Carbon vs Silicon
Which brings us to 0940 pm. I am only half drunk, and my mind is open.
So shall we do a little more chess? Yess? Good Idea. I think that you and me can agree that chess is only interesting when it is conducted by biological machines (us). Chess played by Silicon Machines does not interest us. Silicon has yet to demonstrate emotion. On the other hand Carbon endlessly demonstrates emotion. Do you see that?
Life is nothing without emotion. Emotion is the essense of 'life.'
So I think that we can conclude that so far as we know, Carbon is the repository of Life.
If I can speculate further I would say that there are two basic elements in life: Carbon, which allows of Emotion, and Silicon, which allows of Logic. Not that Carbon does not allow of logic! Not at all. Carbon allows of both. But Silicon allows so far of only logic. And we know that for true life to exist there must be both logic and emotion. So we wonder about Silicon. Will Silicon eventually be shown to support Emotion? We wonder.
If I were a betting man I would bet that Silicon will eventually be shown to be the equal of Carbon. This is the kind of stuff I think about when I'm drunk.
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