Monday, December 06, 2004

We Meet Again


We meet again! I was wondering whether Denver's most famous faggot had the power to squelch this blog, and therefore I half expected to be going back to my familiar drog tonight. This is good news, because it indicates that the Blogger lawyers are at least equal to the task which this blog presents.

The gaseous result of the last entry was an increase in the gas attacks. The gas of choice is what I call, 'throat gas,' also known as, 'scratchy gas' and 'acid gas.' I think I have also detected a new gas, which symptoms are still unclear. The latest trend is to gas me with TG most of the time - indeed they gas me as I write this (boom).

I am drinking whiskey (Canadian Whiskey) as I write this. I mix this glorious whiskey with ice and Diet Pepsi. My favorite brand is - standby - Canadian Mist. At this point I want to mention that it is very unusual for them to gas me while I'm drunk.