunate folks to the 'punishment of the state' on the grounds of pernicious heresy. In many cases this meant burning at the stake. The case of Giordano Bruno is a well known example. (At this point the server stopped responding and I got the familiar message 'cannot find server.' So I gave it a rest for ten minutes or so and reconnected. After signing in and going to 'create' I hit the 'recover post' option and, viola! It works!)

Which brings us to a sort of confluence of ideas: old, new, and dubious.

Shame on Me


Shame on me. I hereby promise to make this session much more of a pleasant read. Kootch is now in Tokyo with her other family. One of the last things she said to me before she left was spoken in Japanese. I was watching tv in the living room and she walked in smiling and began spouting Japanese not realizing she was speaking in her mother tongue. Only after I said something like, 'Would you run that by me again in English?' did she notice her 'language misapplication.' She does this every year as she prepares for her annual vacation. Sometimes it happens after she returns. I can't imagine confusing two languages that way because I know only one. I tried learning Japanese in the early years of our marriage but gave it up when it became clear the USAF was not about to send me back to Japan.

Saturday, April 16, 2005

This is Philosophy


That is another post. If you are into 'naughty urinary relaxation' then you need to follow this irreverent blog. But be prepared against philosophy! In fact you need to understand that urinary ideas are only bait; that you may well be in over your head here. If you are strictly urinary then you need to go to the internet.

This is really philosophy. You will find heavy ideas here which will flog you. Watery piss is your psycho-religious fantasy. It won't work here.

Friday, April 15, 2005

I Can Hardly Wait


Well as you can see I have created one six and two sevens, all blank. This is 8. Blogger sucks.

In spite of Blogger's sexual (boom) predelictions I will continue with style. Drunken style. It is just after 10 PM as I write this and I am about to wrap this up. Daruma is staring at me from his perch atop my computer. I smile. I like Daruma. I think of Hir as Sharuma.

Kootch is about to leave me temporarily for her yearly vacation with her family in Japan. Soon I will be alone, relatively speaking. From the point of view of abject psychology I am now about to deal once again with the fundamental psychological issue of my life: abandonment. According to this psychology I will regress (tap). I will begin to pee in my pants like a twelve year old child.

I can hardly wait!

You Are Veggies


I'm having real trouble with the Blogger time feature. Not only does it not present my personal time (I have to add an hour) but it seems to be screwing up the sequence of my posts. Now I am reduced to lying about the time I write this in order to keep the posts in sequence. So I lie and lie, but only to Blogger. Blogger deserves it. Not you. You are veggies. You deserve the truth.

In case you are wondering about this new term 'veggies' I am pleased to inform you that this new term is a more politically correct term for 'idiots.' I now live in a world full of veggies. And they are you.

I've discovered that I can simply stand up in the morning to escape the gas. They always gas me in the mornings while I'm watching TODAY and/or other stuff. The initial symptoms are a need to clear the throat followed immediately by a slight burning sensation in the throat. This has been going on and on for years, but I have recently discovered that all I need to do is stand up. Whereas I had previously left the room, usually for the computer in the bedroom, Now I simply stand up. Not only up: I exercise while I'm standing!

This 'gas stratification' is not new: I experienced it in the bedroom some time ago when I noticed that when the same effect appeared I could escape it by ducking my head down to about two feet above the floor, and that when I stood up the problem intensifyed immediately. Since the floor was (and still is) covered with plastic sheeting which is taped securely to the four walls, and since I have blocked all electrical outlets internally with 'goop,' I was forced to conclude that they were gassing me through the ceiling.

Sounds bizarre unless you know a little about my ceiling.


Revelations and Stuff


I recently noticed the 'recover post' option. Good idea. A few of my posts have gone poof and I would liked to have recover them.

Where was I? Ah: Dark Comedy.

The ABC series REVELATIONS is the story of junk science versus junk religion and is actually a Dark Comedy. That is my initial evaluation. I was so flabergasted at first by this show that I failed to see it, but after replaying it a couple of times it is now very clear to me that what we have here is a tongue-in-cheek comedy. A Dark Comedy. I love it as such. My tivo will record all episodes faithfully. I will laugh and laugh.

