Me and George Carlin
As you know I don't plan to vote in the upcoming elections because I am 'way past voting age.' Another reason is that I am totally ignorant of local (Colorado) politics. I don't watch the local evening news. I have no idea of what is going on in Colorado. I get a smattering of it from time to time as I change channels on my tv set but I don't follow it at all. So if I were to vote I would be reduced to voting a straight Democratic ticket out of sheer ignorance. That might not be bad.
My interest is 'big picture.' Details do not interest me. I focus on the largest possible issues. I only want to know the answers to the very largest questions: Is there a God? Do Heaven and Hell really exist? These are the kinds of questions which my emotional brain loves to consider. Small questions do not interest my emotional brain. And of course my cortex rushes to oblige! They know each other after all these years, and as my emotional brain proposes questions my cortex rushes to answer those questions. You should know that my cortex is only a tool. My Emotional Brain proposes and my cortex disposes. That is the way it is with me. My Emotional Brain asks the questions and my cortex answers. You should know furthermore that my Emotional Brain trusts my cortex absolutely, and that these two have arrived at this desired relationship only after many years of mutual scientific experimentation.
So we (both of us brains) found a kindred soul this week in George Carlin, who also does not plan to vote. Carlin has 'resigned' from the Eternal Politic. Me and George Carlin will not vote, But we will observe you while you vote. Furthermore we will be very interested in the result.
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