Friday, February 04, 2005

Another Short Interview With WHTZSNM


Max Schmeling died at age 99. He defeated Joe Lewis in their first (1936) encounter, but lost in the first round of their 1938 encounter. I wonder. I wonder whether Max Schmeling 'threw' that 1938 fight at a subconscious level, knowing what Hitler really was. I think so...

This ends my notes, and apparently I am now scheduled to do another interview with God. Good grief! You can imagine my consternation upon reading that I had volunteered for another such interview!

But my 'consternation' is really 'anticipation.' I dialed God on my cell phone and we quickly agreed to do the promised interview. Here it is:


ME: Thank You for showing up for this interview.
GD: Showing up?
ME: As I recall we left the previous interview somewhere in Limbo; I did not have the time to address the questions most at issue. May I present them now?
GD: You do as you wish.
ME: All modern scientific knowlege tells us that 'spontaneous abortion' is far more prevelant than 'intentional abortion.' Is this really true?
ME: Is it true?
GD: True.
ME: Is it true that between 30 and 50 percent of all human conceptions end up being aborted?
GD: True.
ME: Is it true that every one of these aborted fetuses had a soul?
GD: True.
ME: Is it true that they will all go to Limbo, there to stay forever and ever?
GD: True. Do you realize how extremely irritating you are?
ME: Yes.
GD: I trust that you have made your point, and that I can go now...
ME: Not so fast: It would seem to follow logically that you are the the most efficient abortionist in our Universe? Do You deny the charge?