Tonight's notes are, BTK(F), life and death, Today moonlights, Nova, UFOs and Aliens.
The first refers to a crude joke: BTK means, 'bind, torture, kill.' I have added the F in view of the fact that DNA from old semen is being used to identify the killer. The question naturally arises: What is the style this guy? FBTK? If so he is ungrateful at best. Or is it BFTK? These two styles are probably fairly common among women-killers. Or is our killer more kinky: BTFK? Yuck. The last possibility of course is, BTKF. Also yuck. This brings us to the point: which case in your mind is the yuckiest and why? Think about it as you watch the news avidly.
Life and Death is much in the news: Hunter S. Thompson recently blew his brains out; JPII seems to be on a virtual deathwatch; Terry Schiavo awaits the judge's decision... unknowingly.
In the case of HST, the latest is that he did it after a telephone conversation with his ex-wife. She says that after speaking with her on the phone he put down the phone and the next thing she heard (over the phone) was a gunshot. Yuck. Thompson's timing was obviously very bad, designed to inflict guilt on his ex. Yuck.
In the case of John Paul II, it is a case of Death approaching a reluctant victim who is fighting back against the inevitable. Everybody wants to go to Heaven but nobody wants to die, JPII included. Life is sweet at the top, bitter at the bottom.
'Today moonlights' was one of those nuggets I referred to: Ann Curry doing aerobatics; Matt Lauer collecting garbage; Al Roker dealing in Las Vegas, Katie Curic milking goats. Great stuff! I loved it! But I have to admit that my favorite piece was 'Ann Curry doing aerobatics.'
It happened that my vcr did not record that session because I had inadvertently left it on. Furthermore, the tivo was frozen when I tried to replay Today. But after a restart and some new batteries in the tivo remote I had the pleasure of seeing Ann Curry do an aileron roll, a loop, and a 'half Cuban Eight!' What fun! (At this point <1932l> the burning in my lungs indicated I was being gassed and I turned on the intake fans and left the room for a minute or two. Now that I have returned the only symptom of gassing is my runny nose. The vs is now running at 1/6 power. No other sign of more gas yet... I should mention there have been lots of wall booms as I write this and a stomp above my head just now <1942l>. Hmm. Could this be a case of vsdt-by-proxy?) Kootch was watching and/or listening to the Ann Curry segment while she was in the kitchen making lunch. Her comment was typical Kootch: 'She have rottsa guts.'
I did a lot of aerobatics back in the '69-70.' It was all self-taught. I would see, or read, or listen to somebody, then I would get up in the Citabria (usually 5087X) and do it. But Ann Curry is not a pilot! So I am in awe of Ann Curry, who did a loop, a roll, and a 'half Cuban Eight!' You Go Girl!