Strangen Things Up
Me and George Carlin might even be affected by that result, although that is unlikely. But we will be very interested. Me and George Carlin will follow your collective folly with with 'bated breath on Election Day. I have no doubt that we will be hungover. Carlin might be both hungover and potted out. I suspect he will be both, while I will be only hungover. Other fellow travelers will be Tripped Out. I envy those folks who are in a position to do Acid (LSD) on the night of November Two. I envy them! I only hope for them that they have a little Pot to 'strangen things up' as November three dawns. I have done Acid at least twenty five times and I can tell you that there comes a time during an Acid trip when you can use a little Pot to Strangen Things Up.
You don't want to leave that glorious world. You recognize that your brain is effectively fighting off the drug effects and you are not quite ready to go along with Nature just yet and so you want to 'strangen things up' with a little Pot. So you smoke a bowl and you are reintroduced to astonishment for a little while more.
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