Thursday, October 27, 2005



Time for me to wrap this up. And I must say in closing that this theme was a totally different one from what I had planned days ago.

Good Question


It seems to me that Pat Robertson has proved to us all that he is a 'person of little faith' by his support for an Israeli preemptive strike against Iran - ala the Israeli strike against Saddam's nuclear power plant so long ago. The lesson seems to be that faith has no substance.

The lesson seems to be that Science and Logic are what matters, not some dubious 'faith.'

Which brings us to the question: How do they do it? How do they 'believe' on the one hand and 'disbelieve' on the other hand? How can they be at once 'believers' and 'skeptics?'

Which brings us back to the original question: How is it that we all eventually become satisfied with our personal lives as whores?

A Person of Little Faith


Pat's logic seems to be more or less acceptable at first glance: zap them before they zap you. But is this 'real Christianity?' I think not.

Don't get me wrong: I am a Zionist. I think that Israel is the rightful abode of all Jews everywhere, and as such it needs to be protected at all costs. In fact I would love to see all the world's Jews living happily in Israel. Every single one of them. Walter Gerash included.

But having said that I cannot resist pointing out that Pat Robertson seems to be A Person of Little Faith in regard to God's designs on Israel. Pat seems to believe that if Iran develops Nuclear weapons and launches them against Israel then Israel will be destroyed. But what about God?

Does Pat actually believe that God - the JEWISH God - will allow Israel to become a radioactive waste dump? Does Pat actually believe that God would fail to strike down all Iranian nuclear missles? Does Pat actually believe that the Jewish God WHTZSNM would stand by impassivly while the Sons of Allah destroyed the Promised Land? And all the Chosen People therein?

One wonders how deep runs the 'faith' of Pat Robertson.

More on the Sin Curve


As I thought about the Sin Curve I wondered whether psychologists had ever studied it. I have never heard of such a study, but I have heard of a related study where psychologists tested individuals who were pressured to inflict pain on strangers. The study was obviously not a 'pure sin study' in that it involved the effects of coersion, and now that I think about it such a Sin Study would be difficult to design. In fact, coersion would need to be an integral part of such a study.

Nevertheless: it is clear to me from my encounters with various people during my long life that we are all whores at bottom and that what separates us from one another is price.

My last note refers to Pat Robertson's call today for an Israeli pre-emptive strike against Iran in response to the recent rhetoric by the newly elected president there to the effect that Israel is a blot on the Islamic Middle East and should be destroyed.

Pat's logic for this pre-emptive strike was that Iran will inevitably develop nuclear weapons and that Iran will inevitably launch those weapons against Israel, wiping that nation out.

The Sin Curve


The next note refers to Miers' withdrawl. This would seem to indicate that the presidential experiment in independence from right wing nuttery is at an end, and that his next choice will be more reflective of the political tastes of 'his base.' If so a fight looms. But there are those who are fond of reminding us that the president is president of all the people, not just the nuts. So we shall see: what course will this stumbling duck choose? All the world waits to know.

Frontline had a great piece on corruption in Peru. As I watched it on tivo it dawned on me that everybody has a price and that a person's price was personal. That is to say that everybody has a personal price. Everybody is a whore, but some of us demand an exhorbitant price, while others of us are relatively cheap. We can all be bought (thump). It is only a matter of price.

But is it that simple? Not exactly.

I imagined a graph on which the price could be plotted against the crime. It seemed to me that if somebody were to plot such a graph the result would resemble a Bell Curve.

There is no question that at one end of such a Bell Curve would reside those folks whose price for an extremely small crime was huge, whereas at the other end of that same curve would reside folks whose price for a truly horrendous crime was small. We could label such a plot the 'sin curve' (or something like that). I use the word 'sin' because such a graph would plot offenses which were not only criminal but also moral.



This could be a short night. Gassing activity began increasing about 10-23 and culminated today, I hope. I got about three hours sleep last night, and they gassed me during my attempt to nap this afternoon. By the way, I have been neglecting my gas log but intend to bring it up to date in the near future, using my gas notes.

Just walked into the LR and saw Salman Rushdie on (tap) CNN. Tivo'd it for later viewing.

