Friday, December 02, 2005

A Juicy Idea


There was a piece on the news about the 'redefinition of Limbo.' Seems JP-II commissioned a theological study of the problem of Limbo. Apparently Limbo is only a 'theological conjecture' and not a 'Teaching of the Church.' The conflict arises from Jesus' pronouncement that 'Unless a man be born again of water and the spirit he shall not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.' This is a very juicy idea. It seems to mean that 'the unbaptized' may not enter the Paradise to come but must exist elsewhere in the 'next life' (eheh). Apparently there was revulsion over the thought that unbaptized infants would be made to suffer in Hell for eternity for the 'sin' of having died somewhat prematurely. So Limbo was invented in order to 'get around' that unfortunate pronouncement by Jesus. I understand that Rome is still working on the idea.

I have no doubt at all of what Jesus really meant by his cryptic pronouncement concerning 'water and the spirit' and 'the Kingdom of Heaven:' Jesus was simply referring, in an offhand way, to his visit to Ephesus.