This could be a short night. Gassing activity began increasing about 10-23 and culminated today, I hope. I got about three hours sleep last night, and they gassed me during my attempt to nap this afternoon. By the way, I have been neglecting my gas log
www.rbdssobstory.blogspot.com but intend to bring it up to date in the near future, using my gas notes.
Just walked into the LR and saw Salman Rushdie on (tap) CNN. Tivo'd it for later viewing.
In my sleep-deprived state my blog notes (on the backs of envelopes) seem a bit cryptic. For example, there is the note, 'Accident or Design? Neither!' (thump) The note referred to the Dover trial, and I remember that as I wrote it the answer was crystal clear. But now I don't have a clue.
Then there was the note, 'Florida circumcised again!' The meaning here is obvious, but the question of exactly who or what is doing the circumcising remains on the murky side just now. Is it Mother Nature? WHTZSNM? Allah?
There's the note, '2000 dead - other statistics?' I remember this one exactly: I was wondering about the other unfortunate statistics of the Iraq adventure (bonk). Specifically, I was wondering about the number of legs lost. Arms were of interest too, of course, as well as eyes, hands, dicks, testicles, noses (of course!), tits, lips, ears, fingers, and I could go on and on but you get the idea. Apparently there is a reluctance to announce these kinds of statistics.