In my sleep-deprived state my blog notes (on the backs of envelopes) seem a bit cryptic. For example, there is the note, 'Accident or Design? Neither!' (thump) The note referred to the Dover trial, and I remember that as I wrote it the answer was crystal clear. But now I don't have a clue.

Then there was the note, 'Florida circumcised again!' The meaning here is obvious, but the question of exactly who or what is doing the circumcising remains on the murky side just now. Is it Mother Nature? WHTZSNM? Allah?

There's the note, '2000 dead - other statistics?' I remember this one exactly: I was wondering about the other unfortunate statistics of the Iraq adventure (bonk). Specifically, I was wondering about the number of legs lost. Arms were of interest too, of course, as well as eyes, hands, dicks, testicles, noses (of course!), tits, lips, ears, fingers, and I could go on and on but you get the idea. Apparently there is a reluctance to announce these kinds of statistics.

Friday, October 21, 2005

True Religion


Is the religion of Nostadamnus really, actually, true? I think not. I think that most of the people around me are idiots who do not have the faintest clue about True Religion. Indeed, the idea of 'true religion' represents the primitive idea that there is an answer to all questions, and that there is one single answer.

But there is no single answer.

The nature of The Universe is such that every question has an answer, but that there is no answer which satisfies every question.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

The Word of God


The eventual result of this national failure to decircumnasalise was a National Catastrophe: the Nasal-less kingdom was eventually conquered and the people of the kingdom were dispersed among the nations of the world in a kind of nasalespora.

But the People of the Nasalporia had a last card up their collective sleeve: the writings of the Great Mystic whose name was Nosedradamnus. They called their exclusive document, 'The Word of God.' Wow! What a name!

And I could go on and on of course, but you get the idea: the eventual result was that most of the nations of the world eventually settled on the idea that the religion of Nasalectomy was more or less true (tap) but needed much elaboration before it would appeal to a modern sophisticated culture.

Which brings us up to date.

A Hideous Practice


The New Religion prospered for many years until the advent of Science. Apparently some uppity new 'scientist' suggested that nose amputation in the interests of 'enlightenment' was ludicrous. This new scientific idea began to spread among the masses and eventually began to threaten the National Religion. The new religion began to suffer as eighteen-year-olds started to refuse circumnosision en masse. Riots broke out everywhere in the Kingdom as healthy people everywhere began to rebel against the practice of 'nosectomy in the interest of enlightenment.'

The eventual result was that the New Religion declared that Nosectomy was to be limited to infants who were eight days old. All nosebearing folks over the age of eight days were to be granted their noses.

There was a tremendous celebration as a result of that ruling. The people thought that they had won a significant victory against their (Stupid) religion of Nosectomy.

But most folks were noseless by that time. And as they viewed their newborn children they were torn: 'Should we circumnase them on the eighth day?'

And what about the cases where the nosebearing child confronts the noseless parent at the age of three, saying, 'My nose is bigger than your nose!'

And so, regrettably, many parents began the practice of circumnasion on the eighth day. It was a hideous practice which offended many other nations.

Gold Buys Enlightenment


The new religion began to grow 'by leaps and bounds.' It seemed that the progression was almost exponential (although in those days few people knew much about mathematics). Twenty years later the New Religion began to be noticed by a large portion of the populace. Whereas at first the 'noseless ones' (as the people of this new religion were called) were laughed at, as they became more and more common this fact synergized the spread of what eventually became a wildly popular new idea.

Within a hundred years almost all of the people (boom) were noseless.

The Great Prophet died in the interim, of course, not realizing that he had literally changed an entire culture. He died rich, of course, too, because as his religion became more and more popular, more and more people were willing to contribute their gold to the central idea that 'gold buys enlightenment far beyond mere nasal considerations.'

Efficacious Amputation


The Great Mystic then said to the man whose nose he had just cut off: 'Now open your eyes and see the glorious revelations all around you!'

The amputee opened his eyes and looked around. Then he said to the Great Mystic, 'Nothing has changed. Everything seems to be the same except that my face hurts.'

The Great Mystic then said to the man, 'Now you know The Truth. Nobody else knows The Truth except me, and now you. Now you will be rewarded for this esoteric knowlege - or - you will be cursed and despised. Now you must make the decision. Will you tell the masses that you were a dupe? A fool? An idiot? Or will you tell the masses that, 'Yes! This is the True Religion!' 'This is the new true religion!'

