Not much gas recently, and no 'lung gas' for at least a week.
I need to correct a slight screw-up: I reported that my opponent in the previous game contested the result instead of gracefully accepting defeat. Wrong. He gracefully accepted defeat. I got the game mixed up with another one where I also captured the opponent's king with my knight. Here is that game, played a month later. I have Black: 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 c5 4.d5 ed5 5.cd5 d6 6.Nc3 g6 7.e4 Bg7 8.Be2 O-O 9.O-O Re8 10.Qc2 Na6 11.Ba6 ba6 12.Nd2 Rb8 13.f3 a5 14.Nc4 Ba6 15.b3 a4 (White has used 15 minutes, Black 8.) 16.Rb1 ab3 17.ab3 Rb4 18.Ba3 Bc4 19.bc4 Nh5 (Setting a dubious trap. I was hoping for 20.Bb4 Bd4+ 21.Kh1?? Ng3+ with mate to follow soon.) 20.Ne2 a5 21.Bb2 Qb6 (times: 33,31) 22.Bg7 Ng7 23.Nc3 Rfb8 24.Nb5 Qd8 25.Ra1 Ra8 (45,45) 26.Ra3 f5 27.Rfa1 fe4 28.Qe4 Qf6 29.Ra5 Re8 30.Qd3 Rb2 31.Ra8 Qh4 32.Re8+ Ne8 33.Qe3 Kf8 (White has 25 minutes remaining, Black 23) 34.Re1 Qd8 35.Qc3 Rb5 36.Qh8+ Kf7 37.Qh7+ Ng7 38.cb5 Qg5 39.Qh3 Qd5 40.Qd7+ Kg8 (time: 5,9) 41.Qe7 c4 42.Qe4 Qb5 43.Rb1 Qc5+ 44.Kf1 c3 45.Qb4 Qe5 46.Qc4+ Kh7 47.Qe4 Qe4 48.fe4 Ne6 49.Rc1 Kg7 50.Kf2 Kf6 51.Ke3 Ke5 52.Rc3 Nc5 White has an easy win here but his time is running out. I stopped recording the game and we began to 'blitz' it. My notes read: 'Around move 60 I captured his king with my knight in blitz mode. He was PISSED!'
Stapled to the back of the score sheet is a newspaper clipping of the weekly chess column by Larry Evans, dated a week or so after this game was played. The title of the article was, 'Illegal move turns tables, wins game.'
(I began this at 18:18 and it is now two hours later, after a few breaks for supper and a little tv-watching