An Interesting Meeting?
I showed up at the most recent (tuesday) HOA (Home Owner's Association) meeting expecting to defend myself (tap) against the bogus charges by an unknown 'resident.' I arrived at about 1900. Most of the people who eventually attended were already there. I was not looking forward to the occasion: I dislike 'meetings.' I also dislike 'public speaking.' Indeed, I have an actual fear of speaking in public, which often goes so far as to manifest itself when I talk to 'officials' such as police officials, for example. This particular fear began to manifest itself back in the days when I was still flying airplanes (tap) as a flight instructor: I developed such a fear of talking on the airplane radio that my voice was severely impaired when I attempted to do so. But that is another (though related) story.
So when I stood up to announce my reason for 'being there' (to answer the charge that we had been making unacceptable noise in our apartment), my poor voice was very strained compared to the other folks there who seemed to have no problem at all 'bloviating.'
Denise (TMMC) replied that the person who had made the charge had withdrawn said charge. She did not elaborate. A member of the HOA then volunteered that he 'was aware that TMMC and I were involved in some (phone line disconnected at that point) sort of dialog and that his advice to me was to 'cooperate.' He did not elaborate.
Relieved that I need not spend time there I then informed those present that, 'Well, it's been interesting but I have better things to do.' I then walked out. An old woman about my age followed me out. I turned around to her and said something like, 'I hate meetings.'
She seemed put off by my attention and so I walked home. I enjoyed the rest of the evening.
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