The new disciple saw immediately where his future good resided. He went out into the streets and proclaimed the glorious efficacy of nasal amputation.

An Old Story


There is an old story of a man who had offended the king of a certain country. The king had the man's nose cut off as punishment for the offense. Everywhere the man went in that kingdom the people could see that he had no nose. Furthermore the people knew why he had no nose: the king had had it cut off because the man had offended the king.

So the man left the country. When he arrived in another country the people there wondered why he had no nose (thump). The man wanted to make a new start in a new country and so he could not tell them the truth about his nose. He invented the story that he was a great mystic, and that an essential feature of his religion was that the nose had to be cut off. He maintained that once the nose had been removed the devotee would be able to see the great truths which surrounded the masses but which remained invisible to them due to their retained noses. The people laughed.

The man wandered for several years in the new kingdom preaching the gospel of the evil of nasal retention, and one fine day he was rewarded with a true believer who was willing to have his nose removed. The man - who had now become a great prophet due to the fact that he had at last achieved a disciple - then cut off the nose of his new disciple.

How Could This Happen?


Tonight's subject is, 'foreskin retention.' On the face of it, the phrase seems to be legitimate. Seems to be. But suppose I proposed a slightly different phrase, say, 'nose retention.' You would no doubt be struck by the sheer ludicrosity of such a phrase. You would no doubt say something to the effect that, 'The nose is the result of millions of years of evolution, and to speak of 'retaining it' is simply idiotic.' And you would be correct of course.

But 'foreskin retention' became a dubious idea in America in the last century. The foreskin was suspected of being somehow subversive. The idea that male American infants should be allowed to retain their foreskins became a very dubious idea, almost an un-American Idea. The foreskin was assigned the role of a universal villain whose removal was mandatory. The result was that a hundred million American male infants were sexually mutilated. How could this have happened?

The Magic of Links


My favorite web site has got to be this one. It opens Pandora's Box. From there I can go to this one and then to this. From there I can go to here, then to here, which finally brings us back to a subject from last week: your dick. Yes folks, we are going to do another quote from Wallerstein's book, Circumcision, an American Health Fallacy (By the way, don't try this at home when you're drunk. I just (tap) attempted to verify the above links and keep getting the 'server not found' (thump) message). And I keep getting the same 'server not found' message every time I attempt to verify the above links. Oh well. My guess is that 'they' cannot prevent YOU from verifying those links.

I'm Back


I'm back early for some dumb reason. I only realized my mistake after I had taken my first sip of whiskey. Here's how it happened: Figuring that I could show off my newly learned Japanese phrase for, 'Lets have a drink' ('ippi yarimasho') I poured her a glass of Barefoot and took it into her room and said, 'Ippi darimasho.' Kootch corrected my Japanese, then wondered why I was boozing it up on Thursday instead of waiting for Friday. I replied that I didn't want to be hungover for the Saturday flu clinic. Kootch then informed me that the flu clinic was not this weekend but next weekend (the 29th). Naturally I felt silly. Then I did the math: I could stop drinking now, play C-III the rest of the evening, and booze early again next thursday night - or - I could booze early again next Thursday night. Same thing, Thursdaynightwise.

And it is tremendously difficult for me to stop after only one drink. I hate to choke off a buzz. I love both the glorious lucidity of sobriety and the glorious abandon of inebriation, and the result is that I almost never mix the two. So I'm back early.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Holy Oil


I did a little research on Google today concerning the subject, 'holy oil.' I was looking for the Jewish holidays which celebrate the ancient incident where the temple in Jerusalem had run out of oil to light the temple lamps. Due to time constraints I had to abandon the search.

But I remember that there is a Jewish holiday (or Holy Days) which celebrate that ancient occasion. Seems that in spite of calculations to the contrary the temple lights continued to burn. This was taken by Jews to be a 'miracle from God' and has been celebrated ever since.

To the mystical Jewish mind, God replenished the oil in those lamps.

But my mind is practical not mystical. So I conjured up the most likely scenerio: many male Jews had a goodly supply of olive oil which they used for masturbation. Hearing that the temple was short of oil, they made the decision to tap their private supply.

Of course this had to be done more or less surrepticiously. What Jewish male could admit that he had tapped into his private stash?

