Friday, June 24, 2005

Still in the Dark


What a fun session that was! I'd forgot most of it as usual, but as I read along, my memories of it returned. Apparently 'lost' memories can be recalled with a little help from their friends.

I've started a new blog after a disasterous week of being gassed. The address is rbdssobstory ( The intent is to document what is going on inside this bizarre stalking game. I'll write all of it on the weekdays and save Friday nights for this blog and Saturday and Sunday for hangover recovery. I haven't decided yet whether to link both ways.

My inclination is to allow god to rest for a while and recover something of His majesty. I'll give Him at least a week. Fair warning. But this leaves me with a short list. Hmm. Here it is:

Tom Cruise - Matt Lauer - Scientology
Billy Graham - saved
Cabala - very interesting 20-20 stuff - 72+2
Jack Kilbey

My initial impression was that Tom Cruise is a nut. The interview with Matt Lauer tended to confirm that impression. But I like Tom Cruise as an actor. Furthermore everybody is entitled to a certain amount of nuttiness. Even furthermore, Tom Cruise does not yet have the perspective which age sometimes confers. So I am willing to grant Tom Cruise a suspended impression, and look I forward to Monday's interview on Today. This leaves Scientology, a 'system' created by L. Ron Hubbard.

I know very little about it, so I looked it up in my Dictionary of Philosophy. The first thing I noticed there was that Scientology should not be confused with Scientism. The next thing I noticed was that the definition of both words made little sense. So I looked them up again in my old rat-eaten American Heritage Dictionary. No joy. Next was the MW Collegiate Dictionary #11. Still no joy. Both dictionarys listed Scientism. I liked their definitions and tended to agree with them at first, but soon I had second thoughts. This still leaves me in the dark about Scientology.

But my impression of Matt Lauer has brightened.