Our moderator for this debate will be the universally trusted Tedious Coppelus (TC). We will begin without further ado:
TC: I will launch this debate with the challenge, 'Duck-billed Platypus.' Any comments?
SI: Whaa...?
MS: An egg-laying mammal from Australia.
TC: N:1; I:0.
TC: Next question: Anthrax?
SI: Avoid at all costs?
MS: A deadly natural disease fatal to most animals.
TC: N2; I0.
SI: I know that sucker: God's revenge against faggotry!
MS: Human Immune Virus.
TC: N3; I0.
TC: Plague?
SI: Rats?
MS: Disease born by fleas which lived on rats decimated Europe in the Middle Ages.
TC: N4; I0.
TC: Mis-carriage?
SI: Abortion! I know that!
MS: Premature birth resulting in the death of the fetus.
TC: N5; I0.
TC: Limbo.
SI: Is that a Biblical Place?
MS: The Eternal Abode of the Innocent Unbaptised.
TC: N6; I0.
TC: Taxes.
SI: God's revenge on the middle class?
MS: Our national respect for each other.
TC: N7; I0.
TC: Death.
SI: Obsolete, because Jesus is just around the corner. Halleluja!
MS: Inevitable.
TC: N8; I0.
TC: Letters From The Earth.
SI: What you write to your ancient ancestors in Heaven?
MS: A fantasy by Mark Twain.
TC: N9; I0.
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