Friday, December 02, 2005

Uncircumcised Dogs? Hardly


No more itch. The next subject is, 'Is America Safer Since the Invasion of Iraq?' I say, 'No.' I say that America is less safe. I say that the Idiot in the White House was flim-flamed by 'neo-cons' who understood far more about human psychology that the stupid president ever did. I say that America has suffered because of this dumb-ass president and will continue to suffer for three more years at least. I say that every candidate for president in the future should be made to take a test which will (a) determine his IQ, and (b) determine his KQ (Knowlege Quotient). I say that should a presidential candidate fail either test he should be ineligible to run. America can not - in the modern world - afford another stupid or ignorant president.

'Rods and Cones' refers to a neat article I saw recently which depicted the relative numbers of color sensors in the human retina. The number of sensors for the color blue were few. The number of sensors for the color green were also few, but slightly more than for the color blue. The vast majority of sensors were devoted to detecting the color red. Why? I conjectured that this effect was the product of evolution: the sky has been blue for a few billion years, and vegetation has been green for almost as long. But the color of blood is a relatively new development. And important! I conjectured that the relative frequency of color sensors in the human retina reflected the above facts. Prove me wrong if you can.

Lastly, there is the 'propaganda war.' It seems that our job in Iraq is to 'win the hearts and minds of the people' over there. Shades of Vietnam. WE, a Judeo-Christian nation are supposed to win the hearts and minds of a Muslim People? In the Middle East? Close to Israel and the Palestinians? Sheeeit. I wouldn't bet on it. The singlemost pleasing feature of American Servicemen over there in Iraq is their circumcision status. And that did not help the Jews.
And furthermore they still think we are all 'uncircumcised dogs!'