Friday, July 22, 2005

Omar Khayyam


Which fact only highlights my ignorance of the Muslim religion. Guess I'll have to do some more research. But I suspect that Muslim women do indeed eventually find their way to Paradise, and the question begs to be asked: what will they find there?

In my quest to discover some answers concerning the Muslim Paradise I consulted Lucifer again:

me: Are you familiar with the Muslim Paradise?
lu: Not very. What do you need to know?
me: Are there women there?
lu: Not many.
me: Why not many?
lu: Only virgins are allowed.
me: What about all the non-virgins?
lu: Non-virgins go to Hell.
me: That seems unbelievably vicious. Are you sure?
lu: Sure. But Hell is Hell: very comfortable. Those women are lucky.
me: I find this difficult to believe.
lu: May I refer you to a Muslim man in Heaven? Perhaps he can verify my view.
me: Sure. Who?
lu: Omar Khayyam.