Saturday, October 23, 2004

People of the Lie

Pat Robertson is in the news recently because of an interview with Paula Zahn (sp) in which he said that, in an interview with the prez, he advised the prez to 'prepare the American People for the causulties which would result from a war in Iraq,' to which the prez replied that there would be no casualties in Iraq. The prez denies Pat's version of the meeting. Who are we to believe?

What we have here, folks, is a contest of liars. Both Bush and Robertson lie. Neither can be believed. I have been following both of these liars for years, and I can tell you that they are both compulsive liars. So are you.

You lie constantly. You lie to yourselves, your wives, your children, your brothers, your sisters, your mothers, your fathers, your neighbors... You lie. You lie as a Way of Life. You are 'a people of the lie.'

When Voltaire said that 'When the people undertake to reason, all is lost,' he must have had in mind the fact that the lie routinely undermines the geometry of sylogism.