Friday, February 17, 2006



The local temperature at 1743 was exactly zero according to my outdoor thermomenter. This brings up an interesting subject: how am I able to keep a reasonable temperature inside our apartment under such conditions (tap)? Good question.

Simple, really. With all fans off, cold air invades the apartment via the lower fans while hot air escapes via the upper fans. The result is that there is a stratification which tends to freeze my butt off in spite of the furnace.

So I have come up with a balance: I keep the exhaust fans running in the living room (at low power) and I block the intake fans in my bedroom with a cardboard mask. The result is that cold air does not seep into the LR at all. What cold air seeps into the BR - and some cold air does - is offset by the Soleusair electric heater which is even now keeping my butt warm: Judeo-homo-devianity is foiled!