Friday, April 14, 2006

Interview With WHTZSNM


It seemed to me as I wrote the last entry that this could possibly be an auspicious time to call WHTZSNM, so I dialed 666 on the Brown Telephone:

gd: Don't tell Me: it's friday, right?
me: We call it 'Good Friday.'
gd: Good?
me: This is the day we celebrate Jesus' crucifiction.
gd: Fiction?
me: Cru-si-fic-tion. We must have a bad connection.
gd: Well it's your telephone, don't blame Me.
me: Are we on the same page here? I'm referring to Your Son Jesus. He died for our sins against You.
gd: You should have a son like Jesus. He's the best.
me: I have two daughters.
gd: You don't know what loyalty is until you have a son.
me: Be that as it may, I am calling to clarify some points concerning Your Son's crucifiction.
gd: Fire away.
me: why did You find it necessary to send Your Son down to Earth to be crucified?