Speaking of tivo stuff I was happy to see that the Survivors voted the obvious queer off! I must tell you that my skin crawled every time he spoke and every time his bearded face appeared on my tv set. In fact, whenever those scenes appeared I resorted to fast forward. My initial favorite got voted off weeks ago (the tatooed lady bartender).

Dark Comedy


Nowadays is clearly superior to those old days when they took religion so seriously. Nowadays we don't burn people at the stake (for example). Nowadays we tolerate folks like me who like to poke fun at obsolete ideas. Nowadays we not only have freedom of religion we have freedom from religion. This is blessed progress. Western culture has arrived at the place where various religions can be taken with a dose of salt. We are truly blessed and we know it.

Take, for example, the NBC series, Revelation. What a show! I laughed and laughed as I watched the first installment on tivo. It took me several attempts to get through it because I found it so gloriously funny. Did you see it? If so did you find it funny? Did you see the humor of it? Or were you instead so emotionally involved with the story that you never laughed at all? Either, or.

I must admit that at first glance I found the story line sophomoric. It seemed to me to be a bad presentation of dubious religion, suitable only for the most abject Evangelicals. That was my initial evaluation. But as the show went on I began to discover the dubious science too. As I continued to watch it, almost mezmerized, it dawned on me that what we actually have here is a Dark Comedy!



Pissed Off Pope


The part which interested me in particular had to do with the politics of popery. It is not a good idea to piss off a pope. Nor is it a good idea to piss off a prospective pope. The case in point told the story of pope Stephen VII who was so angry at his predecessor pope Formosa that he 'dug up the corpse and placed the dead pope on the throne in his papal robes.' The angry pope Stephen VII then held a trial of the corpse, found it guilty, and excommunicated it. Not satisfied with that result, Stephen VII then threw the corpse into the Tiber river.

This unpopely behavior disgusted the people of Rome who then deposed Stephen and threw him in jail where he was eventually strangled to death. A Catholic priest who was commenting on the story for the History Channel commented that, 'They took religion very seriously in those days.' Eheh.

One wonders where The Holy Ghost was in those days. Hawaii?

Not a Moment Too Soon


And not a moment too soon.

I'm happy to report my recovery from the previously-mentioned phobia. Does the Conclave begin Monday? I can hardly wait! I mean it sincerely. You see, I've been studying The History Channel, another of my favorites. They got in on the media feeding frenzy with lots of related stuff and I was especially impressed with their, 'Holy Secrets: Electing a Pope.' I was amazed as I watched it. Why wasn't my high school religion class this interesting?! If Father Manning had taught us stuff like this we would have devoured it! I would not have flunked it twice, I can tell you that. On the other hand I might not have had the pleasure of being tutored by Anne Louise Bellinger. Win some lose some.

In case you didn't see it, the History Channel piece presented a brief history of this two thousand year old institution (popery), focusing on the highlights-lowlights. I loved it. I was especially interested in the examples which featured the absense of the 'Holy Ghost' in those august proceedings. Catholics think that the Holy Ghost (whomsoever SHE is) is always present at such times of crisis in The Faith, and that sHe guides the cardinals mysteriously as they select the successor to the dead pope.

Maybe. Maybe not.

Friday, April 08, 2005



Which brings us to the question of the value of 'being alive.' What does it mean to 'be alive?'

Some folks say that it is far better not to be at all. They say that time is trouble. They say that if you are existing in the realm of time you are burning in hell. This is nonsense. I say onto you that to be and not to be are equally irrelevant.

Hmm. Obviously I am fairly drunk at this point. Time to wrap this up.



Ok. I seem to have got my point across. (As I wrote that I grabbed my glasses and put them up to the light: spoiled as usual on the inside by squirting tears, I then licked them on the inside and wiped them clean with a paper towel. Now I can see very well. I clean my glasses often because they are so vulnerable to the squirts when I blink. My eyes water constantly, excessively. And whenever I blink a fine stream of moisture deposits on the inside of my glasses.

