Old April Fool
When I first saw the article I laughed out loud: 'There is no old fool like old April fool!' And if you want to compare this particular article with others of the genre then I encourage you to do so. I think you will arrive at the same conclusion I did: el fisho bought that page with good money, from the good folks at Chess Life. I will quote the last paragraph for your edification:
"If I lose, it doesn't bother my ego. I know where my ego is; I know where my head is; and I know my role in society. At least I have a fight, at least it was daring."
I allowed my subscription to Chess Life to lapse after '98. But I have followed the major events in chess as they appeared in the News Media, including Kasparov's encounters with IBM. In recent years I have found refuge in video games. There are no human opponents with which I might interact on the chess board, and my computer opponents play an ethereal game on levels far above me. I have tried to play chess with online opponents but el fisho's control of the phone lines effectively squished that idea. So nowadays I play stuff like C-III, Ghost Recon, and Half Life.
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