My Attractive Little Perversion

Been neglecting Non Serviam for a while and, in fact, relegating it to a Nature Commentary. I predict that it will recover its former glory. But in the meantime I will favor you with photos of tree-struck lightening events along the Highline Canal. Enjoy:
The three trees depicted were all on the wet side of the Highline Canal Trail. They all obviously suffered the effects of being struck by lightening. Most people would pass them by (boom) not realizing their violent past. These three were among a group of seven that I noticed on a bike ride in the vicinity of the Southglenn Ice Arena at DeCovend Park.
By the way: DeCovend Park was (tap) my favorite spot (tap) pantspeeingwise: I would select what appeared to be (tap) a secluded area. I would lay out my blanket. I would lay down and read a book while I drank Diet Pepsi. Eventually I would have to pee. Instead of getting up and heading to the local public potty I would pee in my pants. What sensual fun! I loved it!
My pants would eventually dry out. They would dry much faster in hot temperatures of course, but a strong breeze was the best 'drying agent.' A hot windy day with low humidity was the perfect venue for covert pantspeeing in DeCovend Park.
I did my pantspeeing thing for a couple of summers (tap) before Gerash's agents began to inform me that they were fans of my private activity: they would enter my car parked in the Ice Arena parking lot (using their key). Then they would rotate the mirror clockwise to the stops. It was their way of informing me that they (boom) knew of my little perversion. They had obviously been watching me somehow and they wanted me to know it.
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