They say that my eyes water because my tear generation system has declined in my old age. They say that the result is watery eyes. Maybe.

Regardless, I can report to you that as you age you tend to cry more often. You begin to realize that you will not live forever. It is a sad realization. So you cry.

Spiritual Evolution


Schopenhauer wrote a book titled, 'The World as Will and Idea.' I have not read it. I never read stuff like that, prefering instead to read the less intensive reviews of that kind of stuff. I am not a masochist, only curious. For example I have never read Kant. Nor have I read Aquinas. Nor Aristotle. Nor Augustine. Nor Plato. I know their fundamental positions by having read the critiques.

I have not read Berkeley, although I love his style. My knowlege of Berkely is second hand, like my 'knowlege' of the previously mentioned sages. I have never read Voltaire although I agree with him completely, more or less.

I have read Bertrand Russell, the light stuff. I have never read Principita Mathematica. Don't plan to. I am a dilettante, a butterfly, a bee. I flit from flower to flower in the summertime of my youth, my life.

I see this characteristic behavior as evolutionarily significant in the 'spiritual' realm. That is to say, I consider my taste in philosophy to be omni-beneficial to me and perhaps to you. I see this behavior as a winning spiritual evolutionary path worthy of your emulation. Otherwise why do this? Why write about it? Why not just do it and be done with it?

That is the question.

Modern Religious Nuttery


Not that JPII does not deserve the title of 'Great.' Not at all. He deserves this title because of his political-religious offensive against the Soviet Union which snowballed into a winning idea, leading to the collapse of the Soviet Union and the temporary staying of Global Thermonuclear War. This was his great achievement.

He must have seen this historic result in terms of 'life.' He must have thought of himself as having saved millions, perhaps billions, of human lives, and so he must have come to see himself as the embodiment of a fundamental theme: the value of human life. It is a forgivable error. We are all occasionally vulnerable to the psychological category of 'grandiosity.' So it was with JPII. And we all went along! Maybe he was right. Maybe not.

But you can run any good idea into the ground. In a world full of 5 billion idiots there are multitudinous problems.

Modern religious nuttery sees these problems as irrelevant based on the idea that the world is going to end soon: Jesus will come soon, and it will all be over. Don't worry about global warming. Don't worry about the obscene increases of human beings which give rise to the extinction of other valuable species: God declared in Genesis that humans should, "... multiply and fill the Earth.' No religious leader seems to be asking the question, 'Ok God: we have filled The Earth and The Earth is dying. Now what?' That is the main problem with modern religion and modern religious nuttery.

Too Much Faith Can be Deadly


The pope died ugly. He died like an infidel. He died the death of a human being who was afraid to leave this veil of tears. He was scared shitless of dying. He understood the message of Jesus that 'Here is the Kingdom of God.' He hated to leave it (this kingdom of god) for the sterile paradise of Aquinas. Or Augustine. He knew too much.

His death was in contrast to the Suicide Bomber (or 'homocide bomber') of modernity. They die willingly and they die young, secure in their faith that God will reward them with the pussy they never found in this life. On balance I conclude that the method of JPII was superior. Too much faith can be deadly.



Other sad news this week is that Peter Jennings has lung cancer. Like Dan Rather and Tom Brokaw and others in this information age Peter Jennings is almost a member of the family, and so I wish him a speedy recovery. Get well, Peter! You are too young to die! We all love you very much and we don't want to lose you!

JPII, on the other hand, died not a moment too soon. In fact his death was years too late. He lingered almost obscenely. They say he considered resigning as pope in 2000 but decided against it. Too bad. It was a bad decision. But instead of resigning he preferred to present himself to us in obscenia, as an example of 'Christly Suffering.' We went along with the scam.
What else could we do? He was the fucking pope!