That is my conjecture concerning those Jewish holy days so long ago. Would it not be ironic if I am right and that a significant Jewish religious celebration is actually based on the need for olive oil in the average Jewish household?

Friday, October 14, 2005

Curiosity is a Good Thing


'Pandora's oxymoron' refers of course to the upcoming vote on a national constitution for Iraq. We shall see...

'Survivor' refers to the fact that I am beginning to make personal assessments concerning the various participants.

'Bird flu' concerns the latest worldwide panic, which might be well justified. But at my advanced age I find myself unable to join the circus.

'Holy Oil' concerns a glorious piece I saw on TV today about the child of a priest and a nun (Peter Manseau) who wrote a book (Vows) which described his life under the circumstances. One of the things I liked about the piece was the fact that I learned a new latin phrase, ex damnato coitu, meaning, 'from a damned union.'

I should point out that were I in complete control of the above script I would have italicized the latin phrase instead of the English phrase, above. But I am not in control. Furthermore I would have turned the latin phrase brown. But after a few attempts to bring this about I realized that it was useless to fight unwinnable battles and so I concentrated instead on winning the war.

'Curiosity did not kill this cat' refers to a glorious Nightline interview with Studs Terkel at age 92(?). I like this guy. He seems to be as curious as I am.



Which is to say that Harriet Miers does not yet have a 'well formed judicial philosophy.'


Tonight's music is Mozart: Piano Concertos number 16 and 25.

Which finally brings me to my Friday List:

pandora's oxymoron votes
bird flu
holy oil
Curiosity did not kill this cat

What a Woman!


I just had the pleasure of watching the first phase of The McLaughlin Group which concerned yet again the recent Bush nominee to the Supreme Court, Harriet Miers. It seemed to me that they all missed the point of why the rabid right objects to her nomination in spite of the fact that the prez insisted that she was a nominee who would not change over the years into a left wing liberal.

The prez stated when he nominated her that as an Evangelical Christian she would never change her current (right-wing-religious-nut) view of the world and that therefore she was safe. He furthermore stated that he 'knew her heart' which convinced him of the above.

Most Democrats love the nomination while most Republicans do not. The question is, 'Why?' What is it about HM that the right hates and the left loves? I know. You don't know.

Here is why: Harriet Miers 'converted' from Catholicism to Evangelicalism. That is a stunning conversion. Her conversion demonstrates that Harriet Miers is capable of immense change. That is what worries the Right, and that is what the Left savors about Harriet Miers.

Harriet Miers is not yet fixed.

African Genesis


That was my initial take on Wallerstein and I still hold that view.

At this point I need to point out my 'progress' for tonight, boozewise: 5 3.2 Natural Lights and .4 ounces of Canadian Mist on an empty stomach (since about noon - all booze beginning around 5 pm). I am now working on another hit of booze which will leave me with one beer and about .4 ounces of whiskey. I am, of course, reluctant to get too drunk too soon (especially after reading last week's nonsense) and so I will probably do more beer than whiskey in the near future.

In other words I am buzzing my pretty little brains out. Back to my commentary:

The thing to remember, it seems to me, is that Wallerstein is a circumcised Jew. As a circumcate he can only speculate. Indeed, women and circumcates can only speculate concerning the physiological and psychological value of a 'sleeve' covering the glans penis. The sad fact is that most of these speculations have little value.

The sad fact is that Mother Nature, through Evolution, has fashioned a magnificant male sexual organ over millions of years which certain 'religious' and 'cultural' interests have, over the years, found it necessary to 'modify.' And the male is not the only victim in this regard. 'Female circumcision' is still practiced in remote areas of Africa. Female circumcision seems to be even more pernicious, especially when it involves the removal of the clitoris and the sewing-up of the vulva except for a small opening to allow the passage of vaginal fluids.

Both forms of circumcision seem to have originated in Africa.



Finally! I have been avoiding this subject. I wrote a lot about it in my drog some years ago and so I am reluctant to revisit it. But it seems to me that the apparently innocent quote above (below, blogwise) might actually contain 'errors' of this or that sort and that therefore it could be a legitimate subject for commentary. For example:

Edward Wallerstein is Jewish, and can be forgiven for 'overlooking' the obvious Jewish origin of newborn circumcision. Indeed, he is to be praised for whatever candor he has, as a Jew, been able to muster on the subject. I see him as a journalist who is torn between two 'opposing' ideas: Judaism and Americanism. Wallerstein has 'discovered the truth' and it is ugly with respect to his two most cherished values, Judaism and Democracy. Furthermore, Wallerstein is aware (however dimly) that the circumcision of America has diminished 'national pleasure' in a most substantial way and he wants to 'right the wrongs' which national circumcision might have inflicted on the population. I like that.

