Friday, October 14, 2005

African Genesis


That was my initial take on Wallerstein and I still hold that view.

At this point I need to point out my 'progress' for tonight, boozewise: 5 3.2 Natural Lights and .4 ounces of Canadian Mist on an empty stomach (since about noon - all booze beginning around 5 pm). I am now working on another hit of booze which will leave me with one beer and about .4 ounces of whiskey. I am, of course, reluctant to get too drunk too soon (especially after reading last week's nonsense) and so I will probably do more beer than whiskey in the near future.

In other words I am buzzing my pretty little brains out. Back to my commentary:

The thing to remember, it seems to me, is that Wallerstein is a circumcised Jew. As a circumcate he can only speculate. Indeed, women and circumcates can only speculate concerning the physiological and psychological value of a 'sleeve' covering the glans penis. The sad fact is that most of these speculations have little value.

The sad fact is that Mother Nature, through Evolution, has fashioned a magnificant male sexual organ over millions of years which certain 'religious' and 'cultural' interests have, over the years, found it necessary to 'modify.' And the male is not the only victim in this regard. 'Female circumcision' is still practiced in remote areas of Africa. Female circumcision seems to be even more pernicious, especially when it involves the removal of the clitoris and the sewing-up of the vulva except for a small opening to allow the passage of vaginal fluids.

Both forms of circumcision seem to have originated in Africa.