We would have preferred him to 'fade away' while a new pope took steps to bring the Catholic Church into the nineteenth century. But he chose to linger in full view. Too bad. Ugly.

Funerals Don't Interest Me


Funerals don't interest me. I don't think I've ever attended a funeral (tap). Nor do I plan to ever attend a funeral, not even my own, because I would never agree to a funeral. There will be no funeral for me. Who would I invite? Who would I want there?

They say that JPII was well inbalmed, and 'interred' within three coffins, with a white veil over his face. Catholics believe that eventually his body will be resurrected in a 'glorified state' and will presumably join his soul again in heaven. Maybe. Maybe not. I don't plan to be resurrected. I plan to rot at worst and be cremated at best. Either fate will be acceptable. In fact any fate will be acceptable! I won't be around to approve or disapprove!

Poped Out


I don't know about you, but I'm poped out. I am also cardinaled out. I am beginning to develop an actual phobia for the colors red and white. I am finding holy music irritating nowadays and, incredibly, I prefer RAP to that singsong latin nonsense! To me RAP is CRAP, which goes to show you how really poped out I am nowadays. Even the Michael Jackson trial is starting to become interesting to me. I am sinking low. Beethoven is a welcome relief from soulless liturgy, as I sit here complaining. I have become bored with shallow discussions based on old myths. I yearn to escape from this world full of idiots. Even Earth Revealed has lately become pedestrian, all about desert and water.

I have taken refuge in C-III as usual. It is a world I understand.

Saturday, April 02, 2005

We Will Always Have Acid


We all did Acid together. I was astonished by Acid but my children seemed to take it in stride as only another experience of growing up. They seemed to regard Ganja and Acid as 'rites of passage,' whereas I saw those drugs as glorious gifts of Mother Nature. I eventually concluded that, 'Like youth, Acid is wasted on the young.'

We did not do injectable drugs, nor snortable drugs. Nor did we do Amphetimines. I warned them against those methods of drug delivery and those drugs. So far as I know they never became addicted to any drugs of that kind. But we will always have Acid. We will always have Marijuana.

Safe Ground


And so when my oldest daughter's boyfriend introduced us to Ganja (faint boom) I did not demur. I assumed the role of family sage who knew a lot about drugs and who could guide our family through this period. Kootch, on the other hand, was obviously ignorant and remained silent as we explored this new scenerio. I had achieved the role of 'head of family' through my superior knowlege of drugs.!

Kathy eventually married the dude. He was a 'northern european' who had a learning disorder. They immediately produced a son, 'Charlie.'

More important to me they produced Marijuana.

I had been interested in Marijuana since the 60's. Furthermore I had been interested in Acid since the '70s. I was ready. I was ready to learn from my children. My children taught me.

I immediately assumed the role of Family Monarch. We did Ganja as a family experience. We loved it. Even Kootch did Ganja. I knew from my studies that Ganja was not physiologically addictive. I had made a study of all popular drugs and I knew that we were all on safe ground.

In fact I saw myself as the ruling authority of a family which had been subjected to unusual attacks, and as such I felt myself to be ultimately responsible. I allowed our family to experiment within the bounds of hippie culture: no intravenous drugs; no snortable drugs. In fact I made it clear that the only drugs acceptable were Ganja and LSD.

Friday, April 01, 2005



Another TODAY theme was 'parenting.' As a parent I was interested in the subject. Katie and Matt and Anne and Al expressed their individual angst as parents, and I could relate to them. I began to wonder how good I was as a parent. I 'examined my conscience.'

I don't think that I was an exceptional parent (tap). I was average at best. I see this result as the legacy of my own inadequate parents. My parents failed me miserably. I never ever had the idea that I would eventually become a parent, although I was well aware that I could 'give her a baby.' I never ever thought of myself as a daddy. Never. Ever

But Mother Nature eventually presented me with two lovely females, through the auspices of their mother, my wife. Those little girls presented themselves to me as 'natural results' of fucking. I accepted them as such and made room in my life for them. I conjured up the moral scenerio that I owed to them more than the minimal attention which had been granted to me as a child. I saw it as my duty to improve on my parents, but not much more. I saw no need for 'heroics.'

