Our Readers?

Shall we do another tree? This is yet another example of how Lightening Strikes seek out innocent trees along the Highline Canal. Does God have something against these trees? One wonders.
In an effort to arrive at the truth about such lightening strikes against trees I decided to favor WHTZSNM with a call: I picked up the Brown Telephone and dialed 666. God knows that I am the only living person who has His number. He must have debated whether to pick up the telephone. He eventually decided in the affirmative.
gd: Hello
me: Hi. I'm on a mission to understand what exactly it is that You have against the unfortunate trees along the Highline Canal.
gd: Highline Canal?
me: In Denver.
gd: Ah. Denver. I am getting very bad vibes from Denver.
me: We only want to know: Do You have something against the trees along the Highline Canal?
gd: Not exactly.
me: What, then?
gd: You seem to be the victim of a misapprehension: I don't bother with lightening.
me: Why not?
gd: I'm waaaaay too busy for that. I leave that to MN.
me: Mother Nature?
gd: Your characterization, not Mine.
me: Can you tell our readers what it is that keeps You so busy?
gd: Our readers?
God hung up at that point.
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