Circumcision in America


This brings (being gassed here - lung gas - b 3 1 at 1951) us naturally to the subject of the circumcision of America, most of which seems to have been done between the end of WWII and about 1995 or so. It seems that I cannot escape this. I have decided to do only a small quotation from the book, Circumcision: an American Health Fallacy (by Edward Wallerstein - a Jew).

The following quotation is taken from the beginning of chapter 1:

'During the past year more that 1 1/4 American males underwent surgury - without ansthesia - within the first few days after birth. The operation was circumcision, the cutting off of the foreskin, the sleeve of flesh which covers the head or glans of the penis... This volume of surgury makes it not only the most frequently performed elective operation, but also the only one done on an almost routine basis. It is performed on about 9 out of 10 newborn males.

'This surgury to the newborn is a uniquely American medical phenomenon. No other country follows this practice, except where the operation is a religious ritual or puberty rite.

'Early in the twentieth century, all English-speaking countries began to practice newborn circumcision, although none did it to the degree that the United States did. Since the 1950s the incidence of its performance in Canada and Australia has diminished and in England it has been almost totally abandoned.

'Scientists have expressed wonder at the acceptance of newborn circumcision by English-speaking countries and the continuation of the practice only in the United States. No one has attempted to explain this strange state of affairs.'

So I Wonder


Gerash has proved to be an assiduous collector of my personal effects over the years. I suspect that It was Gerash who had my ford stationwagon (the Big Blue Marvel) stolen from a Florida motel back in the early '80s. That vehicle contained all of my most treasured possessions, including my pilot logs and my high school yearbook. Gerash has even used his local 'agents' to steal occasional books from our current apartment, among them, Ruben Fine's (several stomps above me) The Psychology of the Chessplayer.

So I wonder. Does Gerash now have a sample of my skin? If so, thank god it is not my foreskin! (boom, boom, boom upstairs)

The Collector


I could go on and on, of course, but to bring you up to date: a letter arrived today from Kaiser Permanente to the effect that the biopsy showed a 'benign skin lesion.' The 'keratosis,' which was the reason for the visit, has dropped off. The remaining outline of the dime-sized 'skin Lesion' seems to be flaking off too, leaving nice white baby skin behind. But the dark round mole is hanging on grimly. In fact it has turned black, and I can tell that it is in its last throes.

This leaves me wondering: What happened to the large middle segment of that suspicious lesion? Was it all consumed by the biopsy? Or - and I admit that this could be possible evidence of my insanity - does Walter L Gerash collect more than just photographs?

I Keep a Close Watch on This Nose of Mine


I never showed up for the next appointment, of course. I cancelled it, certain that I had finally unraveled the mystery of the nurse and the calling card: they wanted that photograph. And if they could also get a chunk of my nose in the bargain, so much the better, but their primary objective was that full, close-up, facial photograph.

I wrote about this in my drog, but I don't remember the level of detail. This is about as much detail as I remember nowadays. Who are 'they?'

Walter Gerash and Company.

Over the years I kept a close watch on this nose of mine. Nothing has changed. The good doctor at the Arapahoe Clinic got the entire cancer on the first visit and it has not recurred. All further excavations would have been entirely gratuitous.

Candid Camera


His reaction was remarkable: he laughed suddenly and (it seemed to me) sadly, as if he had been made the butt of a joke. He replied that he was Jewish (but did not mention his sexual preference), and that in view of this fact, wondered whether it would be appropriate for him to be cutting on my nose. I must admit that I admired his personal ethic. I told him that I had no objection to him cutting on my nose so long as he promised not to cut off any more of it than was absolutely necessary. He thought about that for a minute, then declined. He suggested that I seek out another surgeon. I asked him for recommentations.

He left the office for a few minutes, and I could tell, by the way he was talking to his assistants, that he was very angry. He returned with the name of a female physician. He said, 'I'm sorry you have a vendetta against The Jews.'

