I just discovered (actually re-discovered) that if I publish a piece prematurely I cannot recall it. Once published it hangs out there in the blogosphere until I either delete it or modify it. This means that if I publish right from the beginning of a piece you will be able to sort of 'hang on my every word' by periodically refreshing this blog. Are you
that interested? Oh well... Forget it.
Which brings us to the subject of Acid in everyday life. What is the significance of this thing called, 'Acid?'
Acid is Revelation. For example, if you are a dumbass Christian waiting for Jesus to return tomorrow, then today is your lucky day. If you are afraid to die, if you wish to escape to the Promised Paradise even if only in the form of a phase transition, if you would prefer
not to rot in your grave until your resurrection, then today is your lucky day: You can actually go out into the world of drug dealers and buy yourself a hit of Acid. That hit of Acid will transport you to the place which Jesus himself called, 'The Kingdom of God.'
Do you believe that? Of course not (now listening to Mozart Piano Concerto #21). And my advice to you is to follow your non-belief:
Do not run to the nearest drug dealer and buy a hit of Acid.
Do not ingest illegal drugs of any kind. Do the rational thing instead: do the research. Use your glorious brain. You are familiar with the
VOOT, ad nausum. Time for you to become familiar with other stuff.