Saturday, October 09, 2004

Simmering Fish

I'm back. TGIS. This blog seems to be morphing into a public drog. It appears that the fish fry is over. Or perhaps this fish fry is now on simmer. Yes. That must be it. We have seared this fish on both sides and we have turned down the heat to simmer. Yep, that must be it. We are gonna slow-simmer this big fish in the background while we enjoy the evening.

In less metaphorical terms, I really don't like to remember the sad, senseless, stupid things that have happened to me and my family over the years because of the insane obsession of one old pathetic Jewish queer. I don't like to remember it, much less write about it.

As I write this I'm listening to Beethoven as usual, and it just occurred to me that maybe the problem is that I am attempting the impossible: writing about UGLY while listening to Beauty. I think that this must be part of the problem. Maybe I should put on some Rap. Rap goes well with the smell of frying fish. I wonder what Beethoven and Mozart would have thought of Rap.