Saturday, June 18, 2005

Okey Dokey


Before I sign off tonight I want to record here that I watched 'Hannibal' off and on during the preceeding week and I was struck with 'Doctor Lecter's' habit of saying, 'Okey Dokey.'

I eventually realized that 'Okey Dokey' was uniquely 'Hollywood.' That is to say that I could not remember anybody saying it except for me and Hannibal Lecter. I probably utter the words, 'okey dokey' to myself (or Kootch) several times a week.

Therefore I came to the tentative conclusion that my little verbal habit had (boom) become 'immortalized' so to say in the movie. But clearly that is madness.

I will now release my poor tivo from the 'remembrance of Hannibal.'

As to, 'okey dokey,' I remain suitably sceptical in the approved psychological manner.