I replied that, 'You got me all wrong, Doc: I Don't have a vendetta against the Jews. I don't do anything to Jews. Jews do things to me.'

A couple of weeks later I arrived at the downtown clinic again, very curious about the new surgeon. She turned out to be a black women. I thought it very ironic that I had gone from a Jew to a Black in one step. I wondered whether this was an improvement... or not.

The woman turned out to be totally unacceptable. She tried her best to scare me. She examined the inside of my nose as she explained that that particular carcinoma was called a 'rodent' (tap just above me) cancer and that she was looking for signs that it had invaded my nasal areas. We made an appoint for the actual surgury and then she took me to the desk for a full facial photograph, close up. She explained that this photograph was for their records. They snapped the picture, and I was done until the next appointment.

A Jewish Queer by the Name of Walter Gerash


Boy, that got 'less and less' as I got 'more and more.' I'll try, as my first order of business tonight, to make it clearer:

Some years ago I visited the local Kaiser dermatology clinic (the one mentioned last week) and had a small lesion removed from the bridge of my nose. The biopsy showed that it was a carcinoma (basal cell or squamous cell - I forgot) and I was advised to do a followup at the downtown clinic, where they would take more tissue in order to see if there was any remaining carcinoma. A nurse at the local clinic gave me the card of one of the downtown physicians and suggested I make the appointment with him. I thought it odd that she would do this.

In fact, I was so certain that Walter L Gerash was yet again involved with my personal medical business that I made it a point to request the suggested physician (who was a PJ). I made the appointment and arrived at the downtown clinic a couple of weeks later on schedule.

The good doctor seemed to be ever so slightly antagonistic as we discussed my reason for being in his office, even to the point of 'cutting me short' when I asked the meaning of a medical term (mollus, it think). I had barely got the mo... out when he said - as if I were on Hardball, 'Mole.'

So: Here I was in the office of a slightly antagonistic Jewish physician recommended by Walter Gerash, and he was about to 'circumcise' my nose. Eheh. At least symbolically.

It was at that point that I decided to play Hardball too. I told him that a nurse at the Arapahoe clinic had given me his card and suggested that I select him to do whatever procedure they had in mind for my nose. He seemed very surprised that a nurse at the Arapahoe Clinic would have one of his cards, or would actually go so far as to recommend him over the several other physicians at the downtown clinic. We agreed on this point. He wondered what was going on. I told him that I thought the nurse was acting on behalf of a stalker. He then asked who the stalker might be. I replied, and these were my exact words, 'A Jewish queer by the name of Walter Gerash.'

Saturday, October 08, 2005

The Sexiest Bitch


I am so sorry about that of course. I have absolutely nothing against 'homosexuals.' I am absolutely certain that sexuality is a genetic matter, and that therefore sexual preference is a result of natural forces.

And even if sexual preference is partially social I don't fault homosexuals on that account. It seems to me that all of sexual preference is 'natural' and that the modern religious 'witch hunt' is ill-advised, even murderous.

And this brings us to my last hit for tonight. It is about 0225 and I have poured my Last Hit.

After this I will eat a long-overdue supper. Then I will probably watch some of my favorite tapes. Finally, I will yield to the overwhelming seduction of sleep.

Sleep is the sexiest bitch of them all.

Jewish Queers


You can imagine that I was a bit concerned about my nose, which seemed to be doing very well (it is still doing well and this was years ago). And this possible Jew was scheduled (by some dumbass nurse at Arapahoe) to chop out even more of my perfectly good nose. Am I making sense here? no?

Well anyway, the Good Jewish Doctor, unaware that I was not in 'patient mode' but was instead in 'investigative mode' finally asked me how it came to pass that I was sitting there in his office.

I replied that a nurse at the Arapahoe Facility had given me his card.

He replied that nobody at the Arapahoe Facility ought to have done that. He wondered out loud what was really going on.

I replied that I had a theory, and that my theory was that Walter Gerash, a well known Jewish queer who was stalking me had set us up via the previously mentioned nurse.

The implication was clearly that a Jewish Queer had set me up with another Jewish Queer (the current physician) and was breathlessly awaiting the result.

