Friday, June 09, 2006

Where is Zarqawi Now?


Zarqawi's death is the big news recently. They say that he was still alive when Iraqi police reached him and put him on a stretcher, but that he died suddenly soon after turning away and mumbling something. Everybody seems to be celebrating his death. So far so good. But where is he now? Where is Zarqawi now?

Media avoids the question. In an attempt to fill in that 'media blank' so to say, I got involved. I conjured up three interviews: (1) With a Christian; (2) with a Muslim, and (3) with an Atheist. Those interviews follow. If you want to know the range of opinion concerning where Zarqawi is now, at this very moment, then you must read what follows:


me: Where is zarqawi now?
ch: Burning in hell!


me: Where is Zarqawi now?
mu: Fucking his brains out in Paradise!


me: Where is Zarqawi now?
at: In the morgue.


So there you have it, folks. Remember, you got it here first.