Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Fish Heaven

I think it was the last chess game we ever played, and as you can see, the fish played like a fish. He would later promote himself from 'fish' to 'King of the Courtroom' in a bizarre article in Chess Life.

The club moved to the new northern location in July of '93, sans fish. It was quite a comedown from the previous location: dark, distant, small... It was as if the club was being punished. And it was, in my opinion, being punished for my presence. I heard later that the fish had found refuge in the Aurora chess club, and was quoted as saying, 'Boy am I glad that Doh.... isn't here.' Although el fisho had bailed out of the DCC he maintained control (bonk) of the club, moving it twice, suddenly, on two occasions when I attempted to 're-enter' the DCC after having taken some time off.

The new location did have one (tap) advantage over the previous location: a cozy bar near the playing area. I never took advantage of the bar, since it would have been inadvisable to drink and then drive the long distance home. This may have come as a disappointment to the fish. I called the place, 'Fish Heaven II' (Fish Heaven I having been the previous location).

Then FH III appeared much closer to home. It was the club's 'blitz location.' Players would go there to play five minute chess on Friday nights, BYOB. I did enjoy that. It was the club prez himself who brought the first beer to those occasions.