As a result our two girls grew up in a stressless world. They pretty much did as they pleased so long as it did not offend me. But as time went on (tap) I found it necessary to correct them from time to time. I became the liberal but authoritarian parent whereas Kootch became the total non-parent (it seemed to me). The result was that I became the villain of the family while Kootch became the hero. It became a subtle scenerio of 'me against them.' I hated it but there was nothing I could do to change it.

I don't think that Kootch was aware of the situation on an intellectual level. I think that Kootch was relating to her children on an elemental emotional level. The eventual result of all that was that as they entered puberty and beyond I felt 'excluded.' I thought nothing of it, really. I thought that this must be the way it always goes.

Do Acid Then Only Die


As I thought about that question it eventually dawned on me that I've pretty much done everything and that there was no experience left which might cause a craving within me such that I would respond to the TODAY question. I was wrong. There is such an experience, but I can tell you right now that you will never know what it is.

Aside from that I think I would like to witness the TODAY show on Acid. I've done it on Viagra and I've done it on booze. I would love to do it on Acid! And if I could inform you of a most glorious quest worthy of pursuit, then it would be Acid. You must do Acid before you die. This is my gift to you... idiots! Do Acid! Then only die.

Did JPII do Acid before he bit biggie? If not it is a tragedy: He never really knew what he was.

You Only Live Once


The third time was a charm.

I watched TODAY on my TIVO slightly buzzed for the first time, because I am behind in my viewing schedule. I liked the experience almost as much as when I watched it on VIAGRA. I must tell you, folks, that watching Katie Couric and Ann Currey, with a hardon, is a very pleasant experience. My motive at the time was to test out VIAGRA after watching the TODAY show. After. And I completed that test. On the basis of that test I approved VIAGRA, not to mention TODAY.

TODAY is doing a series on "What do you want to do before you die?' I love this idea! This is a very elegant device designed to create essential thought processes in their multitudinous idiot viewers! I see it as 'subtle religious activism,' in fact. TODAY is proposing what is in fact an essential question: 'How do you see your lives?'

The implicit theme is this: 'You only live once: what do you want most to do before you die?'

April Fool's Day


As I write this, JPII is said to be dying, or is already dead. Terri Schiavo died a few days ago. I am reminded of the 'one-two punch' of the deaths of Mother Theresa and Princess Diana. Do significant deaths come in pairs? Maybe. Maybe not. The one good thing in all this, in my view, is that both avoided dying on April Fool's Day. The first day of April is not a good day to die, especially if you happen to be pope. It would be a bad omen.

I am writing this sleep-deprived. Sleep deprivation seems to have become the most recent aim of the Jewish Terrorists who are gassing me. Sleeptime has always been my most vulnerable time. My VS has made the old days of 600 coughs per hour (at night) extinct, but they are still able to mount a significant attack at night when they want to. And lately they want to. It takes a lot of gas (hopefully EXPENSIVE gas but they can afford it, apparently). And where there is a will there is a way. They obviously inject the gas into the airspace outside my bedroom window. The intake fans then suck the gas into my bedroom.

(As I write this I am listening to the second movement of BPC#3, one of my favorites, which, incidentally I heard on KVOD today as I drove around for shopping purposes. I don't care for the first and third movements of #3 but I tolerate them quite well.)

Because the fans move huge amounts of air through the apartment very quickly, a 'shot' of the most potent gas (lung gas) passes by so quickly that it produces only a single cough, or two at most (being gassed here with a small dose of right lung gas, possibly as a 'joke.').

By far the choice for continuous gassing is 'skin gas.' The second preference is 'heavy gas' (I think). The 'good news' is that 'skin gas' is the least objectionable and the most tolerable.

(I've tried to 'publish' this entry twice now, unsuccessfully (boom). Is it possible that Judeo-faggotry finds it objectional for some reason?)