Friday, December 23, 2005

True Religion


We all know what happened next: God devised a test whereby he could check up on the behavior of his new pets. The test involved the fruits of two forbidden trees and a tempter in the form of an alluring snake. The snake suggested to the woman that she could improve her understanding of her world if she 'ate of the fruit of the tree of knowlege.'

The woman rightly chose to extend her knowlege and so she ate the fruit. She then suggested to her mate that he also eat the fruit, which he did. One of the results was that they suddenly realized they were naked. This story is a myth and a metaphor, not an historical fact. The metaphorical aspect of this story was recently played out in the courts of Dover, PA as the question of Science vs Religion in the 'intelligent design' case. Ancient religions fear all forms of new knowlege. It is axiomatic that a 'religion' has much to fear from science unless that 'religion' is open to the kinds of revision which are the lifeblood of science.

The only 'true religion,' if there is such a thing, must embrace new knowlege.