Katie Couric

And here is yet another tree, struck by lightening. If you enlarge the picture you will be able to see a woman walking her dog. The lightening scar will also become much more prominent.
I am here after having done a piece on 'scratchpad' and another piece on 'Enough...' and having imbibed a generous amount of alcohol. The resulting confusion suggested this temporary refuge. So here I am, for the time being. This is so embarrassing.
I seem to recall publishing a 'blogging points' post in the near past. If I remember correctly, 'Katie Couric' was at the top of the list. So herewith my blog blurb on Katie Couric:
Katie (this will certainly require another beer: standby) has long been a favorite of mine from The Today Show. She moved to CBS and now 'anchors' the CBS Evening News. Katie appears to be fully in charge of that enterprise, and has even directed that 'a new musicical (boom) theme' be adopted for the 'show.' I like it.
In my (not so humble) opinion Katie got off to a shaky start, but improved rapidly with age. I do not like her 'free speach' idea: I am already overly familiar with the various stupid opinions of my fellow man and hardly need to learn any more. Maybe you do, but I doubt it. I think you are as fed up with the stupid opinions of your 'fellow men' as I am. I would suggest to Katie that the various opinions of average idiots are not news. The vast percentage of 'free speech' is stupid speech. We tolerate it only because of the occasional glittering nuggets we find there. To Katie:
Katie, your new viewers are 'The Elite.' We are not the folks who admired your glorious antics on Today. Those folks loved your legs. They loved your laugh. They loved your good looks. They loved your quick and glorious intelligence. They still do. But The CBS Evening News is not exactly the venue for such antics. If you are going (stomp) to shine in this venue you need (much stomping from above as I wrote that) to focus on important information of value to Americans in particular and Mankind in general. Dumbass opinions from dumbasses won't cut it.
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