Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Full Faggot Indignation

I finally finished playing over my stash of chess games. The notes on the backs of the scoresheets suddenly disappeared around the middle of June, '95, although the games continued until November, '97. So I take it that I ran out of Ganja in the middle of June 1995. Lessee... that would indicate that that big bag of fluffy dried Ganja leaves from those three closet-grown plants lasted me about eight years. And I can tell by the writing that I wrote many of those score sheet commentaries not only drunk but wasted on Pot. Apparently, after I ran out of Ganja I lost interest in chess commentary. But my drog from those years, which is still on floppy disks, would tell us the real story. Maybe someday I will try to resurrect them. Hmm.

I must have dropped out of Denver chess near the end of '97. This fits with the theory that el fisho reentered Denver chess soon after. In any case, in the April 1998 issue of Chess Life el fisho suddenly appeared on page 65. Are you curious?

Do you have a slight curiosity about el fisho? If you do have such a curiosity then you should find a copy of page 65 of the April 1998 Chess Life. The article features a color photograph of the famous fish himself in full faggot indignation.