This 'relevation' seemed to actually stun the poor guy, and I got the immediate impression that he was yet another Jewish Queer (he was obviously Jewish but not obviously queer) who had been victimized by the Jewish Faggot Walter L Gerash.



Before I leave you tonight I must address the nagging question of why. Why did the female physician who attended me on the previous visit to KP discourage me from setting up today's appointment in person? Why? I told her that I intended to make (today's) appointment in person just after I left her office (since I was 'on premises') but she strongly discouraged that idea, saying (twice) that, 'there is rarely anybody around there to take appointments.' So I bypassed Dermatology that day. Dermatology called me several hours later and I made today's appointment over the telephone at that time.

Yet today I found several KP personell at the desk. Those folks took my arrival so seriously that within minutes I was seated in the doctor's office. So why? What was going on there?

I don't know.

But I remember a previous visit to that facility where a nurse in the 'skin ward' gave me the card of a physician 'downtown' who would take care of 'my problem concerning the bridge of my nose' which had already been 'possibly solved' by the current physician.

I thought at the time that such a 'solicitation' by local KP personnel was 'inappropriate' and I made a mental note, and requested the physician whose name was on the card she gave me. I was very curious.

I arrived at the said appointment (downtown) on the specified date and was greeted by an obviously Jewish physician who seemed to be just a shade antagonistic. The subject came up concerning how I was in his particular office and I told him that a nurse in the Arapahoe facility had given me his card. He told me that nobody at the Arapahoe facility should have had his card.

I concluded immediately that we had been 'set up' by Judeofaggot forces (The JFF).

The Current Question


I was probably a bit ahead of you concerning the last subject, having seen the film, Mondo Cane.

Before I get off the subject of National Political Policy I should say that I entirely approved the selection of the current Chief Justice and that I have nothing at all against the current nominee. I count mself as a 'luke warm liberal' (eheh) and neither person offends my (being gassed here with lung gas) political sensibility.

Which brings us back to my favorite subject nowadays: did God have anything to do with the most recent natural disasters to befall the U.S.? And if so, was His input more in the form of revenge or the form of suggestion? That is the current question.

Friday, October 07, 2005

An Esoteric Subject


Prove me wrong if you can.

Which again leaves me ncs, and it is now ten pm. I should note that I agreed exactly with the ex-Jesuit concerning Miers' qualifications. Back to TMG... ok I'm back at 1026 and find myself agreeing with Pat Buchanan on the question of political storm within the Republican party. Standby, I need to finish this episode... Lastly was the question of 'Foie Gross' (fooey graah' in French). This is an esoteric subject. Foie Gross is a french dish derived from goose livers whose unfortunate (or fortunate?!) genitors have been force-fed a dubious diet three times a day until their livers have expanded to gastronomical proportions suitable for consumption by wealthy carnivors like us. The question was whether the USA (like California) should prohibit importation of such stuff which is apparently a gross example of animal abuse.

I agree that the importation of such stuff should be banned in the USA.

A Born Again President


Darn. This leaves me non compos subjectivus at a time of great promise, boozewise. Guess I'll go watch my tivo of The McLaughlin Group. Standby... Ok. Got my next subject, Harriet Miers, who is Bush's most recent nominee to the Supreme Court.

I must say that I found the discussion very entertaining. My own personal take on this particular nomination is that The Prez was 'in a state of rebellion' when he made his choice. I conjecture that he was a little fed up with all the 'suggestions' (political and otherwise) which he had endured and put into official policy over the years. I think he was disenchanted. I think he selected Harriet Miers as a personal statement of independence from the right wing neocons who presume to run National Policy. I think that The Prez decided that a 'quacking duck' still had enormous power and that he chose to prove it by this nomination.

I think that The Prez became a 'born again president' with that nomination.

What a Laugh!


The Mississippi (?) Legislature has approved a bill which would allow gambling casinos to build on land. This seems to be an improvement on previous law which limited such neferious establishments to water. In view of the fact that many casino barges came ashore during hurricane Katrina and inflicted unnecessary damage to adjacent structures, so far so good.

But this development tends to conflict with Franklin Graham's conviction that God will use hurricane Katrina to create religious revival in the area. Can religious revival go hand in hand with a more legitimized gambling economy? That is the question.

There is yet another question: is God's real name Allah? Did Allah send the hurricanes of recent years against the United States in retaliation for the US invasion of Iraq? A very good case could be made for that, and many Muslims all over the world are convinced of the proposition.

Could the recognition of this theory be the reason why Pat Robertson seems to suddenly have learned so much about global weather? I think so. I think that poor Pat has actually taken refuge in Science! What a laugh!

They say that, 'the last refuge of scoundrels is patriotism.' Maybe. But now 'Science' seems to have been added to that dubious list.

Assisted Suicide


Which brings us more or less naturally to the concept of 'assisted suicide.' It seems that the federal government is against suicide in general and assisted suicide in particular, and is testing the current Oregon law which allows doctors to prescribe lethal doses of medication to terminal patients. This is a very juicy subject.

On the one hand a physician is sworn to, 'First do no harm' and on the other hand to, 'alleviate suffering.' There seems to be an obvious conflict in the case of AS. But I think that the conflict is more apparent than real. There are obviously cases where not allowing a patient to end his or her life would be tandamount to inflicting torture, which would clearly be harmful to the patient. In other words a physician who allowed a terminal patient to suffer 'interminal' pain would be guilty of 'doing harm.'

So I tend to agree with the Oregon law.

A War of Ideas


And as usual I am not in the mood for revenge at this point. Maybe later. Maybe next week.

Concerning 'heads' it seems they found the heads of the Bali suicide bombers. One of my favorite national news programs showed a picture of one of them, and as I watched it I thought, 'Boy you sure do look dead!' It was at that point that I wrote the note on the back of an envelope. Later, as I thought about what I had seen, I wondered what the sucker had looked like before he blew himself up. Then I thought, 'What a great idea for a website! Before and after!' (boom)

Therefore I hereby propose such a website. That website should be devoted to displaying 'before and after' photographs of suicide bombers' faces (heads). In many cases (being gassed here... low dose of lung gas - 5 1) the heads can be found, I think. Those cases would be perfect candidates for such a web site. The viewer could either savor the change of expression on those faces, or deplore the unsavory taste of the web site depending on his (or her) personal political view. In any case, I think that such a web site would be extremely popular all over the world.

In those cases where a head was unavailable a patch of skull would do. Even a microscopic photograph of brain cells would work. The idea would be, 'See the contrast between the living and the dead, and enjoy the fact that you are still alive.'

Furthermore such a site would serve to debunk the idea that 'martrydom is glorious,' and instill the idea that 'martrydom is ugly and stupid.' Such a site would tend to piss off the Muslims no end, of course. But the ideas that piss you off tend to be remembered, and ultimately those ideas will often prevail (being gassed here).

A Pleasant Visit


Last week's beer/booze mixture worked so well that I'll do a repeat, more or less, tonight. There will be less to read, of course, but it should be more fun for all concerned.

Froze my butt off last night. It was one of those cases where I had the choice of remaining under 'relatively' warm covers or getting up in the frigid slipstream to add more. I finally decided in favor of more covers. Turned out to be a good idea.

The follow-up visit to Kaiser Permanente (thump) today was a pleasant change from the last two most recent visits. The folks at dermatology were as friendly and efficient as I remembered them, and the 'keratosis' was quickly dispatched by a shot of liquid nitrogen. They also treated a couple of other suspicious areas with the same stuff, and took a biopsey of one area.

There wasn't much of interest in the news today but I wrote some notes during previous nightly newscasts:

Dead Heads - before and after
assisted suicide - joy is the sutra
are floating casinos biblical?
Franklin Graham on hurricane Katrina
is God's real name, Allah?

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Revenge is Sweeter than Justice


The previous post will remain forever unavailable. The subject was Kootch's preference in alcohol vs mine. There was some historical information dating back to the late '70s in that regard. But the powers that be cut my connection for reasons known only to them. Okeydokey.

This brings us to circumcision. I have been avoiding this subject, mostly because I am not very fond of discussing the male member. It is not exactly one of my favorite themes. I have an absolutely perfect specimen which I have enjoyed immensely for more than seventy years, but dicks do not occupy a large part of my male consciousness. To me, my dick is a given.

But I consider the interruption of my connection to have been an act of Jewish Faggotry. I want revenge. And Revenge is Sweeter than Justice.

So in the spirit of revenge I will take up where I left off in, 'Circumcision: an American Health Fallacy' by Edward Wallerstein.